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Does anyone have a logical explanation for "CoCK CoLOR"


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I was talkin bout this with this chic and fuckin, what is deal with cock color being a bit darker than yer normal skin color? Fuckin, as pale as my irish ass is, my fuckin cock is the color of coffee w alotta milk added compared to my skin WTF!!!

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is that we were all black/or dark at one time millions of years ago... and as we migrated and settled further north and or in colder climates, our skins complexion became lighter and lighter, however due to the fact that are genitals are covered up 99% of the time,(also why caucasions (sp) and asians have smaller cocks then darker nationalities) they were never exposed to the climates and sun, so were effected less...

keep in mind this is just my theory... i dont know if theres and truth or scientific proof to it...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Speak for yourself peewee

lol... im speaking generally... and the reason why i say it is... that caucasians (sp) started wearing constrictive underwear and undergarments long before darker nationalities allowing theres to be free flowing and hanging down and letting gravity help them out... as opposed to the caucs being restricted due to the undergarments...

again just theory, not sure if theres any truth or scientific fact to it... and just for the record im like a hair or two shy from 7" so im not huge but im not hung like a clit either...

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

the truth is that cock skin is darker because it is contracted. cock skin has to expand and contract with cock size and when it is not expanded its color is darker no matter what you skin color is. i read that in like maxim or something.

By George..i think the lad has got it!

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  • 2 years later...
Guest gabo
Greattttttttttttttttttt. A bunch of dudes sitting around complaining where their dicks are so small and so dark ...


ur just upset you didnt post on the thread back in the day.

sorry yo umissed the boat my friend.

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