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Attn To All The People Who Hate On Sf

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I dont care if God is spinning at vinyl....I have absolutely no motivation to go there because the club is pure filth


like you would hook up anyway ???

you look like a fuckin dork.

and gettin back to the point, I dont know what the starter to this thread is talkin about, I dont see any SF bashing. Everyone got their own taste, he just wanted to start drama.

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I dont care if God is spinning at vinyl....I have absolutely no motivation to go there because the club is pure filth


Ohhhhhhh Shit....

Ohhhhh the Fuckin' SHIT.


If us dirty little ravers are too disgusting for you to be around, STAY IN SF then. You think your hair gel, tanning lotion and whatever grease you smear on your muscles doesn't scream TRASH to us!?! What about when you take off your fucking shirts, you god damn BO-Stank ass guidos!!! Damn it's as if we're the dirt on your gucci shoes that's just RUINING your Ken & Barbie atmosphere.

Cut this holier than thou bullshit! If you think you're some elitist refined beautiful macho man who's the epitomy of the underground sound, THINK AGAIN.

The Underground IS the dirt on your fucking shoe. It's the raw, powerful and RARE shit that you hear in the dirtiest, smallest, most out-of-the-way venues. It's the place where the glam ISN"T. Underground means just that - "UNDER" the fucking "GROUND". DIRT. FILTH. RAW-ASS SHIT.

You are NOT Raw. You are REFINED. That is FINE with me. There is a different scene for that.

But stop trying to impose your god damn way of clubbing on us little kiddies down here, as if you're righting the wrongs and bringing us all to glorious hair-gel laden salvation.

This is the Underground and i've said it before so i'll say it again.

Watch Out, Kiddo. You really have no idea what's down here...

but it sure as hell ain't you.

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Originally posted by cintron

Ohhhhhhh Shit....

Ohhhhh the Fuckin' SHIT.


If us dirty little ravers are too disgusting for you to be around, STAY IN SF then. You think your hair gel, tanning lotion and whatever grease you smear on your muscles doesn't scream TRASH to us!?! What about when you take off your fucking shirts, you god damn BO-Stank ass guidos!!! Damn it's as if we're the dirt on your gucci shoes that's just RUINING your Ken & Barbie atmosphere.

Cut this holier than thou bullshit! If you think you're some elitist refined beautiful macho man who's the epitomy of the underground sound, THINK AGAIN.

The Underground IS the dirt on your fucking shoe. It's the raw, powerful and RARE shit that you hear in the dirtiest, smallest, most out-of-the-way venues. It's the place where the glam ISN"T. Underground means just that - "UNDER" the fucking "GROUND". DIRT. FILTH. RAW-ASS SHIT.

You are NOT Raw. You are REFINED. That is FINE with me. There is a different scene for that.

But stop trying to impose your god damn way of clubbing on us little kiddies down here, as if you're righting the wrongs and bringing us all to glorious hair-gel laden salvation.

This is the Underground and i've said it before so i'll say it again.

Watch Out, Kiddo. You really have no idea what's down here...

but it sure as hell ain't you.

....and once again, ibnothin has been put in his place.

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

I dont care if God is spinning at vinyl....I have absolutely no motivation to go there because the club is pure filth


well thank god... because we sure as hell don't need people bringing that kind of vibe there...

Like I said... its my own personal belief that if you don't go for the dj/music you shouldn't go... I mean seriously, your chances of hooking up are better in webster hall anyway... Don't come to a place where music is valued and shit all over it with negativity...

The "dirty" clubkids are what makes this scene... the beer and fucking crowd are just sheep used for financial gain of the club owners/promoters...

Eric: Amen.

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furthermore, by your description, it sounds like you want to hang out on the runway of a fashion show rather than a nyc club...

music is about expression... expression through dance, expression through appearence... If you choose to express yourself with brand names and designer clothes... thats cool... thats your thing... but if others don't, they shouldn't be looked down on...

People go out to enjoy themselves, I see that as a out of reach goal when people aren't allowed to express themselves...

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

hahahahahahaha....so true....many of my SF crew went to PVD and were shocked to see the place filled with "those" clubbers...

Personally, I'd rather go where the people are pretty:cool:


I agree with u on that one!!! Fuck a those out of shape freaks!

