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Everything posted by crommy

  1. It's all about Star 69, baby! Love that remix. Lawler was stellar, on par with his January performance. He was relentless, I could barely keep up with him -- the mind wanted to, but the body was not cooperating. I was surprised at how small the crowd was, but that just means more room to dance. I think Lawler, along with Howells, are must see events. Yeah, I could do without the MLK speech on Free At Last. And this might be heresey to some, but I have heard Hide U enough times already. Please, can we give it a week off? DJ Three was a pleasant surprise, but Quivver, ehhh, didnt do much for me -- dropped Love in Traffic way to early for me. We also heard Medway -- My Release twice... Overall, I'll take Lawler's dark, sexy, tribal beats anyday.
  2. This needs a big ****BUMP**** Page 9, WTF!
  3. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. See you at the meetup
  4. When Lawler played in January, the place wasnt very packed bc people were spent from New Years, but the vibe was awesome. His three hour set was the best time I have ever had at Twilo. He was relentless. It was amazing. Some people bashed his mixing abilities, but the man put on a great show with his track selection and feel of what the crowd wanted. I hope this time he closes instead of Quivver. Nothing against Mr. Graham, but he couldn't maintain the energy level that Lawler created. This night is not to be missed! Dirty, sexy, tribal trance...yeah baby!
  5. YAY I've missed your "THIS JUST IN" posts...
  6. And remember, he starts off the night at 11 sharp....
  7. That's cool you got to meet Space Girl and Lawrence. The best part of the night was Dave Ralph's set. Oddly enough, it seemed like the dancefloor cleared when he came on. We went nuts when he dropped Wackassmotherfucker. His style was completely different than any other DJ there -- and I enjoyed him the best. Would love to see him operate in a set that lasted more than one hour. Otherwise Space Girl was good, but I was disppointed with Lawrence -- not very trancey if you ask me. And what was up with the DJ who followed Ralph. It was like a KTU mega mix or something. House to techno to Daft Punk "One More Time" And what's the deal with shutting off the water in the bathrooms -- do they want people to pass out and get rushed to the hospital??
  8. So, who went? Can I have a review ?
  9. For those of you hitting the one-two punch of DT and CC Sunday, hear's a little taste of Coxy courtesy of Papermag: PAPERMAG: What does it feel like to look out and see thousands of people dancing, arms in the air, eyes closed, escaping the real world and entering one that you orchestrate for them? Carl Cox: Amazing! It's hard to describe how it feels to have people going crazy and getting involved in my sets. I think it's a two-way situation. They enjoy the music I play while their appreciation of me keeps me going. As long as they're happy I'm happy. PAPERMAG: How did you feel when Twilo asked you to spin with Danny Tenaglia? CC: Danny and I have been DJing with each other internationally on a regular basis for the past couple of years. He's an inspiration to me and I think we work well together. The night will be more about the pair of us coming together, having fun and kicking ass. I truly can't wait. I'm very excited. PAPERMAG: Your sets are amazing in that they take each listener on a musical journey. Do you plan the progression of your set, or do you simply spin tracks based off the vibe you get from the crowd? CC: It's a DJ's job to spin to the vibe of the crowd. There is continuous communication between a DJ and his or her audience. You feel it when they love a particular way you're playing or a certain style you're moving toward, the same way you feel it when something's not going to work. It's all about pushing boundaries. PAPERMAG: Do you think that the rave and club crowds are different from one another? If so, does this difference help define the set you are going to spin? CC: The line-ups at raves are far bigger than those of any club, and because of this each DJ is normally confined to perform within a one to two hour time slot. Personally, I prefer to DJ for a minimum of four hours, which means I've got to work harder. More recently I've been playing clubs from beginning to end. This way I feel that I have complete musical control over the night, from funk to soul, house to techno, and anything else that I choose to throw in between. It works well. At bigger events, you don't get the opportunity. It's like, "next!", which is very impersonal. PAPERMAG: The New York club scene is vastly different from the more mainstream ones in Europe. Do you feel that this showcase of talent will ever reach the level of exposure that it has in Europe [when compared to the success of nightclubs like Ministry of Sound, Cream, and Love Parade]? CC: Twilo has to be one of the best clubs in the world. You can't compare it to the likes of Cream or the Ministry of Sound because it's in a league of its own. Although the European clubs are probably more recognized on an international scale, Twilo has kept itself true. Its nights are cutting edge, new, underground and exciting. Mike Bindra at Twilo has worked so hard to put this club where it is today. On the other hand Ministry of Sound was a good club in its day but capitalized on its exposure. Now look at it! It's struggling to keep its head above water. PAPERMAG: Are you working on any future projects? CC: I'm busy in the studio putting together my third album, re-mixing and co-producing tracks with Josh Wink and Christian Smith, among others. PAPERMAG: One last question. Could you possibly spin a drum 'n' bass track on Sunday? CC: I do throw in various drum 'n' bass tracks in my sets. At the moment, DJ Zinc (UK) is doing some great stuff, which crosses over nicely into some of my sets. Carl Cox's Scratch Pack: 1 Unknown - "Wacked Out Motherfucker" 2 Phats & Small - "Respect the Cock" 3 Jeff Mills - "Time Machine" 4 Ben Simms - "Reminipulator" 5 PQM - "The Flying Song" 6 Oxia - All Tracks 7 Ignition Technician - "Crazy Ladies" 8 John Thomas - "Undisputed Life" 9 Planets in Transit - "Kick 105" 10 Brother to Brother - "I Need a House"
  10. Abstrakt: It's Special K by Placebo. Timo spins a remix (presumably his) of it. The Placebo version is a rock song. I downloaded it off Napster and actually liked it. Got the lyrics off of some fan's web site bc I never could understand the vocals.
