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-->What was the Most TRAGiC Moment of Your LiFE so FAR...

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WOW....I truly feel sad for everyone hear........so many awful scenerios.......Iv'e been so blessed my whole life I haven't had a tragic moment......well sad moments yes but nothing compared to most of these threads....I can see why many of you enjoy clubbing. It probably provides an outlet to happiness and escapism.:(;)

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My parents being murdered at age 14,growing in intitutions after intitutions, being on my own, going to college finding love of a girl,she gave me something I never hand; (a family, stimulation)

most tragic of all... she leaves.., I'm alone again....

My life has taught me much. We all experince some loss on a greater or lesser degree, but anyhow it's a loss and it doesn't feel good. Take what you've learn from each of your experiences and used them to...love more, care more, understand more, give more, and don't beome bitter!

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It had to be when the English came and killed my first wife. You see, King Long Shanks had reinstated Prima Nocte but I refused to share my bride with a nobleman. Oh wait, that was Braveheart. Sorry, had to try to lighten this incredibly sad (but effective) thread.

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Mine was in 98 when my closest friend took his life, and the worst about someone doing that is you never know exactly why it happened. That was a bad year because another one of my close friends lost a battle with cancer also. Man this is depressing

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<---- Counting his blessings. My most tragic moment doesn't compare to any of these, and probably falls into the "more than you really wanted to know" category.

I'm impressed that people are opening up like this. I don't really know anyone on this board, but this kind of openness makes me want to spend more time here...

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Wow there are so many tradgedies that so many people on this board have gone thru, im so sorry:(

I cant really share mine cause I dont have any, well I do but it doesnt compare at all to what people here have gone thru:( :(

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my mom passing away when i was 3 and being home alone when a fire started in our house when i was in 10th grade. i wasn't hurt but watching countless firetrucks try to put out the fire and losing all my things and home for a year was pretty diffuicult to deal with.

my heart goes out to everyone in this thread...

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