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Howells@Opium last night


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Once again thanks to Mimi and Danny. We had a great time. CP showed up in a mass. Danny went all disco on us and played some really great house music the entire night. His last tune was Moby - Go (???? mix) which was a great way to end the night. We then again went to Denny's without Howells this time.Going to go see stryke @ Lumonics today .. you guys are welcome to come :). Full on Techno from Greg.

Clubplanet really knows how to party.

Ramon C.

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He ended at like 4:45am .. he played from like 12 - 5 pretty much and Ariel Baund (Inversus/Nem Records) opened up and was quite good to tell you the truth. Danny was very good and I hope you have fun at Casselle & Howells @ vinyl today. I expect a full review tommorow. I wonder what kind of tricks they will have up their sleeves. Should be the best set you might hear this year.

Deep down in Miami,

Ramon C.

Roll on march!

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He had a really good set. Started off with some disco-y house, lotsa piano riffs and the like...got to a good cruise, and finished the night around 5.

I had a great time overall :) Dade was nice enough to get us all in, it surely made the night more enjoyable.

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First of all, a big fat thanks goes out to Dade for the hookup.

Now, a brief review from my point of view:

The night began in much the same fashion as usual. A little meetup at the door @ around 11 pm or so. Though a bit aggravated to see that the supposed dress code wasn't being enforced. Had I known, jeans and a t-shirt would have been the order for the evening. Especially since it's an outdoorsy type venue. Now I had been there before, only that it was during a WMCparty and pretty much anything goes then. And yesterday I was warned about the door policy there ,which reflected most closed minded Miami mentalities. Apparently the ones who told me were wrong.

That aside, once inside, I was again captivated by the decor. The whole Chinese pagoda thing is quite slick.

As the crowd slowly filtered in I realized that the night had great potencial. Nice venue plus smart crowd and slamming Dj can only equal good things. Unfortunately my expectations far exceeded the reality of the situation.

For one, the crowd seemed like they still had a lot of growing up to do. I could inmediately sense hostility in that place. The more people showed up the more I felt like I was riding a bumper car at the fair. Pushing and shoving appears to be an Opium passtime. Forget the "I'm Sorry" or "excuse me's". Nothing kills a mood more than WWF wresling in a club.

Ariel helped me to ignore the rough and tumble crowd with his set. The boy is quite good on the decks. Apart from the fact that he's also a cool cat when you chat with him. Mad props to AB.

Then at about 1am DH took to the decks after much anticipation. His opener was outstanding. Immediately I thought if this is how he opens, the rest of his set will be rockin'. At the risk of being blasphemus, it wasn't. I won't say that it all went downhill from there. It had it's up's and down's.

The problem ,in my opinion, is that he didn't know if he was coming or going. A little trance here at little prog there and a lot of skipping and bumping along the way. Don't get me wrong, I know he knows how to throw down. He just didn't for us. Somehow I wan't to believe that he read the crowd and thought to himself: latinos in Miami like bangy and clangy aerobics music.

I did hang out with him in the Dj booth for a while and to his defense I must say there is no friendlier Dj than DH in the business. He really has fun interacting with the crowd also. I would see him spin again if given the chance, because I know that next time he'll be more with it.

The sad thing is that I really had no problem with leaving early. Those of you who know me usually watch me get pulled out of the club by my hair. Not this time, it was purely out of free will.

So, the frotage crowd and the DH bump and grind session collaborated to make my evening a 5 out of 10.

To all the CP people that represented. Much Love as always.

(Let's do an out of the club event again!!!)

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it was hit and miss w/me. personally, i thought he played a bit too hard at times and a bit trancey at times. totally what i was not expecting...or wanting to hear.

crowd wasn't really an issue w/me, but i would have prefered another club. i thought his set @ shadow last year was better imo. even though the sound sucked.

a big thanx to dade for gettin us all in.

julius papp next w/e - my bday!!!

great seein all the cp heads reprezent!

and chris...an out of club session is a must!

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Thanks again to Dade for the guestlist!

I must agree w/ Chris and Frank on Fri. night. The opening DJ was good, he knew what an opening set is like, unlike the last DH opener. Anyhow, Howells started off real nice and housey but then he just changed to trance and progressive, hey I like all of those genres, but it seems to me that danny was in a banging mood. Once the dancefloor got packed most of us went up to the dj booth where it felt like a mini-conference of sorts but oddly enough I wasn't feeling the music for the remainer of the night...

btw, we had cameo appearances by Jimmy V M and Luis Diaz.

