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Just the facts CP.. from VIP

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This is Donny from VIP , those that know me Hi... Those that hate me, one question... you never met me or had the chance to talk to me right??... right...

For the last two years we have been attacked both in business and personally by lainie and today I am going to tell you why she has taken up this cause.

These are not my assumptions but actually her words as told to many.

I am not here to attack her or retaliate for the way she speaks about us to anyone that will listen..I dont believe calling someone names is the proper way to get a point across. To me facts always made a much better arguement! I just want you all to know why and where this all came from..

1. This goes back to a meeting at Exit between Lainie , Tina and myself , we had a meeting about a magazine we were trying to get sponsorship for. Lainie suggested we do some bookings for acts through her and when we declined; things were never right after that.. She said that we should do what she says, she knows this business and if we didn't listen to her we would be out of business real soon. Now being a fair person I will say that our magazine didn't get sponsorship , however I doubt it had much to do with listening to lainie or not..VIP website continued to do well..

Sometime past uneventfully.

2. In May of 2001 we started our message board and invited some CP people through private message to post on VIP as well. Some did, some didn't..Keep in mind at the time I was not friends with Dave but we have become friends since then. Lainie who did not work for CP at the time took it upon herself to attack us for this method.. Now we all know that Lainie as well as many other person in our business has thrown parties where flyers were handed outside of competing clubs. Is that much different?? No ..

3. in July of 2001 we threw a party with a playmate ( pretty sure we were not the first to do this)

on one flyer we put "finally a party thrown by a woman"

Once again we were attacked by Lainie.. perhaps we should burn in hell next to those who put "best Saturday night" or "greatest ladies night" etc... on their flyers

The question is do we deserve the personal hatred and verbal attacks she directs towards us because of this... keep in mind none of this was done personally to her and none of what we did was in extremely bad taste. Matter of fact none of it happened while she worked at CP...We are not bad people just excited about what we had to offer people and nightlife... it may have been wrong on some level and we do admit that but not to the level she took it...

For the record Dave is one of the most intelligent, honest and hard working men in this business. You guys have made a great choice choosing CP based on Daves involvement alone. I myself had much different feelings about CP until Dave retook the reigns... Those who know me , yes I do know this is below me.

Those who dont , please dont base your opinion of us on what people tell you.. and that goes for anyone... some of my best friends are people I didnt like before knowing them. You may find that true in your experience as well...

Don Garzino

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but does that give everybody the right to bash her at will? It makes VIP and the peeps that post and own the board look bad. Just Ragga's opinion.

Lots of peeps in here (including myself) don't know what happened in the past (most don't even care), and when she's attacked by folks who rarely post here and CPers are called "ass kissers" for backing her up - that's just not cool in my book. And I do hope she tells her side of the story.

BTW - I do like the Sports forum over there!

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Donny, great points hun. I know I shouldn't take sides either, but perhaps I did by my post. I hope that all works between both parties....It is pure nonsense that this goes on, but maybe this is the way it is in industry. :confused:

As for your other question on VIP, did you get permission?:tongue:;) hehe j/k hun...

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We personally as well as professionally do not condone the "bashing". But unfortunately we are the ones normally on the receiving end from "her" verbal attacks publicly and privately. The members you speak of are not solely VIP members they belong to the "messageboard community" as a whole. As we may not agree with their tactics we are in no position to limit what people can and cannot say.

Glad you like the sports forum..


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Seriously, I feel this VIP vs. CP started solely on the premis of your discontent towards each other.....

Whatever happens between the two of you is none of mine nor anyone else's business and should remain between the two of you or however many other parties are involved. I met you briefly, thought you were cool. I met Lanie a couple times, thought she was cool.

I'm leaving it at that.

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I would just like to say that going public with this private message before I had a chance to respond to your personal emails to me about it, was a slap in the face to me. While I could never condone the content of this particular private message exchange, your questionable methods of intentionally causing drama by posting this have left me with my hands tied in many ways.

We have had issues in the past and I have resolved them to what I felt was an amicable understanding between us. I am 100% confident that you could not point to one single negative "public" post from Lainie regarding your site since our last exchange some time ago. I told you I would take care of it and I did. I understand there may be other issues, but I would appreciate the chance to respond privately before the proverbial "dirty laundry" is aired. That just brings down the quality of the entire nightlife community, as has already been stated by numerous members.

I have met you and Tina and, as people, I have always had respect for both of you. Yet, we are competitors in many arenas and that will not change. Let me suffice it to say to people that there are other underlying issues here, which I will not address in a public forum. I can say that I have been extremely happy with Lainie's performance in many areas, as have countless other members of Clubplanet. She has helped to expand and bring together many in the Clubplanet community. When there is a problem we discuss it privately and figure out the best solution.

