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I Hear Factory Is Still Going Right Now!!!!!

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Originally posted by djvectrex

i so totally agree with you bro.....one thing tho, as far as i know, and i know some very close people to johnathan, it might seem amazing, but he really does not take any substances to keep him going. i dont wanna sound naive or anything but from what i know he just drinks a whole shitload of a very strong energy drink the whole time throughout. for him there is no need to take anything else....like u said "when you put yourself in sucha zone, you get so focused on the records and the emotion riding that the drowsiness goes away and you have only one responsibility...THE MUSIC & THE CROWD"... and that's johnathan peters of SOUNDFACTORY!!!!! that's all there is to it for him, simply the music and the crowd!! if any of you have the chance to watch him really close in the booth u can see it in his eyes, he's in his own little world.....the "THE JOHNATHAN PETERS AT THE SOUNDFACTORY WORLD" and it's true...i know myself, and im sure a lot of you do, that i could just listen to this type of music for hours straight without being on anything!!

simply incredible and amazing:cool:

Bro, you have absolutely no fucking clue what you are talking about.

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Why is it that people automatically think that If a person stays too long at a place it has to be cuase theyre on drugs?

I've once at sf from 11:30pm till 11:00am , and I still wanted to stay longer , but my cousin wanted to leave. Just wanted to prove a point that you dont need to be on drugs to last long in a place. I could go on and on as long as the music is good.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

ive been clubbing for a solid 3 years now....and personally quantity does not substitute the quality of an evening....i mean is there any reasoning behind being in a place for that many hours.....

DOn't knock it till you go .You know I love you, But I'm just saying that don't have such a strong opinion and talk shit until you go and experience the club for yourself. Than if you have all this to say so be it.

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Originally posted by djvectrex

i so totally agree with you bro.....one thing tho, as far as i know, and i know some very close people to johnathan, it might seem amazing, but he really does not take any substances to keep him going. i dont wanna sound naive or anything but from what i know he just drinks a whole shitload of a very strong energy drink the whole time throughout. for him there is no need to take anything else....like u said "when you put yourself in sucha zone, you get so focused on the records and the emotion riding that the drowsiness goes away and you have only one responsibility...THE MUSIC & THE CROWD"... and that's johnathan peters of SOUNDFACTORY!!!!! that's all there is to it for him, simply the music and the crowd!! if any of you have the chance to watch him really close in the booth u can see it in his eyes, he's in his own little world.....the "THE JOHNATHAN PETERS AT THE SOUNDFACTORY WORLD" and it's true...i know myself, and im sure a lot of you do, that i could just listen to this type of music for hours straight without being on anything!!

simply incredible and amazing:cool:

......Thats the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard...... Energy Drinks????????? ........... for a 20 hours + Set........

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Originally posted by djvectrex

i so totally agree with you bro.....one thing tho, as far as i know, and i know some very close people to johnathan, it might seem amazing, but he really does not take any substances to keep him going. i dont wanna sound naive or anything but from what i know he just drinks a whole shitload of a very strong energy drink the whole time throughout. for him there is no need to take anything else....like u said "when you put yourself in sucha zone, you get so focused on the records and the emotion riding that the drowsiness goes away and you have only one responsibility...THE MUSIC & THE CROWD"... and that's johnathan peters of SOUNDFACTORY!!!!! that's all there is to it for him, simply the music and the crowd!! if any of you have the chance to watch him really close in the booth u can see it in his eyes, he's in his own little world.....the "THE JOHNATHAN PETERS AT THE SOUNDFACTORY WORLD" and it's true...i know myself, and im sure a lot of you do, that i could just listen to this type of music for hours straight without being on anything!!

simply incredible and amazing:cool:

He does more than energy drinks. But regardless, hes still the shit.

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i'm pretty sure that spinning in front of a HUGE crowd that is SCREAMING your name...cheering for u...singing happy birthday...clapping...and just letting out shouts of joy everytime u drop the next song is enough to give anyone that little extra energy to keep them going....drugs or no drugs...u don't stay in a club that sucks..and drugs or no drugs u don't spin THAT long for a shitty crowd. the man loves what he does... and the crowd LOVES HIM. one of my friends said it best..."there's clubs...and then there's factory...u can't explain it..and u can't compare it...it's just it's own place!"

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I just called SF just to see if it's true and they told me the party just ended! WOW!

If I would have known that I would have gone Sunday noon! I love the factory and the music is unbelievable...I've been there sober and I've been there not sober:cool: drugs or no drugs you are definitely there for the music.

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Originally posted by misk

i'm pretty sure that spinning in front of a HUGE crowd that is SCREAMING your name...cheering for u...singing happy birthday...clapping...and just letting out shouts of joy everytime u drop the next song is enough to give anyone that little extra energy to keep them going....drugs or no drugs...u don't stay in a club that sucks..and drugs or no drugs u don't spin THAT long for a shitty crowd. the man loves what he does... and the crowd LOVES HIM. one of my friends said it best..."there's clubs...and then there's factory...u can't explain it..and u can't compare it...it's just it's own place!"

