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Ok, so who "DIDN'T" see my drunk ass fall in between the gap of the Roxy Stage???


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:( :( :( :(

my fuckin left ass cheek hurts and im sure has a bruise within. So for those who don't don't know and since there is no way avoiding this before someone like linabina or roninmess post this lol..i will post my very own embarassing drunken moment.

So i had a lotttttttttt of beer beforehand(least it felt like it lol) and quite an empty stomach. So obviously a typical drunken irish fuckstick i was. So i get to roxy..having fun, good to see all you motherfuckers there that i said hello to. So Roninmess is up on stage tryin to gather some stage crew heads and he see's me and calls me up there and im like no doubt. So i go and im on the right part of the stage and put my hands on the stage to kinda hoist myself up. Well, i sure fuckin hoisted myself up....AND RIGHT INTO THE GAP BETWEEN THE SPEAKER CABINETS!!! Man, i thought i fell through a bottomless pit, thats how drunk i was lol. So immediately i asked roninmess and prolly a few people if my face was bleeding cause i felt my jaw hit the edge of the stage and scrape it and it had that like scrape feeling as if it was bleeding. But thankfully i just got a bruise on my jaw and my left ass cheek. I will live. But goddamn, for future reference, if one of my CP family members see's poor Quoth in a drunken mess, Please for the love of god, HELP ME THE FUCK ON STAGE!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

Good seeing u all once again. Oh and btw for those nosey bastards reading this interested in why i didnt show up at Tronic Treatment its cause A) i was in no shape to do anything but enjoy myself and B) i actually had mad fun at roxy with all the peeps, though i missed the new Nordic Track dance, but i'll catch it next time. Peace.

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Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

man you guys are too much. Ughhhh, my left ass cheek is soooooooooooo fuckin sore and has this big ass bruise like within the cheek of my ass meat. :(

hehehe, haven't heard that one before. "Assmeat" Thanks man! Glad that you are ok. You are definetely a good sport. After standing there in a daze for 20 mins holding your face you just busted out of your coma and tore up the stage. Chill on the booze, you were a wreck!

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Originally posted by roninmess

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"You didn't set me up to do that did you!?" ahahah bro classic moment... I didn't even see the hole and BAM!!!!!! You fell right into it :laugh: Bro I am in tears reading your review of that!

oh fuck i totally forgot i said that to you!!!

:laugh: :laugh:

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hahaha, quoth, back with a vengence and it sounds like you were just as drunk as the last time I saw you! Good to have you back.

Next time I see you at Pseudo or such, as about my Shakira on Tequila impression from my trip to Guatemala....let's just put it this way: I'll show you my bruises if you show me yours.

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