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Everything posted by housedog

  1. I had that on for a while I had a new one in mind, but I didnt like it. I think I found a new one.
  2. Krs One #16 and Nelly # 11 what is up with that? Nelly even being on the list is a fuckin joke. Where is BIG L? The Beastie Boys are a group not an MC. The first 6 should be there, move up KRS 1 and add Big L. Half of them dont deserve even to be on that list.
  3. I hate guys who wear sandels. Guys whop wear sandels with jeans and guys who wear sandels with socks.
  4. housedog


    I tried it and I can get it. It is ok, I think my X intake becoming tolerable. Not really that much fun anymore. But it is available in NYC U just have to know the right people
  5. Got a question for you, What would you do if you met them? Sweat them and get their autograph? Or just chill with them? I hate people who get all googlie eyed over someone famous. And people who ask did you get their autograph, for what all it is, is a name on a piece of paper. Shit I would love to meet anyone who would just sit and chill with me and talk to me. Remember celebrites are just people too, the only difference is their job put them in the spotlight.
  6. I recently found a job on craigslist. I have been out of a job since April. I found day jobs as a mover, made about $75 for a few hours of work. I recently fund a job as a Insurance Photgrapher. I walk around and take pictures of intersections. I take about 200 pictures a day. They hooked me up with a digital camera and computer hookup Takes about 4 hours and I get $125 a day. I can start when I want all I have to do is get the pictures done. I just started two days ago, wish me luck.
  7. I wish it was Danny Tenaglia, but I think it is going to be Low End Specialists. Just a guest no one has named yet
  8. I use to get it off a guy who would come straight from the airport. He would meet someone who had rolled up sandwich bags with just the bottom filled maybe like 100 each bag. Would come and have like10,000 pills on him, It kind of made me scared caused they could roll on them and i could get pinched too. Well all good things come to an end. He got caught (I think in Walllington) selling 8000 pills to an undercover. I think when he got out he bail he was still selling, but buy that time I lost contact with him. I have a city hookup now, it is a little out of the way, but I know the person and I have been dealing with them for 3 years now, I also know that the quality is good too. QUOTE]Originally posted by diesel77 i doubt anyone here will buy his pill from a dealer buying it in that bulk. Most of the times ppl that buy it in bulk sell it down to smaller dealers and so on with everyone adding their profit on top of the price they pay. A guy buying case like you said wont deal with some kid asking for 10 pills to get fucked up at a local rave...
  9. Hi Despina how are you? Welcome Back, How was your trip?
  10. Hey Despina How are you? I am glad you enjoyed yourself at the festival. The lineup looked sick as hell. Were all the tents better than the main rooms we have here? Meaning sound and lights? How was your trip overall?
  11. Digital Cable, Direct TV is ok but when the weather was bad, it usually went out. I like the digital cable for all the on demand channels, like HBO,Cinemax and Showtime. ALot of old movies, and comedies. Digital cable from Comcast sucks, Cablevision IO digital cable is all you need. I am excited cause I am moving soon and I am switching comcast to cablevision
  12. r u guys serious u are going to beat him up for shit he talked on the computer?
  13. You got Dannt T on Fridays at Arc (6 hubert st) also there is a big party on Sat. Oct. 11 called Boo. It is like a festival for us but nothing compared to the festivals over there. that should be fun.
  14. What days are you going to be here? I would say go to ARC (6 HUBERT sT) on Friday for danny Tenaglia. There is a show called Delguardia (sp) i dont know where it is though
  15. Check this out http://www.castlesupplys.com/newframe/pocketv.htm
  16. how do i put the pic in the msg
  17. how do i put the pic in the msg
  18. Thats what I have now. I still get mad pop ups, I have something on my computer (that I cant find) that sends me pop ups, that pop up stopper dont stop.
  19. I can get good E at $20, I can get a capluse of MDMA 3 quaters full for $30. There is a place in newark that sells pills between $6 and $10 but they are not good. The other stuff I mentioned my connect has been going well over two years that I have been going to them
  20. right now i have a small metal pipe I bring everywhere. I have a glass bowl for the house, but I love to smoke dutchies. Nothing better than a blunt
  21. Someone told me Boo is at Webster Hall? On the Boo teaser it says nothing about a venue, so we will see. Honestly I hope it is on Randalls Island so I can my La La
  22. I will not be there, I never went and I probably never will. If I do go out I will head over to Vinyl and hear Danny spin.
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