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*Post Your Ugly Mug Time*


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exscuse me? LadyShady please dont be bitter about your rating. It is accurate and true. If you cant take the heat , dont email your picture to the show in hopes of making it into Round 4. You are not black. I have many black friends, Ving Rames, Sammy L Jackson, Mr. Marcus etc. They all laugh at mis guided white girls acting black. Have you seen 8 mile too many times? I never understood that movie. I took Shauna to it at the premiere and never got into it. Drop the 10" spray on gold hula hoop ear rings, remove your leopard print press on nails, burn your BabyPhat velor jumpsuit, and read a few books, preferably Old English. Your attitude just got you DQ'd off the show, please pack your locker and get out of the studio.


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GlowGirlNYC: I dont understand kids these days. When I used to club, it was a pair of 501's and a leather jacket. Tie your hair back, and go all out. Now you have to look like Mario Andretti or Jeff Gordon to fit in. Are we testing for bio-chemics here? Dont clubs get rather hot in the heat of dance? Why the hell would one strap into a freek vinyl sauna suit to rave around? *Sigh*...crazy times.

Anyways, face isnt bad. Makeup looks like a drunk Yuko the Clown did you up while you were asleep. Body is good. Fit. Hair has to be changed. The Medusa locks were never really a hit, not even in Ancient times. Eyebrows for a female are out of sync. They should get thinned out and arched a bit more. Similar to scoob-e they wrap around your head like a pair of Kareem Abdul Jabbar's spec's. God I miss sitting courtside next to Jack in those days. Now its not as fun anymore with this LA team...anyways, I will refer you to a good hairstylist, makeup artist, and eyebrow threader so they can fix you up. I think you would look good in a wifebeater tanktop, a pair of messy jeans and some boots, with a hat. Burn that Spacesuit.

Lorenzo's Scale:


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suthurnbelle: Where is the flair. The pazaz? Too plain in my book. Very soccer mom. Nothing stands out. Now im not saying your totaly ugly, but I bet you my Renegade shotgun (autographed by the way) that the white tube top you are wearing is the most wild and revealing outfit you have. Spice things up. You also need a tan. You are in the Hawaii motiff, yet about as pale as my grundle in December. Get a nice Hollywood tan, and lighten your hair up. More blond will bring out your eyes. You can also tone up your arms/torso as the proportion is decent, but you have much room to improve.

Lorenzo's Scale:


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Originally posted by lorenzolamas

hmm, the only Rizzo I know is Renegade producer Randy Rizzo. He is a nice guy, but doesnt have time to post on a MessageBoard.

Dont be such a disgruntled degenerate drunkard, Drunk.

I will put up Round 3 of HOT or NOT tonight after I get back from dinner with Shauna. Take care.


Disgruntled degenerate? :laugh: Look in the mirror, douchebag. It's obvious to everyone you're the one with image problems. Pretending to be Lorenzo Lamas, c'mon, what are you, in 4th grade? If this is your idea of getting your kicks, you are one sorry motherfucker. At least Rizzo had his funny moments. The irony of it all is that the real person behind your screen name is almost certainly vomit-inducing fugly.

Lemme guess, you suffer from a depression problem and haven't gotten laid in ages? Trolls like you are easy to peg, so come off it. But if you want to entertain yourself, proceed. I know in reality you're doing in the sake of comedy, but unfortunately, you're about funny as a steaming pile of horse manure. Most people have better things to do than write essays on others' looks. It must be awful to be you. Brighten the lives of your long-suffering parents: introduce your wrists to a sharpened knife. :chop:

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Originally posted by nybeauty

u remind me of gwen stafani (sp)

I get that about 10-15 times a day.....depending where I am...hehehehe...One night I counted when I was at a Avalon...15 people came up to me and asked me if i WAS Gwen Stefani...I was like, "No...but I wish"!!! Some guy there asked me to autograph a flyer he was holding...I told him IM NOT GWEN....he said, "I dont care, just sign it anyway!!!" ahahhahahah :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I get that about 10-15 times a day.....depending where I am...hehehehe...One night I counted when I was at a Avalon...15 people came up to me and asked me if i WAS Gwen Stefani...I was like, "No...but I wish"!!! Some guy there asked me to autograph a flyer he was holding...I told him IM NOT GWEN....he said, "I dont care, just sign it anyway!!!" ahahhahahah :laugh:

