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Everything posted by nightcrawler

  1. where can i hear that track besides napster my computer is a little too slow for that, anyone got it that could send it? ------------------
  2. i just got a cd with a trance remix of "enjoy the silence" on it, its pretty hot, some unkown dj.....hashemi something, u guys heard it? ------------------
  3. so is this actually gonna happen? if so drop me a message....varikali31@aol.....i know a few girls that would also be interested... ------------------
  4. oh so its people like me we have to thank that bush is in office right? makes a lot of sense, fact of the matter is bush is the president now, just think about that for a minute, george bush's prodigal son is president of america, if nader was not in the election do u think this would of happened? what exactly did nader accomplish? who did he help in his big third party revolution? ------------------
  5. thank you Ralph Nader.... for ensuring that for the rest of our lives we will have a right wing conservative supreme court. for gauranteeing an economic recession for making sure a man who barely made it through college is the leader of the free world for putting a man in office who will finally get rid of that damn economic surplus and put us back in debt for making sure that a party most opposed to your issues and point of view is in power thank you Ralph Nader for getting rid of whatever faith I had in the fairness of our electoral system you put on a wonderful show, your greatest trick was convincing the world you weren't a Republican great job. ------------------
  6. does anyone know about this guy? i was just listenin to the twilo cd i the track "watching you" is by dj darkzone, i know ive heard song before but it just sounded so much better now.....does he have any other good tracks out? cds? ------------------
  7. odd story... i was comin back from a friend's bday party in the city last nite and we stopped over at white castle around 5am, and parked next to this IS300 that was decked out in transformer symbols, then when were leaving the guy who owned the IS300 was leavin too and my boy asks him about the transformer symbols, then i knew i remembered his face from somewhere on clubplanet, so turns out it was apotheosis he hooked us up wit his new cd too, very friendly, very cool guy ------------------
  8. yea i should be there with a few heads, justin time and russ reign ripped it up last week, should be hot tonite too if u need a list email aneesh31@aol.com or just say Xplode at the door ------------------
  9. yea there should be some peoples there, im goin wit a few heads, if u need a list email aneesh31@aol.com ------------------
  10. uknjx2 is a hottie ------------------
  11. does anyone got an essay on the rave scene, or know of any sites that have essays on the rave scene, im doin a project on rave culture and how its affecting mainstream America, if anyone has anything that would help let me know..... ------------------
  12. guys i go to baruch now and lemme be the first to say its boring as hell, the classes are good if u get them in time cus registration office is filled with enough disgruntled workers to make the post office look like the bahamas i transferred there from stony brook, im doin better gradewise, the commute will kill you though...be warned.... ------------------
  13. if anyone needs a list for CREAM say Xplode at the door for reduced admission ------------------
  14. wsup wit cream tonite i see that alot of people are talkin about going, any of u meeting up?? ------------------
  15. if anyone of u guys need a list for CREAM tonight say Xplode at the door for reduced admission ------------------
  16. this is probably a stupid question but wut u gonna do wit the cardboard? ------------------
  17. i dont see why people are so against anything going mainstream. The reason something goes mainstream is because its good, there is something worthwhile to it, something that appeals to everyone. I love house music, and i'm glad to see that more and more people are starting to appreciate it. it does make it somewhat less "cool" when u hear ur 12 year old cousin listening to the same music u do, but look at it this way, all these people that are into house now they're only doin it cus its the in thing to do, they dont feel house music in their soul the same way some of us do, so we could be listening to the same songs but it sounds totally different to us and them. So i say let them listen to house, let them popularize it, it will pass, and those of us that feel house will still be here. No matter who listens to it house will always be our music. ------------------
  18. is there anyone online rite now?? soo bored, wanna see if this new sig will work.... ------------------
  19. u still online? ------------------ "two pills i pop till my pupils blow up like two pennies"
  20. my parents are out of the country for two weeks, i dont know what i should do, throw a party, stay in, i didnt realize how lonely it is to be in a house by urself .......definitely gonna try to see S&D tommorrow though, anyone down for a house party??? ------------------ "two pills i pop till my pupils blow up like two pennies"
  21. what about the girls?? wut do u girls like to see guys wear?? ------------------ "two pills i pop till my pupils blow up like two pennies"
  22. this my first time for S&D , whats the best time to get there? i know u all say like 2-3am but i dont wanna be waitin in line for like 2 hours ------------------ "two pills i pop till my pupils blow up like two pennies"
  23. indian like from india ------------------ "two pills i pop till my pupils blow up like two pennies"
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