For the rest of you, criticize Lainie on the issues at hand and avoid demeaning personal insults on physical traits that do nothing but make you look ignorant. Any irrelevant personal attacks will be deleted by me as soon as I am made aware of them.

I do not plan to comment on this issue any further in a public forum. My office phone number is 212.712.0708, if any of you feel the need to discuss it further.

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Originally posted by DaVe

For the rest of you, criticize Lainie on the issues at hand and avoid demeaning personal insults on physical traits that do nothing but make you look ignorant. Any irrelevant personal attacks will be deleted by me as soon as I am made aware of them.

Dave there was a post on here earlier in which I questioned a member, who said we all need to respect Lainie, why this was so.......I'm not sure if it was deleted due to my reply or there was something else but I said nothing personal in it........just wondering if that fell under what you explain above because there was nothing insulting about it.......just wondering and I can't find the thread.

also, does this deletion of personal attacks go for all members or only for the "protection" of Lainie........because if it does, there isn't gonna be much of a drama board anymore.......it's your call of course but I think you should be fair about it.

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Originally posted by spragga25

but does that give everybody the right to bash her at will? It makes VIP and the peeps that post and own the board look bad. Just Ragga's opinion.

Lots of peeps in here (including myself) don't know what happened in the past (most don't even care), and when she's attacked by folks who rarely post here and CPers are called "ass kissers" for backing her up - that's just not cool in my book. And I do hope she tells her side of the story.

i agree with Dave that such personal issues should be taken care of privately, but under the circumstances that Donny has seen a lot of bullshit that would reveal some fact about Lainie and her course of business, it is entirely justified in my eyes that he let innocent party/board patrons aware

Dave may be making efforts to maintain an upstanding reputation, but he also chooses to associate his good business rep with a bad one, and despite the fact he claims to not like some of Lainie's actions, he does not appear to be effective in restricting them

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I happen to know and like all the parties involved in this, VIP and CP side. And while I don't post on VIP much, i do attend their parties and have always been treated very nicely by Donny, Tina and the rest.

Laine has also been a good friend to me, and while i don't agree with how she may respond to others, I know she works extremely hard for CP with the best intentions.

DaVe - i have the utmost respect for u'r response. I watched this whole thing from the sidelines and while i was surprised and appalled by the contents of the AIM that was posted on VIP, I was more surprised that people would want to air this in public. I agree that the thread with all the personal attacks on VIP, many made by friends of Donny, Tina and Pete S, makes it difficult to regard the VIP point of view as objective in this matter. Further, their not respecting DaVe's right to respond in private also demeans their position (which may be completely justified). CP members have also made similar mistakes in the past, and frankly it just makes me not want to read the boards....

Folks: please don't air stuff in public that is personal in nature. "Respect is given to those that return it."

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Originally posted by DaVe

I would just like to say that going public with this private message before I had a chance to respond to your personal emails to me about it, was a slap in the face to me. While I could never condone the content of this particular private message exchange, your questionable methods of intentionally causing drama by posting this have left me with my hands tied in many ways.

We have had issues in the past and I have resolved them to what I felt was an amicable understanding between us. I am 100% confident that you could not point to one single negative "public" post from Lainie regarding your site since our last exchange some time ago. I told you I would take care of it and I did. I understand there may be other issues, but I would appreciate the chance to respond privately before the proverbial "dirty laundry" is aired. That just brings down the quality of the entire nightlife community, as has already been stated by numerous members.

I have met you and Tina and, as people, I have always had respect for both of you. Yet, we are competitors in many arenas and that will not change. Let me suffice it to say to people that there are other underlying issues here, which I will not address in a public forum. I can say that I have been extremely happy with Lainie's performance in many areas, as have countless other members of Clubplanet. She has helped to expand and bring together many in the Clubplanet community. When there is a problem we discuss it privately and figure out the best solution.

For the rest of you, criticize Lainie on the issues at hand and avoid demeaning personal insults on physical traits that do nothing but make you look ignorant. Any irrelevant personal attacks will be deleted by me as soon as I am made aware of them.

I do not plan to comment on this issue any further in a public forum. My office phone number is 212.712.0708, if any of you feel the need to discuss it further.

The question at hands seems to be over bashing her. I haven't been introduced to Laine however I have heard many negative things about her. The thing that Dave always seems to come back to is there are a lot of behind the scenes things that members aren't aware of. That's fine and dandy, but if the things that the members are aware of are of a purely negative nature then how does one expect people to respond. Of course on the drama board people are going to attack her for this that and the other things, and attacks will come in all forms. I'm not a fan of censorship and of course it's Dave's board and he can do what he wants with it, however, it would seem to me deleteing posts over someone attacking someone else on a drama board is just plain out negative.