Found out that f/ wmc we'll be having Sasha and Diggers play at the Miami Arena... :(

Frank: That track w/ the Madonna "Everybody" sample was indeed SWEET!!!

I bet the NYC crowd was spoiled silly last night at Viynl

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Howdie guys,

I had a great time meeting the rest of the CP peeps.. you guys are crazy....:tongue:

The club was cool, the dance floor was packed, me and Manny were trashed, and we danced all night. So that's a good thing.. All though we left for a bit, we came back and still had fun.

So thanks to all and see ya soon!


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This was my first time seeing Danny and I thought he was quite good .. he mixed it up alot and played alot of funky discoy and tons of slates.

Tracks that I remember.

Octave One feat Anne Saunderson - Black water (??? DH edit?) (slate)

Pete Heller - Future Child (Junior) (the one that said .. in teh future child .. in the future) (out soon)

The Path feat Marcel - Praying (Junior)

??? - Disastrous Disco (the one with the cheeky silence vocal)

Moby - Go (?? remix) (his ender)

Lots of thanks to the CP people for hooking me up Mimi and Danny .. :)

I'm sure the people @ Vinyl were spoiled Casselle and Howells .. I saw them apart but I could only imagine what it wouldve been to see them together. Hopefully WMC will have something in store for us. Atleast we'll have another chance to catch Casselle who was great for those of you who couldn't make it to Liquid.

Julius Papp next weekend hehe the whole vicious work cycle begins

It was really great meeting you all and hanging out with you all 2 nights in a row.

See you next weekend.

Ramon C.

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I'd like to extend a big thanks to Dade for the great hospitality, greatly appreciated.

Your welcome Ramon :) .. You could actually thank Dade for that

As for Howells set? I thought it was a good set but it wasn't better than his Shadow Lounge set a few months back. It was a bit full on and wasn't what I thought I was going to hear. I liked the house that he played and I like some of the progressive that he dropped down but there were a few tracks in his set that were rather questionable. Overall I thought he set was good but could have been better. Ariel Baund did a great warm up set opening up for Howells, defenitely top notch.

The chinese motif was slick but the lighting could have been alot dimmer. The crowd was your typical superficial "see and be seen" crowd. They were kind of restless moving around from place to place and I thought at times that they weren't understanding the muzik. oh well. I had a great time anyways.

Nice meeting Flygirl and djdeken, super kewl peeps.

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Firstly major props to Dade for his hospitality. Ariel Baund I must say; I was pleasantly surprised by his opening set. As far as Danny Howells set, I actually enjoyed his set. He played several types of music, progressive house, classic disco (donna summer/ I feel love stands out), trance, etc. Adding the element of live percussion was a very nice touch. He was all over the place with his set; which shows his true diversity as a dj. I stayed until the end with joeygk, and djdeken. We were all equally impressed with his set. As far as the crowd, it was quite an interesting mix of people. you had older folks; mixed in with a younger crowd. The vibe was even better later in evening, when the dancefloor was packed with people going off and Danny interacting with the crowd. Last time I saw Danny was at WMC. I thought his performance at Opium, was of equal par with that performance. I look forward to seeing him again soon.

To the cp crew it was nice seeing everyone. Until next time peace..

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Originally posted by sobeton

Firstly major props to Dade for his hospitality. Ariel Baund I must say; I was pleasantly surprised by his opening set. As far as Danny Howells set, I actually enjoyed his set. He played several types of music, progressive house, classic disco (donna summer/ I feel love stands out), trance, etc. Adding the element of live percussion was a very nice touch. He was all over the place with his set; which shows his true diversity as a dj. I stayed until the end with joeygk, and djdeken. We were all equally impressed with his set. As far as the crowd, it was quite an interesting mix of people. you had older folks; mixed in with a younger crowd. The vibe was even better later in evening, when the dancefloor was packed with people going off and Danny interacting with the crowd. Last time I saw Danny was at WMC. I thought his performance at Opium, was of equal par with that performance. I look forward to seeing him again soon.

To the cp crew it was nice seeing everyone. Until next time peace..

Yeah- what he said! I had a great time no complaints..........

