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I Hate The Game

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Originally posted by mojo6771

In a club there are the folks who come

in to play games. It is easy to blame the girls

but the guys too are just there to get a number or something..

Folks just f*** up the energy in the club by

being on the prowl. It just pisses me off!

Come on , the beat is why one is in the club.

The music , does not anyone get it,

it is the music that creates the energy.


this is why I cant stand guys who tell me...yo yo yo lets go to roxy..exit..sf..so many hot girls....yeah but the music sounds like someone taking a crap.

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Originally posted by pkern

Uhm, perhaps the ladies aren't responding to this thread because it's ludicrous, bro.

We're the originators? Sweeping generalizations much?

There are those who play games, and those who do not. It's that simple. It's not about gender. It's about integrity. Don't point the finger at women (though I realize that might be easier); point the finger at people who lack integrity.


:confused: :confused: :confused:

Biggest load of crap I've heard in a LONG time!

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~~~well going from girl to girl with the "game" is stupid so what u should do is pick out that one girl u really like and talk to her.....and yes! start off with the game and if she likes u then be urself....the "game" i slike a resume which shows off ur best .........i dont mean use cheesy pick up lines btw......but some witty comments always get a girls attention.....there is this long ass escalator on my trainstation and once this guy was was trying to kick it me the entire way up and even tho i had a bf at the time that guy knew how to talk to a girl so well that he made me swoon.......i knew half the shyt he said was bs bu tit did get me interested and if i was single who knows.........and lemme tell ya albanian guys KNOW how to talk to girls the best...learn from them........when ur dating an albo guy u kno he has 2353252 other girls bu tu dont care b/c when he is with u he makes u feel like a queen and thats the TRUE GAME!!!!!!!!!:cool:

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Games suck. And the girls who respond to the game suck. If they respond to the game - they get what they deserve in a guy who is playing the game.

I know how to play the game. I know how to get a girl to be interested, but I never play the game. I used to. But I just realize that all the games make you fake and fake is even worse than the game.

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I love the game. Its the best thing. Though i have to admit that i get rejected plenty of times, i usually hook up with a girl(or two...lol) whenever i am out in a club.

The game itself is not bad, its how u choose to play it. Nobody is forcing you to talk to the girls, and they most defenetly won't talk to you. Why would they? there are plenty of good looking guys running around who have no problem opening their mouth full of cheese.

Of course, i am not saying you become of of them cheese kids. Just relax, grab a drink and find a comfortable couch. One thing i learned is if the girl is interested in you, she will always let you know. so watch out for signals.

thats it, happy hunting :)

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~~well going from girl to girl with the "game" is stupid so what u should do is pick out that one girl u really like and talk to her.....and yes! start off with the game and if she likes u then be urself....the "game" i slike a resume which shows off ur best .........i dont mean use cheesy pick up lines btw......but some witty comments always get a girls attention.....there is this long ass escalator on my trainstation and once this guy was was trying to kick it me the entire way up and even tho i had a bf at the time that guy knew how to talk to a girl so well that he made me swoon.......i knew half the shyt he said was bs bu tit did get me interested and if i was single who knows.........and lemme tell ya albanian guys KNOW how to talk to girls the best...learn from them........when ur dating an albo guy u kno he has 2353252 other girls bu tu dont care b/c when he is with u he makes u feel like a queen and thats the TRUE GAME!!!!!!!!!:cool:

so u wouldn't care if a guy had 235 other girlfriends as long as he treated u nice when ur together? damn, some dude really worked his game right on you.

i just cannot stand to play the game, it makes me feel like a flake even when it does work. It also turns me off when girls fall for the act guys put on. There has got to be another way

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Originally posted by nightcrawler

i just cannot stand to play the game, it makes me feel like a flake even when it does work. It also turns me off when girls fall for the act guys put on. There has got to be another way

Unfortunately - that's NYC!

If you go to different places, the scene will be less uptight than it is here!

