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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. It doesn't look like it's in a position to be taken home.
  2. .....what types of comedians do you guys find to be the funniest? Those who use profanity in their acts, or those who don't? The only non-cursing comedian I've ever found funny is Jerry Seinfeld. Sinbad was funny on a few occasions, but he doesn't really do it for me.
  3. Since opening night, every Friday night at Nation has been a pure treat, and the vibe keeps building and building. I haven't enjoyed such a great, purely underground vibe since the Tunnel in its heyday. It's about fuckin time Long Island returned to its electronic dance music roots. I love the fact that Nation is the type of club where, even if the guest djs wind up not coming for whatever reasons (i.e., unanticipated weather conditions), there is still a resident dj and staff members on hand who are able to rip shit better than many New York City dj's. Much of Rob's crew consists of die-hard house heads who are local producers and dj's in their own rights, and this only adds to what has been a truly underground vibe. The place is chock-full of talented individuals who are just chilling out, enjoying the vibe, sharing their love for the underground. With a party like this every Friday night, I no longer need (or desire) to cross the East River. I know Johnny V. will bring his best game to Nation on NYE, and lift the roof off the place. Our crowd will bring out the best in him. Although shying away from the underground as of lately with parties like Sahara, Vicious is still capable of killing shit, and when he's on point, there's no stopping him. Be prepared for a deep, dark, dirty night of some of the nastiest house music. Also, next week with Eddie will be a great night. I can't wait. See you guys there.
  4. Party was insane. Exactly what I expected it to be, and more. Matt - thanks or another great night. See you next Friday. Sorry I didn't get to meet Spragga or Tekno. I was the guy in the Red "Nintendo" jumpsuit jacket. Rob and LES were just Nasty. My entire body is sore today.
  5. Nope!! Rule against perpetuities was only for the midterm. Thank God, because even after two weeks of studying the shit out of that rule and trying to understand it, it still confuses the shit out of me. I've read a couple of past NYS bar exam questions that had the Rule of Perps on it, so I defintely need to go back and look at it again. Another example of a half-assed legal rule that could've been made so much more simpler with some careful thought and wording. I think there was one place in the final where I could've mentioned the Rule of Perps, but I couldn't determine a validating life, and didn't want to waste precious time.
  6. Well, I just got done taking my last law school final for the semester (property), and I have a strong feeling I fucked something up. I'm so sick of school. God. I can't wait to shred the floor tonight at Nation. See you all there. I hope I didn't fuckin fail this class. FUCK
  7. If you're 18+, but 21 -, come down with a few heads. There shouldn't be a problem.
  8. Favorites: 1) Twilo (Juniorverse) 2) The Tunnel (D-Tour) 3) Freedom Afterhours 4) Amsterdam 4) C.P.I. (1998 - 2001) 5) SoundFactory (1997 - 2002)
  9. I'll be in attendance once again, enjoying what has been nothing less than musical bliss for the past three weeks.
  10. MattM2o, you guys are doing some exceptional fuckin work on those promo cards. Everyone of them since opening night has looked sick.
  11. The age limit isn't very strict. If you're 18+, and with a few heads, you shouldn't have a problem. Bring your crew down and enjoy a sick night of real house music. Also, the dress code is non-existent. Strap on some kicks, and be ready to shred the floor up.
  12. Discofreak and Spragga, stop bickering! Both of you should show up and have an incredible night. You never know - you two may be just right for each other.
  13. I never liked "satisfaction." It always seemed a little too bitch-ass of a tune for my taste. "Appreciate Me" may be played to death, but I've always thought it was a wicked tune with a great beat and great vocals. When Peter first started dropping this shit at Roxy, it used to sound very nice.
  14. Dave Chapelle's comedy show is fuckin hilarious. I remember one episode in particular where he spoofed the MTV "Real World" series by depicting a fragile white guy among 5 or 6 hardcore gangsters. The skit was funny as hell.
  15. I definitely feel you on the Ranch, Glowgrl. I can't stand bleu cheese.
  16. ...do you guys like with your wings? (a) Bleu Cheese ( Ranch © Hot sauce (d) Other
  17. Teknojunkee, Did you head over to Nation this past Friday? If you're heading there this friday for Rob and LES, we should meet up and get some shots going. I had to leave early this past friday because of work on Saturday. I was so pissed because Mike and Peter were really starting to rip shit. I cleared my schedule next Saturday, so this upcoming friday will be a great night. Fuck Manhattan for the time being. Finally, some real fuckin house music on the Island once again.
  18. I'm not sure whether you have any preconceptions about heading out to Long Island, but you should try NATION in Commack, NY. Music rivals (and is probably better than) much of the music being spun at many NYC spots, the dress code is non-existent, and the vibe is incredible. DJ Rob James (Freedom afterhours / Amsterdam) is the resident dj, and drops the nastiest underground house all night long. These past couple of weekends, Anthony Nero, Mike Macaluso & Peter Bailey have been the guest djs. This upcoming friday night, Low End Specialists will be there. Give it a try. You'll have a sick time.
  19. Got there early, and Rob was already wrecking shit. The music was off the hook all night long. At first, no one stepped on the dance floor, but as the night progressed, the vibe got much better, and, at times, almost seemed reminiscent of Sound Factory circa 97 / 98 - just a very chilled out, intimate group that was there to dance. Music only got better as the night progressed, so I shredded the floor for as long as I could (I was the guy in the blue "Nintendo" jump-suit jacket). I definitely can't dance for long periods of time anymore - too many beers over the past few years have slowed me down, lol. Overall, I defintely felt the vibe, but I'm just dissapointed to see that not too many people are showing up for the talent that is coming through this place. It's hard to get people to overcome their preconceptions about Long Island, even though the music at Nation, in my opinion, is better than what's being spun at many New York City spots at this moment. Rob, Matt, and the entire Nation crew are trying their best, and if the venue fails, people can't say they didn't make an attempt to revive Long Island's underground scene. Met some cool kats, including MattM2o (who I've been seeing at various parties since Freedom days, but never actually knew it was him), and also ran into one or two old-school heads that I haven't seen for a couple of years. The night was a treat for true house-heads. Musically, last night was one of the best parties I've been to all year, hands down.
  20. That's why I ALWAYS get two blunts, even if I only have enough weed for one. It's always good to have a spare, and blunts are notorious for having cracks and rips here and there.
  21. Next time you post, realize that once is enough. Just give it time to load after you post. That multiple post shit was very board cluttering, not to mention annoying.
  22. I will be there early, ready to kill my leg muscles. Rob James, Mike Mac, and Bailey - How could you stop yourself from shredding the floor all night? Should be a great night.
  23. Fumx presents Ellis D - "I got Something" - Earth Mix (jr's right here-right now mix) Good track.
  24. So there was no dj in the basement? What was being played down there? Were there speakers pumping what Junior was spinning upstairs?
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