:laugh::cool: least u get ur 5 mins of celebrity mood ;)
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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

I get that about 10-15 times a day.....depending where I am...hehehehe...One night I counted when I was at a Avalon...15 people came up to me and asked me if i WAS Gwen Stefani...I was like, "No...but I wish"!!! Some guy there asked me to autograph a flyer he was holding...I told him IM NOT GWEN....he said, "I dont care, just sign it anyway!!!" ahahhahahah :laugh:

:laugh: I remember that night, right before we went into Avalon, that guy kept insisting. By the end of the night ppl just kept saying "BYE GWEN" it was insane, I think the count went up to 18 that night, I shit you not ;op

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iamsamurai: I dont think you got the message. You are not HOT, and actually one of the top 3 ugliest male posters on this board. You lost badly in Round 1 with .001% of votes. Please pack your locker and kindly walk out of the studio to meet LadyShady on the corner. A town car will arrive shortly to take you to your desired location.

As for GlowgirlNYC. Your body is good. Never said anything about that. I would let you ride on my motorcycle, just dont get your 15" rave shoes stuck in my chrome tail pipe. You still could use a makeover and a re-vamp in style. Putting up Professional pictures does nothing for myself or the other judges. We have seen many woodland trolls look semi decent with pro makeup artists, lighting gurus, master photographers, and expert photo editors. My wife Shauna doesnt even look that good in real life.

Throw out the Daytona 500 outfits, hop into some sexy clothes and go out. You can try that for one night instead of dancing like the Tazmanian Devil in the middle of the floor. Take my advice, I'm an A List celeb whos been paid to do this. Im a pro.

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KingArthur: I think we have found the second of the top 3 ugliest males on here. I will have to tell the town car to make 3 stops now, how annoying. Typical over-gelled hair. I dont understand what it is these days with gel. Back in my time you put a tiny dab of pommade in your hair, just to enhance the look. Kids these days lather their hair with cheap products and walk around reaking of it. Eyebrows are a laughing stock. Did One Eye Willy do them for you? Too uneven and WAY over done. Your one step behind Boy George, and thats not a good thing. The ear ring screams Chelsea Army with the cheap H&M Divided tank top. Your face really out of proportion, and the colossal nose serves as the main focal point of anyones attention.

Not pretty, wait up for iamsamurai.

Lorenzo's Scale:


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Legend: This guy looks plain scary. Very serial killer like. I had to call for security when he walked onto the stage foaming at the mouth. Once again the gel is abused. Just put the bottle down!! However, the receeding hairline is quite visible and is probably caused to the abuse of hair products. Who wears jeans up that high with no belt? I dont think that was ever in style, and no belt shows that you have no fashion sense or class. I hope the gold chains are a joke. End of that. Why are you flexing in the picture? Relax tiger, Ronnie Coleman isnt around, no need to try and have a flex off. Overall, you need tons of work. You are loosing hair so me suggesting to grow it out is worthless. Get a tan, maybe it will not make you look like John Wayne Gacey that much. You strike me as one of those people who tries real hard at things, fails miserably and throws deathly tantrums, scaring off everyone.

Lorenzo's Scale:


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magilicuti: Trying to be something your not. We once were in New Jersey doing promotional stuff, I for Renegade, and Shauna for her new Playboy spread, and went into one of the malls..the name escapes me at the moment. Once inside we were puzzled to see tons of asians. I have no problems with Asians, but these asians seemed confused. All of them had pounds of gel, wore only Armani Exchange, sunglasses inside, and drove nice cars. They didnt know a thing about their culture. Hell I study'd the arts over in Japan for years and could school these kids. Very dissapointing to say the least. This guy looks like a carbon copy of what I saw. Spends a bit too much time in the gym. You should do more cardio, your face is flabby and has no definition. Now I know that Asians have wide faces in general, but kill sodium in your diet, and run every day. Should lean your face out. You age rather quick which is ironic. The hair is going bye bye fast. I can refer you and Legend to a hair doctor, he can look into some help for you two.

