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Everything posted by xxlea

  1. I'll come out of hiding for this event!
  2. eeeuuu why would you even consider sucking on a dildo, that plastic smell is horrible enough to even taste.
  3. I was also a Catholic School girl and look how I turned out!!!
  4. Happy Birthday sweety! Make sure Tony gets you something!!
  5. I appreciate Sassa's "contraversial"(dare I say?) threads, but this is a bit precipated. Perhaps in a month or so then I would agree, just not yet. Give them a chance, whether you agree or disagree on the coalition forces being there, they are already there, this process will take time. Hopefully it will be a quick process and our troops can come back home!!!!
  6. It's very sad, just as sad as when palestinian suicide bombers blow up cafes, busses, clubs, etc. Doesn't matter who does the blowing, it's just plain SAD PERIOD.
  7. In high school, I worked after school at a sherlin(sp?)coat factory in Queens. I had to comb out the fur from the inside seams w/ a heavy metal combs and cut any loose threads. My hands were blistered for a whole week. I worked enough hours to save for xmas shopping.
  8. xxlea


    Like I said in a previous thread, why pay s&h for clothes you can buy at Rainbow or Forever 21??
  9. WTF?? Why pay shipping & handling for Rainbow clothing?
  10. I'm so glad you're feeling that way, about time!
  11. When was this article written? Was it before 911, I think I've read this a few yrs ago.
  12. I'm sure I don't stand alone when I say that I've been glued to the TV since Thursday night. I never agreed with the US going to war in Iraq but now that its a fact, all I can do is think about all the YOUNG soldiers and CIVILIANS living through that! Right now in my house there a three tv's on with different stations covering the war. I can't help but feel so helpless and pray to God that I never have to be in a situation where every night air raid sirens blaring in the skies. How do you feel about the non stop coverage of this war? Does the images of the bombings stir any feelings of fear,anger, etc? How do feel about having such accessibility to the war?
  13. xxlea


    blah to my hair today, friz everywhere. Phat, a whiff of tequila sends me to the bathroom puking. I'm noticing that screwdrivers are doing the same. Shit, this old age is lowering my tolerance for alcohol. Sticking to JW Black or Buchanas.
  14. xxlea

    After Sex?

    Baby wipes are a staple in my bedroom.
  15. xxlea


    LMAO! I hate it when feels as if he's poking the crap out of my bladder.
  16. Wow never thought I'd considered Justin FUCKABLE!!
  17. Wow very similar to my case! We were friends for over 10 yrs and everyone including my mom said we were going to end up together. His last gf swore we were fooling around and I kept telling her otherwise. They broke up and 3 months afterwards we got together. Instead of being drunk we were rolling and hooked up that night. We've been together now for 2 yrs with alot of break ups and make ups. Even during our "break" periods I couldn't see other people, no matter how hard I tried. He was a very very Jealous person in the beginning and luckily that has improved alot. Now the one w/ the jealousy issues is me, lol. We're considering moving in together in the next few months.
  18. xxlea

    jessica alba

    she lost way too much weight since her show.
  19. LMAO, the 007 was the best!
  20. Would it cost too much for the State of New Jersey to buy Charmin T.P. for their rest stops on the Garden State??
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