I do have to say - it is comedy to watch kiddies play the game! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by nightcrawler

I hate it with a passion, im talking about the game you have to play to talk to a girl at a party. I know lots of guys will say how they got mad game and all the numbers they get and wutever, but I honestly just cant stand to play it. When i go out to a club with my friends the rest of them will shamelessly go from girl to girl trying their "game" to each one until one succumbs to the power of his "game". Then they always tell me to start "kickin it" to more girls, and im thinking "why do i have to sell this phony image to meet a girl? and then i have to set myself up for a rejection and then walk on to the next girl to try again??" fuk that, and to the people who say just be yourself, myself is not someone who goes up to random girls begging for attention. why are girls always so quick to turn a guy down? i mean if some girl came up to me and asked to dance I would at least talk to her, no matter how unattractive she was, That immeadiate 'no' is what really pisses me off about the game. These girls without knowing anything about me are so quick to eliminate any chance of seeing who I am. i know this sounds like a herby thing to say, but fuk it, im mad and im hating :mad:

Yeah, the game sucks... but not everyone is out to play it. I like meeting new people and talking to them, but a club is just not the place to do it. From my personal standpoint, this is why I don't give guys at clubs the time of day. First of all, I have a boyfriend. Second of all, any guy who is going to come up to me and drop a line, or start grinding up my ass is obviously trying to "kick game" and is not just being friendly. That is why girls like me are rejecting guys... they are at a club to have fun and dance with friends... we are not at a meatmarket. The girls that are there to be picked up are the ones that succumb to the "game kicking" skills of your friends. These are also girls I call "club sluts" who do these things every weekend. So, next time your friends urge you to "kick it" remind them of the kind of girls they are picking up. You are perfectly sensible in saying that playing the game is retarded, cause most other mature adults feel the same way.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Yeah, the game sucks... but not everyone is out to play it. I like meeting new people and talking to them, but a club is just not the place to do it. From my personal standpoint, this is why I don't give guys at clubs the time of day. First of all, I have a boyfriend. Second of all, any guy who is going to come up to me and drop a line, or start grinding up my ass is obviously trying to "kick game" and is not just being friendly. That is why girls like me are rejecting guys... they are at a club to have fun and dance with friends... we are not at a meatmarket. The girls that are there to be picked up are the ones that succumb to the "game kicking" skills of your friends. These are also girls I call "club sluts" who do these things every weekend. So, next time your friends urge you to "kick it" remind them of the kind of girls they are picking up. You are perfectly sensible in saying that playing the game is retarded, cause most other mature adults feel the same way.

DAMN you read my mind, very well put :).

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Originally posted by spragga25

So there are "club sluts" and ladies that have boyfriends that don't put down dudes trying to kick it...there's nothing inbetween?

Just curious :confused: :confused:

Sorry.... there is an in between... which are the women with self respect and maturity who are there to have fun, dance, listen to music, and socialize with friends.

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Originally posted by jennEfer

Sorry.... there is an in between... which are the women with self respect and maturity who are there to have fun, dance, listen to music, and socialize with friends.

Okay....one of these years - I might find someone like that in a club! :)

IF ragga comes out of retirement !

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Originally posted by nightcrawler

so u wouldn't care if a guy had 235 other girlfriends as long as he treated u nice when ur together? damn, some dude really worked his game right on you.

i just cannot stand to play the game, it makes me feel like a flake even when it does work. It also turns me off when girls fall for the act guys put on. There has got to be another way

~~~ thats NOT what i was saying at all!!!!!!!!!!!........i was trying to show the difference between game and knowing how to talk to girls.....i guess i didnt put it correctly into writing........and the last example was an example of game to the fullest...which does not mean i like it i was just mentioning it for the sake of the conversation!!!

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I personally play the game like this:

In the club, I put on my best cool guy act which peaks the ladies' interest. Then, when I have their attention and in return, give them all of mine, I lay it on with the sweet talk so they fall madly in love with me. Finally, they see my freakishly small penis, which only rises every other Leap Year, and they grab their clothes, purse and self respect and run away. Obviously, this signals the end of the game. :D

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i wish i got a "no" from a girl instead of a "yes" .. then 5 minutes later her friends come to cock block me. it's so goddamn orchestrated. such tease! :D

see, girls didn't know i work fast so when i ask to dance this is what goes through their mind:

"bah, he looks harmless. i'm gonna own this little virgin."

BAM! how you like them apples .. or something?

they didn't know i'm a rapist. (lol .. i'm just fucking bugging out .. i do get cock block a lot though)

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Originally posted by cdeep

I personally play the game like this:

In the club, I put on my best cool guy act which peaks the ladies' interest. Then, when I have their attention and in return, give them all of mine, I lay it on with the sweet talk so they fall madly in love with me. Finally, they see my freakishly small penis, which only rises every other Leap Year, and they grab their clothes, purse and self respect and run away. Obviously, this signals the end of the game. :D

ROTFLMFAO!!! ahahhahahahaah LMAO!!!

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