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Attn To All The People Who Hate On Sf

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Seriously, people that diss on SF should say where they like to go. It doesn't matter really but its weird that there is so much hate for the place. It would be like hating on me because I like burger king and you eat Mcdonalds. Its just my choice, so what? No one is forcing sf down anyone's throats.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Seriously, people that diss on SF should say where they like to go. It doesn't matter really but its weird that there is so much hate for the place. It would be like hating on me because I like burger king and you eat Mcdonalds. Its just my choice, so what? No one is forcing sf down anyone's throats.

This is smart.

Originally posted by sfspikes2envy

The pretty peoples place.. COME BACK WHEN UR PRETTY:eek: :D

This is not smart.

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i used to hate on sf and the people that went there but i realized how dumb i was being. hey everyone is into there own scene. no need to rip on them cause they are into one thing and you are into another. if you don't like sf don't go there. personally it is not a place i like so i go to other places. when you sit there and make fun of the people who there there you make yourself look like an idiot. why do you need to make fun of them. peopel who makes fun of others are usually insecure with themselves. so don't hate just enjoy what you do and let everyone else enjoy what they do.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Vinyl. Their line-up and vibe is the closest thing ive been able to find to Fabric or Turnmills. Ive been wanting to check out Shelter and Centro-Fly too.

On a good night, Centro gets a really good and diverse crowd, despite the kitsch...

Shelter usually gets a good diverse crowd as well (the few times that I went). However, the setup gets confusing, cuz they didn't get rid of club speed...so they run very different parties at times...hardcore raver kids vs. the big hip hop crowd... They really need to sort things out better though, cuz their organization gets really muddy if there's more than one party running there. Get the parties straight before you set foot in.

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this is a rediculous argument which noone will ever come to agreement on EVER.

its like a debate about religion when in reality the cold thruth is that there is no god.

i hate to be the one to bring this up but like religion clubs and getting high are just a mask over reality tht make the hell we live in seem like a better place.

like someone mentioned earlier, once you have been in the scene for long while, you begin to realize what its true foundations are. if you take away the drugs and the vibe people create, the club is just a dark room w. music. people go there to escape reality...but it will always catch up w. you once you are home and down.

like there are different religions, there are different scenes within the club scene as a whole. once you are in the "family" its hard to accept that you are in the "wrong" scene and if anyone else tells you its wrong you will be upset. everything about it is make-believe. it's a thin wall w. no substance that appears unbreakable to you because you are so set in believing the magic.

after going to sound factory for months and months it begab to lose its magic for me. i could see the reality around me...just cracked out people cought up in the moment pushing their human capacity of having fun to its limit.

when you get to know the people in your "family" you begin to unerstand what makes the club. you see these are all ordinary people living in a dream. like the followers of any religion they we don't want to accept the truth. its easier to live life this way.

sorry if my choice of wording is poor. wrote this all in a bit of a hurry but hopefuly everyone will take the time to read this and if you cant fully comprehend my meaning behind this thread, you can at least learn to show more tolerance to others.'

happy easter.

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Sound Factory is a PART of what New York nitelife has been, is and always will be, anyone who does not understand that does not understand nyc night culture and its diversity...stop ripping SF b/c very few places could have pulled off friday night the way they did (although Bindra and his promoting team deserve a lot of credit as well)

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some poeple on this board rip sf apart but they go to roxy. i personaly think it is a playground for little boys and girls. you don't hear me make fun of it or the people who go there. im not a fan of jp but i think he is better then viscous. stop your bitching and complaining and go where you like. to much hate in the world already.

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Originally posted by cintron

There's a place for everything... and Everything has it's place.

And i'm glad to know I can keep certain things seperate from MY place.

Water goes in a cup.

Garbage goes in a Trash Can.

Meat goes to Exit, SF and Roxy


As long as they're around, I won't have to hide out at lounges quite so much.....

This isn't trying to pick a fight or anything, but it's just an observation.....I can understand why people pump Vicious so much, but why do some of the people around here think Draper, JP, or Denny is world class when nobody outside the NYC metro area has ever heard of them?

Oh well, not my kind of music anyway so I'm not bitching, just curious what makes them special other than that they spin at the clubs you like....

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All i have to say is SF and its crowd gets ripped on 39493123094 times a day on this board. u don't see me or other who go to SF ripp on Vinyl. i like Danny allot. i think his and Jonathan's style of music cant be compared cause they are different i haven't seen anyone ripp on vinyl.. i just want the same respect back that's all.. and bashing any guy that has any muscle on him or is ripped and built is getting wackkk cause u talk shit behind a screen but not in someone's face.. u Call him a Juice Heads which u don't even know if they did anything U JUST FUCKEN ASSUME.. And to the IDIOTS WHO'S BASHING ME CAUSE IM ITALIAN U JUST MAKE UR-SELF LOOK MORE FUCKIN INCOMPETENT CAUSE IF U HAD ANY BRAIN, CLASS OR STYLE YOU WOULDN'T BE FUCKEN BASHING ME ON THAT..U FUCKEN LOSER.. I Have NEVER HAD A PROB WITH ANY AT SF when i go it feels like family.. im not tryn to convert anyone.. IF U DON'T LIKE THAT'S FINE.. JUST HAVE THE SAME RESPECT AND DON'T BASH EVERY THREAD THAT IS POSTED ABOUT SF and if u don't understand y people like it maybe if u become more open to others and stop being a FOOL maybe ull understand..PEACCCCCCCEEEEEEEE

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Originally posted by sfspikes2envy

