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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by highmay

  1. Like I say, you're only as good as your last party... No offense to the hosts (or maybe?) , but the content of the character from the crowd decides the longetivity of a party(unless, of course, youre exit) ... and that party had a bunch of morons inside that joint...an educated, well dressed crowd that respects one another and the people around them will contribute a more positive vibe than the silliness its patrons portrayed on the line and inside the club when I "attended its first night... luis kain...njnick?? take this party as a learning expierience...and improve from here on...i dont want to see people fail...unless theyre idiots...
  2. ive never been there...but im sure its good because i believe its a rob fernandez party...he also does centro thurs and vinyl on fridays...
  3. aight chris... you want a large energetic crowd w/o the fear of fights and that other bullshit... well more established clubs have a good rep when it comes to the friendliness of crowds...so dont worry about the following suggestions: WED- the party is probably Lil Louie Vega @ Centro-Fly...great club, sexy atmosphere, everything NY (style, women, music) THURS- you have some choices...you either want to go back to Centro-Fly for the their best party, Subliminal Sessions, with some of the best music you'll ever hear, or if you want to see women so amazing you wonder if their is a factory near-by, i suggest SACI...but make sure you come correct...bring a female, or if you dont have one...come early with your boy.... FRI-you want a party? Vinyl, nuff said...but the ROXY party is definitly picking up steam....ROXY is huge though, a bigger dancefloor than EXIT's... SAT- uhhhhhmmmm theres 151, which is similar to the SACI party .....a good dance party??....hhmmm...this one i cant raelly say...i would usually go to Sound Factory because JP is my fav DJ...but thats afterhours....it wont get good till around 7am-11am.... hope this helps....PEACE... oh and by the way....dont even think of entering EXIT....take my advice,please....
  4. he's basically raw, no bullshit, hard trance... no beauty behind..just ugly and bloodless as dance music can get...and its funny cuz when he's spins he's havin the best time... i betcha he's a sadomasacist
  5. i hate it when i meet hot girls who have absolutly no perspective on clubbing and the world... its almost a waste of good looks...why have them if you cant take advantage of them?? it begins from within...
  6. you gotta have some sort of ID my man..
  7. afterhours...like 11 and oh yeah...Ill be there....tenaglia is GOD
  8. the club: vinyl the DJ: Danny Teneglia the party: one of the best in NYC, if not, THE BEST
  9. i dont have a job in the scene but i have more respect in it than you'll ever know... but then again...for you, ignorance is bliss... BTW im not responding anymore to your stupidity...i have better things to do like go to a real party 2 blocks down and one block over on thursdays...
  10. awwwww....youre making me cry here....someone please hand me a hanky....
  11. All I'm going to say is that you know there's something wrong with a party when a 17 year old high school girl is running the VIP rope, and when people actually think Capello was a better DJ than Macaluso. Shows the intelligence level there. <------ exactly how I felt on line during the opening night.
  12. YES!!!!! this is a dream come true!!! bout damn time he comes here!! that night is goin to be insane!!!! we meeting up derrick...we're all meeting up!! ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  13. two words...ONE NATION! ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  14. what i find hilarious is how people here say "oh no offense but there's too many asians at exit..." uhm, genius? that statement IS offense... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  15. I second that notion. ANYWAY...DID ANYONE GO TO SEE DICO, THE GREATEST DJ IN HIS MIND, SPIN? ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  16. uh, sweetie? i think everyone was askin for someone to step up to the plate....just happened to be me...now go dance... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  17. k i really dont think mr. aiello asked for a review from a promoter/dancer/teenybopper... why dont we hear a review from someone who ISNT a promoter... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  18. Ok...let's see if I can clear this up for everyone: The international talent that SF is bringing in on Fridays is only a temporary move by Richard Grant. Since summers in the city are so slow because of the shore and long island, Richard decided to bring in international talent to attract crowds to the club. This is not a permanent move. SF motivation has always been party-driven, not promoter-driven. When the summer dies down, there will be no more international talent. The goal for SF Friday is to be like SF Saturday. Once they find the right DJ and crowd mix, then there will be no need for promotional parties like record releases or special guest DJs. If they did it with JP on Saturdays, they can do it for Fridays. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  19. funny how he also like house music... ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  20. Capello has a residency because of Thorin Aiello, plain and simple. He also does a big <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> and works cheap, so it's in Thorin's best financial interest to use Capello. All of these topics have been covered already. Here's there link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum18/HTML/002257.html ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  21. It's a Dennis Tanjeloff party. So I'm assuming very upscale and beautiful. He does Luahn Fridays, which is owned by one of the Baldwin boys. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
  22. Sweetie...the only people you're pleasing with your annoying posts are horny 17 year old little boys who dont know how to contribute to a board in a positive light and only post here because its the most populer club board on the web....you and your kind post here with immoral, self-absorbed immaturity that doesn't know the first thing about the club scene....and i dont wanna see no damn response like "oh pssssssssssshhhhhhhhhtttt who is you to say shit? you dont know me and shit!" tell me where im wrong? tell me who looks stupid? 1. all i see about you is threads asking everyone how many guys saw you and are gonna think about you in bed that night they saw you in some outfit a whore wouldnt touch. you do that to feed your own ego...not for anyone else's ego. 2. "yaaayyy!!! capello at LL!! yyyaaaaayyyy!!!": no secondary comment necessary here... Daniela: If you are going to post, do so in a positive way that contributes to the CP community, not in some egocentric, immature fashion, which until now finely details the "extensive" knowledge and "respect" you have for the NYC club scene that you and your crowd take for granted. I guess what I'm trying to say is: grow up and think for once. ------------------ AOL: Highmay9
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