  11. Jams! Glad to hear you'll be joining us! And no special sauce for the pizza right Vejita? We'll save that for your birthday present I'll bring some Kellogg's Special K to snack on, too. Whoohooo!
  12. I know the big event for most folks is PVD this weekend, but dont forget about Timo. So, who else is going? I'm personally looking forward to: "No hesitation, no delay, you come on just like Special K"
  13. I cant do a sit-down lunch today, but I'll stop by and say howdy
  14. Hey, I'm orginally from Forest Hills (just visited the hood this weekend) I'm in Mahattan now, but down for a meetup. Meeting some friends for lunch in Brooklyn Heights on Sat and was planning to swing by there anyway.
  15. Halycon is great. It's a little bit of everything: coffee shop/bar/record store/antique shop. They have people spinning there all the time...check out the Web-site and sign up for the flyer. Saw Timo Maas do a little set there before his Twilo gig in November. But the local talent is usually top-notch. One of the owners of the place also spins and is quite good, IMO. If you go, have the oreo shake -- it's heavenly.
  16. Diego, you show-off! I echo pooh's sentiment. I as well have a primative system that only plays one CD at a time -- gasp! -- and right now its Sasha San Fran Disk 1 -- an oldy but goody.
  17. To Twilo on Sat, March 17! woohoo!
  18. The plan was not to go to liquids last night. I'm glad we didn't stick to the plan. Liquids was just the fix I was looking for all week. The music was great and it was a pleasure to run into so many board people. While going out to Twilo to see the superstar DJs we know and love is fun, chilling in a lounge listening to some homegrown talent with cool peeps also hits the spot. Kim, Anthony -- it great reminiscing about Binghamton. We'll have to get some speedies sometime --Danielle
  19. I'm so glad that I went. It's a great organization and they make it very easy for you to participate. Was thinking about starting off with a dog walking/playing with cats activity soon. Playing cards with seniors on the upper west side also got my attention. (how else am i supposed to keep my cantasta skills fresh?) Also intend on working with kids and preparing and distributing meals etc.
  20. Nick Warren and Sander Kleinenberg are coming March 23
  21. It's not just people who go to SoundFactory that dont give extensive musical reviews. Check out the Digweed@ Twilo "reviews" Except for a few people who talked about certain tracks or the type of music, the posts mostly contained messages to other people who were there that night. To be sure, people can say whatever they want to in their posts, but I always appreciate the ones that describe the music and the vibe of the night. unfortunately they were few and far between on this board sometimes.
  22. Yo, check out Seaman on 2/3 Then check out Christopher Lawrence @ a rave along with Dave Ralph and Space Girl two weeks later 2/17 --new rochelle,ny www.parkravemadness.com
  23. Damn Jman Look what you started -- you go boyeee!
  24. B2B, I was wondering when someone was going to bring up Adam Freeland. His stuff on Tectronics is awesome. I love listening to breaks, but dancing to it is a little more challenging. DJs/producers gotta go out and try new sounds sometimes, or else they can get stale and boring. (Even Mr. Howells threw in a little breakbeat action Saturday nite -- worked like a charm)
  25. Timo Maas has some sort of residentcy @ Twilo. He was there in Nov, then Dec openning for Deep Dish and he is going to be there Feb. 10 (as will I). SpoonyD-- no disrespect intended Vejita -- I'd pass on Sandra Collins anyway. Seen her twice and that's enough for me. Tom on the otherhand.....
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