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My night.... great and bad


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Started off by getting to Roxy around I'd say 10:30 after dropping off SexxyH and dolik to hold down a spot on line. So walk up to the line with Legend38 and were told to go to the back of the line... not a big deal... i decide to go see if my promoter card would get me in easier, and me and larry go to the front, have a bouncer tell me flat out that they rnt doing the promoter line, so we go back to where we were online and are told to get to the back. We tell how we were just there, and the bouncer then has to embarass us and put us down in front of everybody... fuckin asshole.

Yeah so Trancend is totally drunk off his ass... most drunk I've ever seen anyone. He's pissing on ppl, so I decided to try my card again. And what do you know, I get put on the promoter line. :rolleyes: Let's get our shit together people geez.. Get inside complain to Bob, he takes care of shit.

Ok, so I get my CP Gold card which is silver. I get my ass slapped around by sex boarders, I slap some asses. Anthony Nero was off the rocker the whole night. Was in the booth with xtcgspot, ggfella, and my TAG TEAM CHAMPION PARTNER msoprano when Vicious came on. Then headed onto stage crew duties. ahaha Danced until my :dumblongsleevewearingass: couldnt stand it anymore. Had fun with the greatest girl, and all the other cp peeps.

I left Roxy at 6:15, goin to head over to Vinyl with Larry, lynne and her friend. Larry relays a msg to me wrong, so I then had to drive SexxyH home all the way by the GWB, then back to Vinly. Yeah so, Walking to my car after roxy, get to it... some fucker decided to play tee-ball with my Drivers side mirror!:mad: :bigfinger Yeah so Did I mention Quoth was tagging along for the ride across manhattan? The whole fuckin ride to Helens, and then to Vinyl, fuckin makin jokes about my fawkin mirror:mad: It's all good bro haha. We get lost kinda tryin to find Vinyl... I had never been there before. So we eventually find it... Get inside... Quoth or as larry would say "Koth," somehow gets us in for only $10 each. stayed about an hour, then bounced, but I will definitely be back to that spot. Siiiiick. That was only my second time hearing DT.

Anyway, on my hour and 20 min drive home, picked up some Crispy Cream donuts(YUM), and in the process of driving home, fell asleep at the wheel for like 5 seconds, 4 times! Scary shit. I am worn out. haven't gone to bed, cause as soon as I got home, I showered then went to the car dealer to order this new mirror.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as if I didn't have enough problems in my life. This rant is over now.


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Originally posted by roninmess

We get lost kinda tryin to find Vinyl... I had never been there before.

I got lost both times i ever went there.....first night was the worst...coming from jersey, when you get off the Holland tunnel the club is RIGHT there...we looped the surrounding blocks for at least 45 min before getting a cabbie to lead us there :rolleyes:

then again, it is kind of in the middle of nowhere, and there arent any signs or anything......


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i never park my car in a garage, but sorry that happened to you bro.

if it makes you feel better the coat check people lost my keys when i left them in my jacket and i had to go back to roxy (which wasl ike 6 blocks away from my car) when I realized I didn't have them. anyway sorry i didn't say what's up when i saw you. you were always macking and i didn't wanna get in the way of your shit :)

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Hear to many stories and had my car towed so I always leave my car in a garage sorry my baby is just worth it... Not saying yours is of course.. Robin fuck the bouncer it was funny, but the only people he degraded you in front of was Cp peeps and we have nothing but luv fo you... So dont even sweat it. Fuck him.. You know if you was his size you would knock him a good one for saying that. Hes just a muscle bound grotesque who gets paid to look like that ::D

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sorry to hear about your car bro. and the shit the bouncers did on the line is pretty fucked up too...but cmon admit it.....it was all worth it, Roxy's party is off da hook. nice chillin with you and Larry, thanx again for the ride.

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seems like you went through a lot of shit just trying to get over to Vinyl to hear DT for only an hour.... never heard him spin, but ive been to Vinyl a bunch of times.... you gotta go back bro... that place is the siickest club... i know if i got my F@ckin mirror batted off i wouldve driven home so fast and been so angry... mad props for going to the club after that happening.