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but ibclubbin' i have to say -- you really do not help "the cause". djjon is right that you are hypocrite bc you attack all the sf haters (just as they rip on the factory). this topic will never rest bc both parties instigate and start drama - gawd knows why. this ha become like the chicken and the egg. Not only on this board, but i see it on other boards also other board thread

but i find it also comical that the "elitist" that went to the fctory for the first time on friday for PVD are complaning about the ppl! comments like fatcory ppl suck -- that WAS NOT your typical factory crowd that ngiht. This was a crowd that came out to see PVD. anyone and everything - mixed and diverse. wtf ppl. :confused: and actually i went with some "anti'fatcory" friends that night. they all admited they had a great time that night. one of them, also being his first time, said 'whoa, this place makes vinyl look like a dump" i just giggled.

i mean agian just to beat whats been said by so many ppl - different strokes for diferent folks but dont try to force your opnion down toher ppl's throats ppl??? its a democracy ppl not the freakin Nazi regime

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I did five years in Florida . . and I can tell you that the scene down there was an Institution that ranged state wide . . . and still does in many respects . . . Nobody gave a fuck what you were wearing, or if the club was dirty . . we all got together and had a good time . . . nobody was left out . . . from the UCF fratboys (the one's we converted) to the children of the ghetto . . pretty and ugly inclusive . . . everyone came on down . .

. . . THAT is the way it should be done . . .

lol i read this and couldn't help but think --- SIMON'S? :idea:;)

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Originally posted by cintron

Ohhhhhhh Shit....

Ohhhhh the Fuckin' SHIT.


If us dirty little ravers are too disgusting for you to be around, STAY IN SF then. You think your hair gel, tanning lotion and whatever grease you smear on your muscles doesn't scream TRASH to us!?! What about when you take off your fucking shirts, you god damn BO-Stank ass guidos!!! Damn it's as if we're the dirt on your gucci shoes that's just RUINING your Ken & Barbie atmosphere.

Cut this holier than thou bullshit! If you think you're some elitist refined beautiful macho man who's the epitomy of the underground sound, THINK AGAIN.

The Underground IS the dirt on your fucking shoe. It's the raw, powerful and RARE shit that you hear in the dirtiest, smallest, most out-of-the-way venues. It's the place where the glam ISN"T. Underground means just that - "UNDER" the fucking "GROUND". DIRT. FILTH. RAW-ASS SHIT.

You are NOT Raw. You are REFINED. That is FINE with me. There is a different scene for that.

But stop trying to impose your god damn way of clubbing on us little kiddies down here, as if you're righting the wrongs and bringing us all to glorious hair-gel laden salvation.

This is the Underground and i've said it before so i'll say it again.

Watch Out, Kiddo. You really have no idea what's down here...

but it sure as hell ain't you.

good point... But my friend "sfspikes2envy" was just stating that everyone has their own preference so why bash SF. As for the people who are just stating opinions and not facts about SF dont listen to them cause they dont deserve to be in any club. I am just sayin this and this only "Dont bash something cause its not your scene"

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Originally posted by origskeemr

good point... But my friend "sfspikes2envy" was just stating that everyone has their own preference so why bash SF. As for the people who are just stating opinions and not facts about SF dont listen to them cause they dont deserve to be in any club. I am just sayin this and this only "Dont bash something cause its not your scene"

Ragga agrees!! :cool:

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Originally posted by origskeemr

good point... But my friend "sfspikes2envy" was just stating that everyone has their own preference so why bash SF. As for the people who are just stating opinions and not facts about SF dont listen to them cause they dont deserve to be in any club. I am just sayin this and this only "Dont bash something cause its not your scene"

i never see people bashin SF here (well not in a long time)

If aint it happening, why bring it up?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . :eek: . . . OMG . .you are sooooo right . . . . I wish I could go there again . . . I wonder how it is nowadays . . .

Haven't been to Simons lately, but the Soulhouse was definately the shiznit. Once upon a time (a long time ago on a planet far far away) Firestone was pretty damn decent like that too, but it's like how you described generally in CFL. A few clubs are spiffy-ish, but very few places have dress codes, and the people wearing D+G don't hate on the people wearing UFOs and vice-versa (unless they're fucked up out of their gourd, in which case everyone gets picked on anyhow). Bit of a culture shock between here and back home (Tampa), but at least we can pick and choose a little more around here. I think the specialization of the clubs around here, and the sheer number of decent venues make it so certain clubs end up more gentrified and different crowds end up gravitating towards different clubs.

And just to remind people who dig too much on the various clubs, there never would have been a Twilo without Soundfactory, never a Factory without a Limelight, and never a Limelight without a Studio 54. And how many people are going to Studio 54 these days.....?