Overall nothing special, face is poor so body has to makeup for it.

Lorenzo's Scale:


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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

hahahhaha!!!! I just read Lorenzos posts!!! first of all....that pic that you rated me on was taken like 3 years ago at a party I was @ at around 5am...HAHAHHAH! and I look horrible in that picture!! hahahahha!!!

here are some professional pics....




nice pics glowgurl!:)

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Originally posted by lorenzolamas

As for GlowgirlNYC. Your body is good. Never said anything about that. I would let you ride on my motorcycle, just dont get your 15" rave shoes stuck in my chrome tail pipe. You still could use a makeover and a re-vamp in style. Putting up Professional pictures does nothing for myself or the other judges. We have seen many woodland trolls look semi decent with pro makeup artists, lighting gurus, master photographers, and expert photo editors. My wife Shauna doesnt even look that good in real life.

Throw out the Daytona 500 outfits, hop into some sexy clothes and go out. You can try that for one night instead of dancing like the Tazmanian Devil in the middle of the floor. Take my advice, I'm an A List celeb whos been paid to do this. Im a pro.

hAHHhahaha!!!! :laugh: "Tazmanian Devil"!!!!!!! thats the funniest thing I heard all day..thank you for making me laugh...i really needed it :laugh:

as for "hopping into some sexy clothes" when I go out....not happening...I like to be able to dance and be comfortable....so even the mere thought of dancing in tight jeans/pants/skirt wearing heals and some sort of "second-skin" top completely agitates me...

....oh and thank you bullseye ;);) ;)

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Originally posted by lorenzolamas

iamsamurai: I dont think you got the message. You are not HOT, and actually one of the top 3 ugliest male posters on this board. You lost badly in Round 1 with .001% of votes. Please pack your locker and kindly walk out of the studio to meet LadyShady on the corner. A town car will arrive shortly to take you to your desired location.


You seriously talk like I give a shit:tongue: anyone who knows me n chills with me knows how laid back I am, specially when it comes to heads like you. You kind of people who hide behind a name over the internet, next time you spot me at a club or what not partying it up, come up n say that to me:D

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exscuse me iamsamurai. Is the car service not to your standard? Why have you come back into the lobby yelling at the secretary to try and get a second chance. We at Hot or Not do not allow redemption. Furthermore, I would never ever EVER be caught in a 500 foot radius of you. We are two different people. Myself, a rich, handsome A-List actor with a Playmate as a wife and 2 houses. You, a Pizza Faced anime nerd who collects toy swords and dances crazy to seizure music. If I see you at a Radio Shack trying to crack the Windows 98 password on their sample computers I will make sure to drag you out by your ear flaps and make you french kiss my Harley tailpipe.

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Originally posted by lorenzolamas

exscuse me iamsamurai. Is the car service not to your standard? Why have you come back into the lobby yelling at the secretary to try and get a second chance. We at Hot or Not do not allow redemption. Furthermore, I would never ever EVER be caught in a 500 foot radius of you. We are two different people. Myself, a rich, handsome A-List actor with a Playmate as a wife and 2 houses. You, a Pizza Faced anime nerd who collects toy swords and dances crazy to seizure music. If I see you at a Radio Shack trying to crack the Windows 98 password on their sample computers I will make sure to drag you out by your ear flaps and make you french kiss my Harley tailpipe.

Whoa, its scary he actually knows im an anime nerd and i love ddr, you think that I am ashamed of that pffff dude I go out and do more shit than im sure you do.

Damn dude, I only post here once in a blue fuckin moon now but you my friend, damn, thats type scary.

Wurd this cats got way to much time.

Man while everyone else on this board is out having a good time, partying it up and chillin, your at home behind a pc typing all this out and actually scrollin back for info on people from here. I'm not mad, I pitty fucks like you ;op

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