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Had a good time at OG last Friday too. Nice seeing familiar faces from the CP family. You guys are always mad cool.

I had too many screwdrivers hehehehehehe but could see that many attendees didn't understand or follow Danny's set.

Last night's party was superior to Howell's; DHM was off da hook.

I am telling you, these guys should be playing in the patio at Space, i am sure they would be a huge hit, but then the crowd at Space and their parties is totally different. The people that attend the DHM parties are truly music lovers.

It was nice seeing Marcos and also Pod, making an appearance.

Also, felt like a kid caught stealing candy when Flygrl saw me there. heheheheheheh after telling her i would take the night off



see ya guys later at Nikki's if anyone goes.


Lalo :D :D

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chris... i couldn't have said it better myself. i enjoyed the first half hour of howell's set. my expectations were high, so i was pretty disappointed.

lalo... ascension last night was for sure better than friday. i still cannot believe how lucky we are to have dhm as residents. the crowd, the venue, the music... everything so surreal relative to miami.

dade... once again, thank you for hooking us up. and props to you guys at opium... you've been booking the best lately (julius papp next saturday... WOW!)

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First I want to thank Dade for hooking it up at the door! MUAH!!!!

I want to thank Dade, again, for even thinking to bring Howells to Miami again. Good Thinking! :D

I, however, have to agree with Chris, Frank, Lorain, Danny and Marcos on DH's set. It was very hit/miss for the most part. He opened up BEAUTIFULLY and threw some GREAT tracks in here and there but there were many "questionable" tracks (to quote Danny). I had fun, though. . . and. . . I GOT MY PICTURE! :bounce: Those of you who know me know exactly what I'm talking about.

Lolahotass> It was nice meeting you! :)

The rest of you guys> MUAH!!!! :heart:

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tony humphries!! my god, talk about a club changing its direction 180 degrees! you guys have really impressed me... if anybody can do some crowd educating in miami, that would be opium since you already have the right crowd that needs it! anyway, talk about amazing line ups.

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Once again....I was super happy to see all you guys again!!!:D

I think this was one of the biggest cp meetups yet!!!:eek:

I gotta agree with most of ya that Howells set was better towards the beginning. I was really feelin' that first track he played.....It was AWESOME!!!!

Ummmm.......as you all saw I still managed to keep myself moving....when I get started I just can't stop dancing.....lol....:laugh:

btw....I think Danny Howells is a SUPER KEWL KAT...he's probably one of the coolest DJs I've ever met!!!!

Treepwood~~ are ya feeling it yet????....lol......it was fun dancin' with ya!!!

Lola and djdeken~~nice meeting you guys!!!!

Finally.....Dade thanks for everything!!!!:)


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Well I showed as well as Noami1 but unfortunately we did not know what any of you peeps looked like so we couldn't meet up maybe next time. I was not able to get on the list as I was late in putting in my request but I managed to be lucky enough to have a beach cop hookup and he got me in with no problem. Howell's Music was pretty good, but I don't personally like that style of music all night long, I like a little trance in there as well, with a couple of hard tunes. :eek::cool::D

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I wanna start off by thanking Dade......he really comes across as sincere about his love for the music and the scene.


It was nice to finally meet Lola and djdeken.

Lola - your hilarious.........your just like you are on the board!

djdeken - it was great talking the world of shit with you dude :)

I had a blast hanging with everyone from the CP crew. If there is any evidence of how FUBAR I was please burn it!

Arial had a really nice opening set. The tempo was perfect and the music selection was nice.

Before I get reemed I want to say I came into his set a little close minded expecting DH to sound like his compilations.

The first track Howells played was AWESOME! Unfortunately his set lost some of it's intensity through the course of the night. I personally wish he would've stuck with the disco filtered sound he started his set off with.

Bent Allways - (Ashelley beedle mix) with the wierd vocals from his revelation CD had some of the elements of his opening song. I personally was expecting funkier baselines, some more samples of vocals, lots of smooth latin percussions.....etc etc etc. His revelation CD had all of these elements. I also didn't think his set was as smooth as his compilations. In Danny Howell's defense he told me that he hadn't dj'd in 4 weeks. Overall I enjoyed his set cause he's DH and he has talent to spare and even an okay night for Danny Howells is a great night for me!

people missing in action

Naomi and her sidekick stogiey2k2 - we need to trade numbers r something for the next meetup.

Thanks again to DADE.

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