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Everything posted by housedog

  1. The sad thing I was a hardcore thief, from 20 to 22 years old, I didnt work just hung out and did ALOT of STUPID SHIT.
  2. I did see this movie, maybe 10 to 15 years ago. I knew it when you gave the hint. I think this was one of the only movies he was the star in.
  3. Nightmare on Elm Street <------ Just a quick guess
  5. I will try. Pot heads giving advice. Ok it was good you told him about the kissing and shit that you did. I say that kissing is not really cheating. But I do agree it is wrong and if you really like this guy you should not have done it. Whatever, whats done is done, it was good you told him and he took it lightly. Some people would break up with you over it. He seems like an understanding guy. Now with the shit you didnt tell him, I wouldn't. If you tell him now he is going to think what else didnt this bitch tell me. Then I think he will break up with you. Keep it to yourself if down the road say like two years if you are still together then you might be thing about telling him. There is always that chance that he knows that you kissed someone and he might think it os OK for him to do it. Some guys are like that. Keep your eyes open for that. Good Luck in your relationship
  6. I would say this, I DO NOT go to any club with a door policy. If I can't go in sneakers I don't go. I really hate when you got to dress up and wear shoes and slacks to go to a club and dance. I feel so uncomfortable. If I cant go as I am then I dont go at all. No club is worth all that BS. I will spend my $ somewhere else.
  7. Maybe I will. I recently moved, before I lived in Jersey City, 2 minutes from the Holland Tunnel. Now I live 20 minutes from the Holland Tunnel. So My week night trips to the city are not what they use to be.
  8. Shit no one wants to share stories, I will share another. I went to a house party once. Just drinking and chillin out. I didnt know anyone there, or who's house I was at. I scoped out the house and got (took) a brand new VCR w/ remote and the instruction booklet. This is when VCR was a new thing. Went out the next day and sold it for $50 Yes when I was younger I loved to steal. These days are long gone, and I do feel bad for the shit I stole. Cause I would never want anyone to steal from me.
  9. If you are a girl there should not be no pressure to get out of the scene and marry. You can find a guy who likes to party, or likes to go out. Even if you dont find a guy who is into that you can still go out once in a while. My last GF and I like to go out. We went to WMC together, we went to a party in Cali together. There are people out there just like you all you have to do is find them.
  10. http://www.mypornname.com/ My name is Brock Steele
  11. Dont feel bad, I also am 32 years old. But I act alot younger. I also love the face
  12. I did this recently, The girl called me one day and I picked up knowing the #. So I told her the reason I don't want to sss her anymore was because she reminded me of a friend that likes me and I don't like her.
  13. Now as the day comes closer, it doesnt look like I will have the $ to go. The party does look good, but everyone there has been here one time or another. I am not tryin to knock the party, the line-up is hot and worth the $ but it isn't a priority. (sp?) Sorry Despina, I will see you soon though, Have fun and be safe kids.
  14. When I use to go down the shore and get all liquored up. I use to rob the clothing stores on the boardwalk. Remeber when those weight lifting pants was in style? I would walk down the boardwalk with like three people. I would run up on the store and take a whole rack of clthes and run. I would run down to the street and back to my hotel. The other guys were there to tail me and stop anyone from chasing me. I only did once maybe twice, but I did get away with it. This was also 10 to 12 years ago. I DO NOT steal anymore.
  15. Who cares about the crowd you are there to dance. Anyway there were alot of Asians there. And they are all fucked up
  16. So this morning at 2:15 I pull in to the diner off of Rt. 3. There are 6 spots by the road, 3 head to head spots. There was a Brown car in the middle spot close to the entrance and a Blue car on the end close to the building. I was gonna park there but I peep a spot right near the building. My 2 friends and I get out and start walking up to the door. As soon as I reach the door I hear some screeching tires. As I turn to look I see a red bronco come down and plow into the the brown car. The brown car (totaled) spims around hits the blue car (some damage) and ends up with the back of his car (brown) resting against a pick up (very little damage). The The red bronco (alot of damage) then hits a white blazer (alot of damage), parked right next to my car and slams it into the building. So a total of five cars being hit, and no injuries to anyone. I was very lucky tonight, a minute or two later and we all could of been hit, a foot more to the left and my car would of been hit too. All the while before this we debating where we should go and eat. My friend chose Tic Tock cause it was closet to where we were. I am really glad we were out of the way and safe from this. It just goes to show you that anything can happen at any time. I am SO GLAD to be home SAFELY
  17. So this morning at 2:15 I pull in to the diner off of Rt. 3. There are 6 spots by the road, 3 head to head spots. There was a Brown car in the middle spot close to the entrance and a Blue car on the end close to the building. I was gonna park there but I peep a spot right near the building. My 2 friends and I get out and start walking up to the door. As soon as I reach the door I hear some screeching tires. As I turn to look I see a red bronco come down and plow into the the brown car. The brown car (totaled) spims around hits the blue car (some damage) and ends up with the back of his car (brown) resting against a pick up (very little damage). The The red bronco (alot of damage) then hits a white blazer (alot of damage), parked right next to my car and slams it into the building. So a total of five cars being hit, and no injuries to anyone. I was very lucky tonight, a minute or two later and we all could of been hit, a foot more to the left and my car would of been hit too. All the while before this we debating where we should go and eat. My friend chose Tic Tock cause it was closet to where we were. I am really glad we were out of the way and safe from this. It just goes to show you that anything can happen at any time. I am SO GLAD to be home SAFELY
