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Everything posted by unclebuc

  1. You should be going to a headhunter....Not Metro!!!!!
  2. Your a fucking idiot......The yankees didn't buy shit.....The core of their team are all home grown players.....and the others were traded for with the exception of mussina and stanton who were free agents.You can't use money as an excuse because if it was then the A's wouldn't even be a .500 team. Its not money in baseball. Its having smart people run your organization. Steinbrenner has had the team since the 70's. He hasn't had smart people running the team until Bob Watson, Buck Showalter, Cashman, and Torre came around. The A's are good because their GM is a genius. Adding Dye and Damon was a great move. The reason the mets sucked this year is because Steve Phillips. He didn't want A-Rod. He didn't want Sheffeild. He didn't re-sign hampton. He knew he needed a big time bat to go with Piazza and Alfonzo. So he went out and signed Steve Trachsel and Appeir to replace hampton and did jack shit to improve the offense. Its all about having a smart GM. Look at teams like Cleveland, the Yanks, Braves, Houston, St.louis.....They are in the playoffs every year....They make the right moves!
  3. Thank you lexander..... To all others....Know what the fuck you are talking about before you go and bash someone.....Call the man fake all you want...He lost his brother in the WTC.....As many of us lost friends and family there......
  4. 1- zombie nation 2- I turn to you 3- stranger in my house
  5. Are you retarded......They are sending aid to the millions of people who are being starved by their government.
  6. Every skyscrapper is built to withstand a plane hitting it. The plane itself wasn't the problem....It was the full tank of jet fuel that caused the fires to burn at more than 2500 degrees which caused the steel to melt and thats what caused the buildings to come down. A plane once crashed into the empire state building......Its still standing. Know what your talking about before you open your mouth, Moron!
  7. Both of my brothers are firemen. i will be on the job in a couple of months. In all seriousness.....LAY OFF THE DRUGS! Give me a break in saying that Firemen and Cops are overpraised. All you ever heard was the bad shit that happens and it took a tragedy for cops and firemen to finally be appreciated. They are both underpaid. They both put their lives on the line everyday, so jerkoffs like you can feel safe. Nobody knew that the WTC was going to come down. They went up their to save lives and put that fire out. There is no excuse that you can offer me. You just proved that you are an idiot and no one on this board will ever take you serious again.
  8. you got bashed for a few reasons sweet heart..... 1- You come on here and post that its your 18 birthday... 2- You say you are going clubbing for the first time..... 3- You said that you will be tripping your face off..... But I am not your father, so do what you want. Becareful and have a nice birthday!
  9. I live in hoboken....Love Sexy Sucks.....its a dive.....I personally like City Bistro......You can party on the roof deck and have a great view of the city. I don't know what is really going on there, but just walk up and down washington street and you should find something. Buck
  10. 8) No Shirts, No Shoes, No Service 9) Unclebuc replaces izzy on the mic. 10) Corona's in a bottle
  11. Pot Brownies are over rated......Your better off smoking the bud throughout your trip. It will keep the high going longer. Shrooms alone are great, but with beer and weed it is killer. I would recommend smoking the weed instead of eating it. oh yeah, tea is the way to go with the shrooms........ Boil water and throw the shrooms in there and let them stay in there for a good amount of time(20 mins or so). Then skim the skanky shrooms out of the water and throw some ice tea mix in the pot. Mix it well. Using a laddle, pour some tea in a cup and put in the freezer for 5 mins to cool off.....Drink up and sit back and enjoy the ride!!!!!! have fun Buck
  12. I won't be out tonight....I am on a break from clubs....other than the occasional Surf Club Sunday appearence. But once lock heals from his broken leg, we are going to be hitting up factory every now and then. I might be down the beach on sunday of labor day. If I am we'll catch up then over a bunch of drinks. buck
  13. Hey Shonette, Whats happening.....Don't sweat this clown.....He is an asshole and I've been saying that for a long time. I'm just glad everyone else is starting to see it. You are a sweet, beautiful lady and shouldn't have to deal with this asshole. See you soon. Buck
  14. keep talking about drug use on the board and factory is going to suffer the same fate as twilo.
  15. You guys are weak.....You never have anything interesting to say.......You type the same shit, day after day.....Time for a new Gimic......Atleast be funny about it.....Damn.....Silly faggots!!!!!
  16. I'm from Staten Island but I live in Hoboken....
  17. I live in Hoboken.....The Bars are alive and well....City Bistro is the spot....Hang on the roof all night long with a great view of the city!
  18. Yeah...they may be big and all but they are hung like a 3 year old and have balls the size of M & M's......Keep taking the juice you idiots!!!!
  19. go to surf.....Its not as crazy as a sunday but its fun and they have drink specials!!!!!
  20. Shawn is the man...He will rock that place on sunday....I'd have to say The surf club did a great job in bringing in DJ's this year. We all gave you a lot of heat about not bringing back Mendez, but I think you more than made up for it. Great Job!!!!!!!!!
  21. yeah....That was south beach....put that line up in a club down the beach and people might actually come. Long Branch is too far away from anything else. Not worth the trip if you ask me!
  22. hmmmmm....A to z spins at merge not xs
  23. All these songs are made old and are not Summer Anthems......Castles in the sky came out last year.....Folker was out in the winter......
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