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Everything posted by housedog

  1. cedar grove then JERSEY city, now moving back to cedar grove in sept
  2. I do understand you were amking a joke. I was seeing if people realized what the song is really about. uhm . . . i was making a joke about the first post . . . i was trying to think of the dumbest song with the fewest possible lines, and that came to mind. . .
  3. If you really want me too I can help you. Did you ever hear in the song they guys doing Bumps? That is what the song is about. FYI QUOTE]Originally posted by bigsteve8 I've been trying to find the lyrics to Razor & Guido - Do it Again for the longest time now. . . .can anyone help me:confused:
  4. that was too funny, I didnt see that coming.
  5. I am not really gettting what you are asking?
  6. Shit all you M.F.'s having fun with these things. I am tryin to find an Oz of dirt to make these. I swear if anyone can hook me up I will share the brownies with you.
  7. This had me crying. Thank you
  8. Uh yes you did, cause you took then time to post again and again. Oh by the way do you know the song that goes boom boom, chicka boom chicka boom, boom boom .......
  9. for me smokin an L of KB to the head on my ride home, listening to B-I-G, G-I-E, AKA, B.I.G. Get it? Biggie
  10. If you read Danny MSG board reguarly, he says not to take his post and repost them on other MSG boards. He said it really bothers him that people do this. Bigpoppanils did you read that post?
  11. I will for the weekend too. Iamme how do you smoke with the dog next door?
  12. High till I die and you can believe that. I use to drink alot, then one night went out drinking and my pancrais got all inflamed( alchol poisoning) it felt like someone was stabbing me in my stomach. After being in the hospital for 5 days, they told me I can never drink again. I still drink, but not like I use to. Shit I love to get HIGH, smoking is so mellow and a fun thing to do with friends. You know what you get high as shit and still be able to drive, drink alot and can you do the same?
  13. Wow and think I was going to wake up and go at 6am, I am glad I didnt. There usually is a sign up, (not always in a convient place to see) to say that Danny will not be there that nite. You can also tell when you turn in to the main room, if the crowd is small our the music is low, I don't know how but I could just tell when he is not there. Danny took the nite off, that is no big deal. He posted a long post about how he feels about the crowd at Arc lately. Someone even said, there were people cheering for Danny even though he wasnt there. That is the problem with the place, the people who go who have no clue what the fuck is going on. That is what is killing the place. He also said that he was thinking about taking some time off, he just didnt say when though. The bottom line is, I learned to check his MSG board before I leave cause there is usually a post saying he wont be there. Although there was no post. Always look around at the entrance there is always a sign up saying Danny wont be there.
  14. I have, about 10 years ago (when I wasnt so laid back) I was in a fight. A bouncer was holding me and someone (a girl) cam up and was punching me from behind. I just turned around and punched the girl right in the face. I didn't know it was a girl, just felt someone punching me so I turned and punched. Oh well, I wouldnt hit a girl at all now. I would jump in and defend any girl that I see being hit.
  15. I don't have a job, I collect and I HATE it. I had a juob under the table doing roofing and siding, but the guy I worked for only worked when he wanted to. I would drive 45 mins in the morning so he can tell me we are not going to work cause it is going to rain. I would get paid for my travels and on top of that it wouldnt even rain
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