  18. So this morning at 2:15 I pull in to the diner off of Rt. 3. There are 6 spots by the road, 3 head to head spots. There was a Brown car in the middle spot close to the entrance and a Blue car on the end close to the building. I was gonna park there but I peep a spot right near the building. My 2 friends and I get out and start walking up to the door. As soon as I reach the door I hear some screeching tires. As I turn to look I see a red bronco come down and plow into the the brown car. The brown car (totaled) spims around hits the blue car (some damage) and ends up with the back of his car (brown) resting against a pick up (very little damage). The The red bronco (alot of damage) then hits a white blazer (alot of damage), parked right next to my car and slams it into the building. So a total of five cars being hit, and no injuries to anyone. I was very lucky tonight, a minute or two later and we all could of been hit, a foot more to the left and my car would of been hit too. All the while before this we debating where we should go and eat. My friend chose Tic Tock cause it was closet to where we were. I am really glad we were out of the way and safe from this. It just goes to show you that anything can happen at any time. I am SO GLAD to be home SAFELY
  19. This is the funniest thing to me. Yeah Yeah whatever I have a warp sense of humor. But think about it, he is dealing with a wild animal. These things can happen at any time. The only thing I wish I was at the show to see it, would of been great. But in all honesty even if I was in Vegas I would not go to this show. Siegfried & Roy illusionist mauled by tiger THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LAS VEGAS - A trained tiger attacked magician Roy Horn of the duo Siegfried & Roy during a performance, biting his neck and dragging him off stage. Horn's manager said today the illusionist had surgery and was in critical condition. People attending the German-born duo's show Friday night at the Mirage hotel-casino said the white tiger lunged at Horn shortly after he led it on stage, and that he tried to beat the animal off with a microphone. "We honestly thought it was part of the show. We didn't know what was going on," said Sharna Wiblen, who was in the audience. Andy Cushman, also in the audience, said Horn "looked like a rag doll" as the tiger dragged him off the stage. The illusionist was taken to a hospital and had surgery on the neck area, Horn's longtime manager, Bernie Yuman, said today. He said Horn's doctors said the surgery went as expected and that Horn was in critical but stable condition. "Roy has had a rapport with exotic animals for 44 years," but he never takes that for granted, Yuman told NBC television. "At the end of the day, when you perform that many shows and have no incident whatsoever, this is the anomaly," he said. "I would say that most of us are traumatized." Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman said Horn, who turned 59 on Friday, had a serious injury to the left side of his neck. Horn was able to talk with the ambulance staff on the way to the hospital, Clark County Fire spokesman Bob Leinbach said. Horn, the dark-haired member of the duo, appeared alone on stage with the tiger about 45 minutes into the show and told the audience the animal was making its debut, Cushman said. After the attack, Cushman said, Siegfried Fischbacher appeared on stage and said the performance was cancelled. Hotel officials said the show has been cancelled indefinitely. The tiger involved in the attack, a seven-year-old male named Montecore, was quarantined at the hotel, officials said. "Roy is a very, very strong-willed person as well as having physical strength," Yuman said. "I'm cautiously optimistic." The illusionists' show, with its signature white tigers and lions, is one of the most well-known and expensive in Las Vegas. The pair perform six shows a week and have been performing in Las Vegas for more than 30 years. They signed a lifetime contract with the Mirage in 2001.
  20. So you say I will wait till Friday to go to classic night @ Vinyl. QUOTE]Originally posted by echostar utopia 2 is better www.illusionproductions.net
  21. My name (Vincent) is #116 for males My last name (E*******) is #1902 for last names
  22. Shit I use to do this when I was in High School. Nothing Like drinking a 40 and chillen on 42nd back in the 80's. One time I bought a 40 of OE and it was warm, I tried to return it and the store woud not take it back. So me being the young punk that I was, I took the bottle and smashed it in the store. Got to love being young and doing stupid shit
  23. I don't know what you should do. But I have 2 friends who spun at the Lunatarium and chained their records to the trunk of their car. When they came out someone broke open the trunk and cut the chain and with that their record bowes were stolen. S obe carfeul in whatever you do
  24. I have one. At my brothers wedding when the videographer wanted me to toast the camera, I congradulated my brother and his ex girlfriend. Whwn they came and showed it, I had no idea I said that. All I could do is apoligze.
  25. Im gonna check this out. Is there a dress code? And what time do you think he will go on? Reason I ask is I am coming from Jersey, about 20 mion out of Nyc. Got to make the $ Fri. Thanks
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