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Why U Females So Damn Crazy 4 Any1?

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If you ladies are so indipendant and shit and pay your way.....then try splitting the bill or surprise the shit out of some guy and actually pay for the first dinner date.

I'm with you on this one Nero......I have only dated three normal chicks in my life, the rest of them were tweeked.

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Originally posted by anthonyn


Well not to be offensive Nero, but with the way DJ's usually treat women, they have to be crazy to go for that. Maybe you're not like that but most are. As for her being a dancer, that could have something to do with it. Out of all the girls I've danced with at the various clubs most have been maaaaad flaky, and a rare few are intelligent and doing it for the right reasons.

oh yeah and jon... i always offer to pay half on a date, but i'm outright refused every time, they insist on paying. :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

If you ladies are so indipendant and shit and pay your way.....then try splitting the bill or surprise the shit out of some guy and actually pay for the first dinner date.

I'm with you on this one Nero......I have only dated three normal chicks in my life, the rest of them were tweeked.

if i do the asking, and i choose the restaurant or whatever, then i'll foot the bill.

or, if it's turning into an expensive night and we're having fun, then i'll buy a couple of rounds.

but if i'm sitting at a restaurant and the guy wants two appetizers, a salad & an entree, coffee and desert, and he's ordering an expensive bottle of wine, and ordering on my behalf, this is obviously a guy who is in charge and not afraid to foot the bill.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

If you ladies are so indipendant and shit and pay your way.....then try splitting the bill or surprise the shit out of some guy and actually pay for the first dinner date.

I'm with you on this one Nero......I have only dated three normal chicks in my life, the rest of them were tweeked.

*Ahem*... this independent woman would like to ask you, would you really feel comfortable having a woman pay for dinner on your first date? Honestly. Most men would not, women know this, so we let him be "the man" and foot the bill. As the relationship progressed, however, I wouldn't be comfortable having him pay for everything and would expect it to be pretty much 50/50.

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well i love to treat a women out, in the begginning, when i was makin no money, it seem ok cause i was doin what i wanted to. when i started to make a lil more it was like ok now u have money pay 4 this pay my rent, pay this n il stop dancin. i was like um whats the opposite of above me ? money should not be an issue in a relationship. now if a girls gettin het shit paid for, i call them a hooker, she might not get money, but she gets shit taken care of by sex. that is a hooker in my book. i want a girl who drinks beer n watched football n goes to clubs without flirting, or who flirts but does it right, where her man doesnt get jeolous. also, who is not like " oh my boyfreinds the dj, im not waiting on line ect.... u get the idea

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I totally hear you Nero. I hate when I see girls that do shit like that. I am totally independant. Even when i was engaged I hated when he paid for stuff. He loved buying me jewelry and dinner and stuff but I always got mad :confused: I dunno why. Thats just the way I am. If he bought me a gift I'd buy him one. Its only the fair way. I hate girls that are like "My boyfriend needs to get paid so he can give me money".. fuck that, get a damn job and make your own money! Girls are fucked up!!! :mad: But then again its guys that totally spoil their g/f's that give guys that dont a bad name. Its dumb! Some guys have to chill and not be soo damn whipped.. :laugh:

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Originally posted by shugabooga

if i do the asking, and i choose the restaurant or whatever, then i'll foot the bill.

or, if it's turning into an expensive night and we're having fun, then i'll buy a couple of rounds.

but if i'm sitting at a restaurant and the guy wants two appetizers, a salad & an entree, coffee and desert, and he's ordering an expensive bottle of wine, and ordering on my behalf, this is obviously a guy who is in charge and not afraid to foot the bill.

If the guy is ordering all that than he is a fat ass!!! LOL

Seriously, I wish I met girls like you, I usually have to throw down on it all. Its not even that, I would refuse her paying the meal no matter what if I asked her out, but at least make the fake effort of reaching for the wallet so I could at least say "NO, I got this one. Its my treat" or something like that.

Most girls I meet seem like they are gold diggers, like I have tons of cash. Thats just what I am commenting on......experience.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

If the guy is ordering all that than he is a fat ass!!! LOL

Seriously, I wish I met girls like you, I usually have to throw down on it all. Its not even that, I would refuse her paying the meal no matter what if I asked her out, but at least make the fake effort of reaching for the wallet so I could at least say "NO, I got this one. Its my treat" or something like that.

Most girls I meet seem like they are gold diggers, like I have tons of cash. Thats just what I am commenting on......experience.

this actually reminds me of a funny story...

this guy asked my friend out on a first date. and when the bill arrived at the table, he asked HER if she could pick up the tab!!! :laugh:

note: she paid it.

i should also add that was obviously not countin on a free meal since she did bring money wit her (obviously), so i wouldn't call it being a gold digger, but i dont think she was expecting to pay the entire bill. especially since he asked her out

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I dont think I have ever paid a bill or for a movie when a guy asks me out.. I ALWAYS bring money with me and always offer to pay but they never let me. Or if i even take the money out they are like "put that away, what are you doing".. I think most guys feel they are supposed to pay and if a girl pays for dinner and people see that they are embarassed. If a guy takes me out, I tell him next time we go out I pay..like i said before Its only fair.. well atleast I think so.. :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

If you ladies are so indipendant and shit and pay your way.....then try splitting the bill or surprise the shit out of some guy and actually pay for the first dinner date.

I'm with you on this one Nero......I have only dated three normal chicks in my life, the rest of them were tweeked.

Bravo Mr.Stephenson

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Originally posted by magilicuti

girls are nuts,

what he said.

it's also annoying when a girl really doesn't want anything and you have to freaking force her to take something. is there such thing as in between?

and i like how you offer, they say "no" then behind your back "oh my god, he is like, so like, cheap! totally! ugh!"

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I agree with vixen, also to Lina ::waiving hand:: not all girls are gold diggers its the ones who are with guys stupid enought to pay for there cars and there rent that are, I myself am independent, and i wouldn't have it any other way, my BF always tries to buy me stuff but I refuse! I am not like that at all and I pitty girls who are, us independent woman are much better of in the long run :) WORK IT GIRLS :)

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Originally posted by guccigrlnyc

I agree with vixen, also to Lina ::waiving hand:: not all girls are gold diggers its the ones who are with guys stupid enought to pay for there cars and there rent that are, I myself am independent, and i wouldn't have it any other way, my BF always tries to buy me stuff but I refuse! I am not like that at all and I pitty girls who are, us independent woman are much better of in the long run :) WORK IT GIRLS :)

very well said... the gold diggers end up in poverty when they are ina relationship and it doesnt work out.. us on teh other hand.. we may pay for out stuff but we ave it made and we have stuff to show for it. :D

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Originally posted by bebby6919

very well said... the gold diggers end up in poverty when they are ina relationship and it doesnt work out.. us on teh other hand.. we may pay for out stuff but we ave it made and we have stuff to show for it. :D


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All I ever wanted was a girl that would make me laugh, have a atleast a small sense of adventure, go out clubbing without having to ask mommy or daddy.

kind, good looking also help.

~Anyone know? I've only been looking for 18 years, so maybe I need more practice?

PM me or E-mail me (Snoboardr2@aol.com

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