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Originally posted by aphelion

Vinyl is hell to find. We got out of Roxy at 5, got into Vinyl at 6:30. In that hour and a half we visited Brooklyn, ground zero, Chinatown, Little Italy, and Battery Park.



Its so easy once you know though........but I have fallen victim to driving around a ten block radius around that place and never seeing Hubert street.

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: sorry man....but hope u do get that shit fixed....oh and um...try not driving so close to cars near the curb or will have a matched set. ::damnicouldntresist:: :tongue:

Remind me to smack you when I see you next.

Originally posted by godfatherbam

:laugh: :laugh: hahahhaha....oh.....i mean im sorry...lol

Remind me to smack you too.

Originally posted by trancerxn112

wow thats fucked up sorry bro... lol thatll teach you to park your car in the garage man... $10!!! how much will your mirror cost you at least $200...!!!

Went to the dealership today when I got home.... $110 plus install fees. :(

Originally posted by magilicuti

anyway sorry i didn't say what's up when i saw you. you were always macking and i didn't wanna get in the way of your shit :)

You know how I do..:laugh:

Originally posted by dolik

sorry to hear about your car bro. and the shit the bouncers did on the line is pretty fucked up too...but cmon admit it.....it was all worth it, Roxy's party is off da hook. nice chillin with you and Larry, thanx again for the ride.

No doubt.

Originally posted by spikesnj

Roninmess.....Yo nice to meet you bro....

You too man

Originally posted by linabina

awwww... i felt so bad about ur mirror when u told me. but im happy u had fun ;)

You made me forget about all my problems last night, and from this week. Thank you for a great night.:)

Originally posted by jbocc10

seems like you went through a lot of shit just trying to get over to Vinyl to hear DT for only an hour.... never heard him spin, but ive been to Vinyl a bunch of times.... you gotta go back bro... that place is the siickest club... i know if i got my F@ckin mirror batted off i wouldve driven home so fast and been so angry... mad props for going to the club after that happening.

Oh I'll be back there for sure...DT is awsome, I first heard him at Factory on TurkeyDay eve. Then last night for only the second time. Yeah I left only after an hour cause I was crazy tired and my boy had to work today.

Thats enough quoting... blaze and doubtness, I'll be back in action for stage crew duties this week, but this time dressed for battle. Tank top or Tee shirt.

*sigh* what a night.

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~~~roooooobbbbbbbb!!!! u r the best im joining ur fan club!!:tongue: thank u for both of the rides even tho the 2nd one was out of the way........ once again ur the best...

on a different note: nice meeting everyone qouth, trancerxn112, rdancer, linabina, reginap, scooby, cottoncandydream, the mafia ppl:tongue: i think there was more so if i forgot anyone im really sorry!!! had a good nite.....too bad i wasn't at my full potential well there is always next friday especially since its free!! gold(platinum) card!!!!!!!! see u all next friday:D

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~roooooobbbbbbbb!!!! u r the best im joining ur fan club!!:tongue: thank u for both of the rides even tho the 2nd one was out of the way........ once again ur the best...

on a different note: nice meeting everyone qouth, trancerxn112, rdancer, linabina, reginap, scooby, cottoncandydream, the mafia ppl:tongue: i think there was more so if i forgot anyone im really sorry!!! had a good nite.....too bad i wasn't at my full potential well there is always next friday especially since its free!! gold(platinum) card!!!!!!!! see u all next friday:D

Hey babe, it's all good. I don't mind helpin out friends.:)

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I am so sorry for what happend to your car. What stupid drunk pricks could have down that.. I wish I could find them and do this to their car :biggun: I am so glad you came out to vinyl. Too bad you adn larry couldnt stay longer. BTW, Larry sorry if you thought something was up. I was just in a different state of mind.

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Me GGfella, Doubtness, and TranceRxn112 were having this amazing discussion about How we only park our cars in Garages, worth the 10$ to know your car is safer than it would be on the street. The only thing that has ever happened in a Garage is someone stole my CD, idiots didnt know it was an mp3 cd... Imagine their suprise when they put it inside the CD player and it dont work. HAHA:laugh:

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