All i have to say is SF and its crowd gets ripped on 39493123094 times a day on this board. u don't see me or other who go to SF ripp on Vinyl. i like Danny allot. i think his and Jonathan's style of music cant be compared cause they are different i haven't seen anyone ripp on vinyl.. i just want the same respect back that's all.. and bashing any guy that has any muscle on him or is ripped and built is getting wackkk cause u talk shit behind a screen but not in someone's face.. u Call him a Juice Heads which u don't even know if they did anything U JUST FUCKEN ASSUME.. And to the IDIOTS WHO'S BASHING ME CAUSE IM ITALIAN U JUST MAKE UR-SELF LOOK MORE FUCKIN INCOMPETENT CAUSE IF U HAD ANY BRAIN, CLASS OR STYLE YOU WOULDN'T BE FUCKEN BASHING ME ON THAT..U FUCKEN LOSER.. I Have NEVER HAD A PROB WITH ANY AT SF when i go it feels like family.. im not tryn to convert anyone.. IF U DON'T LIKE THAT'S FINE.. JUST HAVE THE SAME RESPECT AND DON'T BASH EVERY THREAD THAT IS POSTED ABOUT SF and if u don't understand y people like it maybe if u become more open to others and stop being a FOOL maybe ull understand..PEACCCCCCCEEEEEEEE

nice. i totally agree with ya:D

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Originally posted by brickhouse


As long as they're around, I won't have to hide out at lounges quite so much.....

This isn't trying to pick a fight or anything, but it's just an observation.....I can understand why people pump Vicious so much, but why do some of the people around here think Draper, JP, or Denny is world class when nobody outside the NYC metro area has ever heard of them?

Oh well, not my kind of music anyway so I'm not bitching, just curious what makes them special other than that they spin at the clubs you like....

If you meant to write Danny instead of Denny, and meant to imply that Tenaglia isn't world class you are nuts because Tenaglia is the premier world known american DJ...as far as people outside of metro new york not hearing JP that is not true either, he certainly has a larger new york following and is not world renoun as other dj's, but he is known

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Vinyl. Their line-up and vibe is the closest thing ive been able to find to Fabric or Turnmills. Ive been wanting to check out Shelter and Centro-Fly too.

I dont care if God is spinning at vinyl....I have absolutely no motivation to go there because the club is pure filth


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Originally posted by jaybzee

If you meant to write Danny instead of Denny, and meant to imply that Tenaglia isn't world class you are nuts because Tenaglia is the premier world known american DJ...as far as people outside of metro new york not hearing JP that is not true either, he certainly has a larger new york following and is not world renoun as other dj's, but he is known

No, I meant Denny (as in Tsettos). There are a lot of resident DJs in clubs in NYC that definately are world class DJs and make the club what it is, including DT, Junior, Vicious, Morillo, Timmy, and Eddie Baez. However, there are some that I feel like anyone else spinning the same style of music could be sitting in that same spot in the booth and it wouldn't make a difference in the club. I'm not trying to criticize too much, just curious what it is that makes those other guys so special....

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

hahahahahahaha....so true....many of my SF crew went to PVD and were shocked to see the place filled with "those" clubbers...

Personally, I'd rather go where the people are pretty:cool:


Bro, I read your thread about how you hate little kids in clubs sucking international dj's dicks and shit, and to tell you the truth even though you came across as brash a point was made which I had respect for. But then I read this post and realized you made a complete contradiction of yourself.

........you have since lost all my respect of your opinion.

"those" clubbers... ????? And you call everyone else an elitest? Why because they think some international djs are better than JP? And then you don't want PVD fans, who happens to be one of THE top djs in the world, to be in your club?

Then you go on and say this:

I dont care if God is spinning at vinyl....I have absolutely no motivation to go there because the club is pure filth

Thanx for proving my point. You have proven to everyone that your mission is not about anything but gawking at girls. Don't hate on people cause they actually like the music they are listening to. Which leads me to another question........why do you spin?

I think everyone here knows my stance on sf here. I used to go a lot more, but I still go every month or two. Sometimes I have a blast, sometimes I don't. Never had a problem with any of the people there. I have a lot of respect for JP.......even though I don't think some of his creditation is warranted......yet.

I think its stupid that people argue which club is better. Even though I don't like places like Exit at all, I don't say people that go there are idiots.

Yes there are a lot of drugs running through Factory and that is the major factor driving that place as highmay stated, yes O-Jay was right saying that it is the same everywhere including Twilo.

But when I start hearing someone knocking someone else because they enjoy their own thing or are not pretty......I can't have any respect for that person's input.

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whoa:eek: !!! It's really funny how everyone is so up each others asses about this whole issue. Every club is a world of it's own. If you like it go...if u don't then go somewhere else. For u people that are bashin SF because of the drugs that are in there...name one club in the city that doesn't have drugs. I go to clubs sober others go and get fucked up. We are all there for two things and that is to put the troubles of the world out of our minds for a lil while and to have fun. If you go for any other reason you shouldn't be there. Whether you go to SF or anywhere else. And to those of you who let "less attractive" people ruin your nite...:laugh: that is so pathetic that something as petty as that can ruin your nite. Get over it! How would you like it if you were not attractive.

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Originally posted by j303j

i just wanna hear what phuturephunk has to say about his experience in the club scene is. also what a real scene is.

. . . it's all very simple : one where pretention about looks and the looks of the venue doesn't matter . . . I'm not saying drugs don't come into play, that's inevitable, but the attitude is alot more . . . shall we say laid back . .

. . I did five years in Florida . . and I can tell you that the scene down there was an Institution that ranged state wide . . . and still does in many respects . . . Nobody gave a fuck what you were wearing, or if the club was dirty . . we all got together and had a good time . . . nobody was left out . . . from the UCF fratboys (the one's we converted) to the children of the ghetto . . pretty and ugly inclusive . . . everyone came on down . .

. . . THAT is the way it should be done . . .

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