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Everything posted by housedog

  1. Try Culture Club, 80's Pop and Freestyle and party rap.
  2. there are so many good parties (or they look good) that there actually something to choose from. Finally
  3. I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO POST PICS HERE I took this off the wall the only time I went to Exit. It took me 3 hours to get. Each time I walked down the stairs behing the stage I pulled it more and more. I finally got it down and walked on the stage, only to be confronted by a security guard. I threw it off to the side, and she told me to stay off the stage. I finally got a chance to get back on the stage and get it and hide it behind a garbage can next to the stage. It was too big to just carry out, I couldnt even hide it in a sweatshirt. I had to bend it enough to wrap around my body on my side. I finally got that to work and I walked out. As you can see this is not MY sign. But I do have it in my room. The reason I took the sign was I was so bored at Exit. I made it my point to take this sign. It was my mission for the nite and I accomplished it.
  4. I might go. The lineup is Ok I am sure it is going to be overpacked. If I go it will be a last minute thing.
  5. Does anyone have anyinfo on THis place? It is on River Road in Lyndhurst. cover, dress ,and shit like that? Thanks
  6. Not saying what he said was good, but what he said and how he said it had me laughing for a good 5 mins
  7. your joking right? or did I to much here?
  8. I never been to one, but I have met a few people from here. One day I will hit one up.
  9. When you get your eyebrows done, the annticapation when they do the lower part right above the eye, It sucks. She smoothed it out 3 times before she pulled it. SHIT hurts lucky I do it once a month.
  10. You all sound like Pussies, REMEMBER what Rakim said "It ain't where you from, it's where you at." Remember that? Who the fuck cares where you from, that doesnt make you tough. The better person will walk away than stay and fight. REMEMBER THAT
  11. Iseen you in the girls bathroom,at around 3:30. I checked the dance floor before I left but I didnt see you. I didnt feel good, I got there by 2 am went outside around 3 to puff came back in and just chilled on the speaker between the smoking door and the entrance to the main room. I wanted to leave at 3 but said I am going to wait it out for Electric Indigo but by $;30 I had it so I left. When I was walking in at 2 I seen you and your friends walking away from Arc down that street next to the building they are putting up. One day whemn we meet up earlier you guys are invited to come out and puff with me, if you want?
  12. I was there last night. Thanks Despina for the guest list. From some reason I didnt feel like dancing at all. I tried and tried but never really got into it. Music was banging though. I left at 4:30 after sitting around for a few hours. What time did Electric Indigo go on? I wanted to hear her the most, but it felt like I was there for 10 hours in all actually I was there for 3. Crowd was ehh, It is the usual people your see out at all parties. U also got all the asians, all fucked up. And the way they dance by shaking each other by their shoulders, WTF. Then you got people there for the 1st time. Crowd is definitly a strange one.
  13. Go to Arc, I was there last night, and there were many asians. Sat is asian night at arc
  14. wHO GIVES A fuck ABOUT THEM. Does anyone remember in A Bronx Tale? When Sonny was saying "who cares about Mickey Mantle, he doesnt care about you. He doesnt pay your bills" Classic line I dont care if they marry, break up, live, die (j/k) come on people what do these people really mean to you?
  15. how about Tony Atlas, Tully Blanchard, Pedro Morales, Bob Backland, Buzz Sawyer, Tommy Rich, Ivan Putski, The Von Erichs and last but not least Doink the clown P.S. Does anyone remember when the wwf had Adrain Adonis dress as a lady and wrestle?
  16. it is 9:27 am it is off to work I go
  17. shit when I smoke, I can eat a ton of it, but there is no way in hell I could ever eat all of this.
  18. someone really has to show me how to put pics in the body, here is the other picture that didnt work in the first post
  19. someone really has to show me how to put pics in the body here is the other
  20. I got this as a gift, to me it is the biggest candy bar I have ever seen. here is another
  21. Joe dirt, I went to the movies to see it, walked out a half hour later
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