I have to agree!

I have given the SF Experince to so many people for their first time and they've all thanked me. The music, sound,vibe and people are amazing!

I haven't closed it yet but I will...even if I have to sleep in a Sat night, get up at 6am throw on some sneakers, be there by 7am

and just dance my ass off w/o any help! It's like getting a fun workout!

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I had a great time dancing in the circle from 10am-8pm....SOBER....as were some other dancers I know that go straight. The only reason why I left was because I needed food. They should open a mini-restaurant...lol....I did have a great time and knew well enough to sleep Sat. night before going.....

Lisa Pure

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Originally posted by lisapure

I had a great time dancing in the circle from 10am-8pm....SOBER....as were some other dancers I know that go straight. The only reason why I left was because I needed food. They should open a mini-restaurant...lol....I did have a great time and knew well enough to sleep Sat. night before going.....

Lisa Pure

was that you in the yankees cap, jeans and a black top?

if so, i was watching you for a while...you were regulating that circle like it was your job...i saw you throw some kid out who had no concept of what he was doing


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Originally posted by bodynsoul

I love the factory and the music is unbelievable...I've been there sober and I've been there not sober:cool: drugs or no drugs you are definitely there for the music.

i agree...i was mangled for most of the day, but i was also there for a good three hours in sobriety just because i couldnt leave...he just kept dropping beat after beat and even though i was dead tired, knew i had to drive 40 min to get home, and i had classes this morning, i just couldnt leave


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

was that you in the yankees cap, jeans and a black top?

if so, i was watching you for a while...you were regulating that circle like it was your job...i saw you throw some kid out who had no concept of what he was doing


*hiding....Yup that was me! haha....That kid you were talking about, was all banged up and had no respect for any one....that was why I stepped in, lol....


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had i known i would have asked for an autograph :D

btw. you have some great circle moves...i dance pretty well too, but im always too embarassed to get in the middle of the circles..

my factory warrior style (those who know, know what im talkin about) needs some practice

im gonna throw on the 6 8 12 dub and get down in front of the mirror so next time we can battle :laugh:


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Originally posted by lisapure

*hiding....Yup that was me! haha....That kid you were talking about, was all banged up and had no respect for any one....that was why I stepped in, lol....



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Originally posted by lisapure

The only reason why I left was because I needed food. They should open a mini-restaurant...lol....Lisa Pure

lol its funny you should say that cause at like 8ish I was saying how they should have a snack machine or something lol, cause i dindt eat anything before i got there cause i got up and left, so i was starving, and when i went to get one of those popsicle thingys the bar had closed.

But I had a great time last nite/day lol

Got there at around 7, and it was PACKED, omggggggg ive never seen a place so crowded. well this was only my second time there so im not really used to it i guess lol

We stood in the same place for like 3 hours or something and then it got a little better with some of the crowd clearing up a little. I left at around 8ish, I didnt want to but I was seriously dying for food lol Music was AWESOME though!!!!

Oh and to all the people I met and saw, roninmess, jonstephens, lisapure,anatomics, nycchic, bkissa, and i know there are other people that i met but cant remember but it was nice meeting u all and stuff.

:D :D


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lol...thanks hun....SF is still my "home" for keeping my dance skills on point.....Some of the guys I've known for 6 yrs or more.....I have so much fun feeding off of everyone else's energy.....what time did you stay until. The circle usually gets bigger and better the later you stay. At the beginning, 10-3pm for me, the circle was a mess b/c it was too crowded and too many people vying for the inside spot. As it cleared out, we were all allowed our space, and turn, to display our style and moves. Plus, most people start losing their energy and they just mostly watch, which is when I take advantage of that time and go off.....Had such a great night! Come say hi next time you see me...I will usually have my "PURE" t'shirt on, either White or Black with Rhinestones and/or my Black Yankees hat on.....pretty signature for me there....OH, and come check out a show when I'm in town....


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i was there till 11:15pm...by then there were no circles...there were just a handful of people all cracked out and standing around, trying to dance but failing miserably:laugh:

next time ill definitely come up and say hi...pull me in the circle if you have to because im dying to get in and dance for a few:D


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Lisa Pure... i was with Scott finese down in the circles during the evening with black tank top(like everyone else haha) watchin the circles. Definitely great skills you have as well as most of the others down there. good job, i'll say hi next time :D

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Originally posted by romy20

I left at around 8ish, I didnt want to but I was seriously dying for food lol Music was AWESOME though!!!!

Oh and to all the people I met and saw, roninmess, jonstephens, lisapure,anatomics, nycchic, bkissa, and i know there are other people that i met but cant remember but it was nice meeting u all and stuff.

:D :D


Was nice meeting you too hun! That was only your second time there? wow! Yeah, I desperately needed food.....Funny, I knew it was time for me to leave when this cute boy came up to me and said "Hey, my friend wants to know why your not dancing anymore" and I laughed and said "well, I keep telling my feet to move and their not listening, really, I'm trying to move and my body just doesn't want to respond!" and I just kept laughing....after that I realized I had to leave...lol If I had food, it would've been different...


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