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Originally posted by smokesum

i never see people bashin SF here (well not in a long time)

If aint it happening, why bring it up?

it has been happening lately......

but i don't wanna talk about this anymore! lol:D

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Are you people even listening to yourselves? :confused:

This argument is mostly biased on how people look rather than music or the scene itself. . .wtf is that? Can some of your egos be any bigger? ::because i don’t look a certain way i should wait until i do to be allowed somewhere????::

Yeah, some of us really want to come in contact with that kind of attitude. . .whatever club it happens to find itself in :blank:

I mean really. . .is this prime topic # one when your IN the club having the time of your life?

No and if it is. . .then u seriously should take your head out of your ass because you really cant hear the music. . .


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"Attn To All The People Who Hate On Sf




ok seriously now SFSPIKES, why do you go to factory???

to hear good music??? C'mon now! DOWT IT!

Most FACTORY heads are either there for their DrUhGs or there to look at other guys! Most Juice heads are preety closeted about themselves and personnaly, i think that NOONE in that place is very approachable. Everyone (specially if youre not a juiceHEAD) either steps on you or is just plain disrespectfull!

<YES> thank GoD for Soundfactory!!!

if it wasnt for SF, I wouldnt Go to VINYL!!!

DANNY and the "be yourself crew" - I LOVE U!


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IBclubbin...you made a fool out yourself! :laugh:

So, are you a POSER? Just like to go to "pretty people" places, and look "pretty"??? hahahaha:laugh:

Seen JP a couple of times (both in DC and NYC)...not impressed, in fact, in DC he messed up a few times, as well as played old shit. Lucky for DCOne mag (who hosted the event), Deep Dish was playing in the next room!

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Haven't been to Simons lately, but the Soulhouse was definately the shiznit. Once upon a time (a long time ago on a planet far far away) Firestone was pretty damn decent like that too, but it's like how you described generally in CFL. A few clubs are spiffy-ish, but very few places have dress codes, and the people wearing D+G don't hate on the people wearing UFOs and vice-versa (unless they're fucked up out of their gourd, in which case everyone gets picked on anyhow). Bit of a culture shock between here and back home (Tampa), but at least we can pick and choose a little more around here. I think the specialization of the clubs around here, and the sheer number of decent venues make it so certain clubs end up more gentrified and different crowds end up gravitating towards different clubs.

And just to remind people who dig too much on the various clubs, there never would have been a Twilo without Soundfactory, never a Factory without a Limelight, and never a Limelight without a Studio 54. And how many people are going to Studio 54 these days.....?

hey are you a fellow gator also? :D its been too long since i have been back to Gville. But the Soulhouse -- thats the place thats behind the Covered Dish and market street pub, right? that place was pretty cool.

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IBclubbin...you made a fool out yourself!

So, are you a POSER? Just like to go to "pretty people" places, and look "pretty"??? hahahaha

I feel the same way. Everyone has an opinion about what music is "best" but to say you'd rather go where the people are "pretty" shows your true colors man. It shows what's more important and it sure as hell isn't the MUSIC!

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Originally posted by yoguy80

ok seriously now SFSPIKES, why do you go to factory???

to hear good music??? C'mon now! DOWT IT!

Most FACTORY heads are either there for their DrUhGs or there to look at other guys! Most Juice heads are preety closeted about themselves and personnaly, i think that NOONE in that place is very approachable. Everyone (specially if youre not a juiceHEAD) either steps on you or is just plain disrespectfull!

DANNY and the "be yourself crew" - I LOVE U!


you are kind of off in your perception of him.....don't always assume people are the way they come off on a messageboard....some people do go for the music ....and that was his original argument...he may not have worded it correctly...lol....but he was trying to say just enough with the juice head fake boob crap...if u don't like it don't go.....as for the 'be yourself crew" ...well some of them can be accused of the same crap...because there were definitely threads complaining about "pretty people guidos" coming to vinyl.....so now they cannot come there because they are OVERDRESSED?! *....there is usually a strong sense of 'family' in a club...a good club...and that tends to make a lot of the people who go there 'similar'.....there will always be people talkin shit and discrimination against "outsiders".....but hey....if u wanna go ..and u like the music....then go...fuck it....cause when it comes down to it....it's not about anything but that

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Originally posted by girly

my .02. If you don't like Sf then you probably don't belong there its not your scene sooooooooooo don't go. but don't go hating because you just don't belong in the place. Its as easy as that. Don't go!:tongue:

Didn't you rip on Roxy a few days ago?? :confused:

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