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Two weeks, NO MCDONALD'S!


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So it's been a full two weeks since I indulged in my favorite guilty pleasure. I'm craving it pretty badly, but my fat ass bent my ATM card the other day. Maybe that's a sign that I should stay away from Big Macs for good?

Anyway they say that it takes 10 days to break a habit. So that would mean I'm free! But an addiction supposedly lasts a lifetime. I'm not sure which category this falls under; I'm afraid if I succumb I'll be back on the wagon! (Or is that off the wagon? I could never get that straight)

Anyway, my whole point is- fuck!, would some fries taste good right about now!

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Congrats!! I know how hard it is to break that habit. I havent had a big Mac in 2 months and I thought I was gonna go nuts craving those fries. After awhile the need will die down though. Ive been dieting and I know that the fast food is the hardest stuff in the world to stop eating. Good luck!

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Originally posted by magilicuti

just had mcdonalds yesterday night (20 piece mcnugget and 2 cheese burgers) and just came back from burger king (double cheese burger, cheese sticks and hershey pie)

and fries with both those meals of course :)

Are you serious? Shit that is a loooot of grease. Just reading that makes me feel ill.


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Originally posted by momadance

way to go!!!!

soon youll be looking at McD's like ex-smokers look at cigs. youll bee all, "dont they know what they are putting into their bodies"


I'm not sure I'll ever get to that point, but it's a worthy goal at least!

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