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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. I just might venture out for this one. Junior doing Friday night in his old Sunday morning spot.
  2. I remember reading that Draper was supposed to be spinning with Jason Ojeda, Shawn Ink, and others at the "Freedom Fridays" party that was supposed to start at Centro during late January of this year. I don't think anything ever came of the party, and I haven't read or heard much about him since.
  3. Very nice. Discotheque is doing a great job with the afterhours party.
  4. rudeboyyouth

    Song ID

    Definitely a phat track. Like the LSD rmx.
  5. Moody is definitely no better than Rick. Moody and Mada both have the same tracks in their crates for months at a time, playing nothing but the same shit in different orders. They're good djs, but as far as track selection, they need to get their shit together. And yes, Webster Hall does suck. It was pretty phat at one time, but it needs some major changes.
  6. Rick's always been a great dj. Good to see he's working on some more productions.
  7. Door policies should be tight with respect to their drug searches. However, a strict dress code is a fuckin joke in a club, and it does little, if nothing, to reduce the presence of assholes and drug users in a club. I go to a nightclub to dance my ass off, not sit around, cross my legs, and watch everyone else dance. Nothing hinders my ability to dance more than a pair of shoes. I have no problems with wearing slacks; in fact, I think they're the most comfortable type of pants. I don't mind dressing nicely, so long as I can wear a nice looking pair of sneakers with my outfit. Clubs can still require a nice dress code without turning away the individuals who come to dance their asses off all night to great music. Save the shoe requirements for lounges.
  8. Don't people know what it's like already to be fucked up beyond all recognition? There are so many people, both new and old-school, who are still ingesting certain drugs like they're going out of style. What the fuck ever happened to downing a few shots, smoking a joint, and enjoying a nice, chill vibe while listening to some phat music? Too much of this teasing death shit is getting out of control, lol.
  9. Anyone heading over there tonight?
  10. ..........provide me with some reliable information on supplements that can be taken to help pass various drug screening tests? If you feel you can provide me with some good information, please PM me. I'd rather not go into specifics since this board is read all-too-often by unwanted eyes. Thanks
  11. I'm flowing across the universe.......... passing through the gate...... I'm the ambassador of eternity........ telling you of love and hate....... listen to the sound of drums....... running through my brain........ follow me........... don't be afraid.......... .......come with me......to the Cosmic Gate.......... God that fuckin song sends chills down my spine, and it brings back some great memories.
  12. Describe the Webster Hall odor, lol.
  13. One thing you've proven over the past few years on this board is that you are whole-heartedly dedicated. We all remember how much of a fuck up you are. Surely you haven't forgotten...........
  14. Still kicking like a young stallion, you fuck up, you.
  15. Please... I've seen some of the most respectful, well-mannered individuals get the shit end of the stick while talking to Paris. She's just a drama-queen, and being extra courteous to her has shit to do with it. One particular night that stands out in my mind was back in early 99, when Paris had the entire line waiting, and she kept asking everyone to have their id's ready. So this one guy was eating a hot dog online, and she goes up to him and says, "Get your ID ready. Don't you understand English?" And the guy says, "I'm eating a hot dog. I'll take it out when I'm done." Then Paris says, "Excuse me??" and the guy leans forward into her face and says (very loudly) "I - am - eating - a - hot - dog......don't - you - understand - English?!?!?!" Of course the guy was asked to step off the line, but it was one of those classic moments where Paris actually looked like an asshole. She stood there for a moment, smelling his hot dog breath, and was like, "Please step off the line." Old School SF door drama is classic, lol.
  16. Never really found Paris to be mean over the years..... Just stupid, and at times, very annoying. That's probably what made her door behavior seem very tasteless.
  17. Nation heads, come out in full force tonight. Let's dance all fuckin night tonight. See you guys in a couple of hours. - Rudy
  18. A man who loves his board, lol.
  19. Fuck Paris. She serves more of a purpose at the door anyway. Her little stint on the one and twos was a joke. A little drama at the door isn't bad if it's done in good taste. Unfortunately, she's a pretty tasteless person. I never had a problem with her, but I did get pretty sick of seeing and hearing her at the door from 99 - 01.
  20. Micro will rip shit at Nation. If there's any place that can bring out the best in him on his home turf, it's Nation.
  21. The original has always been a fuckin classic. New York Freestyle holds a special place in my heart.
  22. The Sunday afterhours at Disco run fairly late, so maybe that has something to do with it. Disco's one of the few places in NY right now that's doing a purely house music afterhours party. As far as the music that's spun, I see no correlation between Disco afterhours and the old SF afterhours. Personally, I've always preferred Eric's track selection and mixing over JP's. I hope Disco has Razor spin for afterhours again in the near future. Whenever he's there, he kills it all morning.
  23. PM MattM2o on this board, and he'll set you up.
  24. This Friday night, the Nation residents will be treating our ears all night. This is the lineup: Matt (MattM2o) & Eric 10:30-12:00 DJ Hurricane 12:00- 1:00 Rick Santiago 1:00- 2:00 Rob James 2:00-close (around 6 am or so) Should be one nasty fuckin night of music. See you guys Friday night.
  25. I'm definitely going to try to make it out for this event. I can't remember the last time I heard Micro right here on the Island, on his home turf. Nation is the perfect place to host this party. L.I. underground baby.
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