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Originally posted by rfkfreak

The question at hands seems to be over bashing her. I haven't been introduced to Laine however I have heard many negative things about her. The thing that Dave always seems to come back to is there are a lot of behind the scenes things that members aren't aware of. That's fine and dandy, but if the things that the members are aware of are of a purely negative nature then how does one expect people to respond. Of course on the drama board people are going to attack her for this that and the other things, and attacks will come in all forms. I'm not a fan of censorship and of course it's Dave's board and he can do what he wants with it, however, it would seem to me deleteing posts over someone attacking someone else on a drama board is just plain out negative.

If you are so interested in stopping the negativity then why do you try to undermine ever action taken trying to stop the drama on this entire board? Every time I see one of your posts you are Lauding the people who decided to be negative.. I find it Funny that you and others find nothing wrong with the Ridiculous amount of Slander that has gone on in the past week... and you think that Defaming someones charachter is OK?

What If I made up shit about your past? What If I Edited IM converstations to make you look Bad To a whole comunity of people who really have no business knowing what ever is going on? What if I you were constantly peppered by insults from people so full with cowardice they have to do it from behind a screen name and cant even do it to your face? What then ? what if it was you?

If It was you I would be doing the same thing telling you and the people attacking you to handle it privately and stop trying to hurt your feelings regardless of what "horrible" actions you had taken against them in the past...

And the matter of Censorship and free speach I dont see anywhere in the constitution where it says free speach is protected on Privately owned message boards.. Dave is the Proprietor he can Delete posts, threads, hell he can delete you and there would be nothign wrong with that so stop whining..

if you are out to cause trouble then I think you should get your whole account deleted.. maybe then you would grow the stones to insult someone face to face...

And once again I dont care how it started I dont care about either side of the story Lainie or Donny... what I care about is the behavior. In fact if you look Donnie has done very little except for perpetuating the Idea that other people ripping Lainie apart for him is ok which, Im sorry bro, is just weak.... I haven't seen you post once that you think the fucking around with lainie should stop.. which IMO is just as bad as giving these cowards the ammo..

Im not attacking anyone but I am attacking your methods and behavior... if I have confused anyone please come take it up with me and I would enjoy talking about it face to face the way problems shoudl be handled .. Ill be at roxy till 4 and vinyl till 10 come find me It aint hard..... I encourage you too

Most respectfully


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Originally posted by barvybe

DaVe - i have the utmost respect for u'r response. I watched this whole thing from the sidelines and while i was surprised and appalled by the contents of the AIM that was posted on VIP, I was more surprised that people would want to air this in public. I agree that the thread with all the personal attacks on VIP, many made by friends of Donny, Tina and Pete S, makes it difficult to regard the VIP point of view as objective in this matter.

I also happen to remember DaVe standing up at offering a toast to those of us who came back full force to make a stand and reinforce a point, saying (It was, what, 2 years ago now? I can't remember the words exactly, but it went something like this...) "This company started as my fun time in my dorm room. I couldn't have gotten this far without you, I love what each and every one of you posts every day. Thank you for being here, watching ClubPlanet grow from ClubNYC and as we move into the future, remember, we're only getting better. I like hearing from you guys on what we can do better, and believe me, since you're the people who make ClubPlanet great, we're going to keep taking your advice so this board can only get bigger and stronger! Now let's eat. Oh, and where's everyone going after this?"

So we voice our opinions, share our thoughts... see no response... we get a little harsher... and we get feedback and response. Good to see DaVe is taking steps to be a man of his word, as we all believe him to be. Sad that it took so much pressure, though...

Originally posted by barvybe

Further, their not respecting DaVe's right to respond in private also demeans their position (which may be completely justified). CP members have also made similar mistakes in the past, and frankly it just makes me not want to read the boards....

Folks: please don't air stuff in public that is personal in nature. "Respect is given to those that return it."

In the investment racket, we use the term "prompt" or "promptly" to describe the timing of responses and filings... when in business, I used the same yardstick for responding to shippers and customers. I don't know the timeframe in this instance, but I would certainly hope that promptness was a factor in responding. Unfortunately, for many of us, responses have been less than prompt, if not downright nonexistant.

As you say, respect is given those that return it. If respect is given, and not returned, as in the case of the IM that was dared to be posted, then later posted, where can one take issue with any degree of animosity felt on certain sides of the debate at hand?


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