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Everything posted by nightcrawler

  1. SCOTTY whats your best move with the strings? ive learned some basics im trying to learn more, gotta any tips? ------------------
  2. is he comin to nyc anytime soon? ------------------
  3. wait he doesnt even play guitar or something? ------------------
  4. Limp Bizkit really? never would of guessed that, who's the guy singing? dont tell me its fred durst ------------------
  5. I know this is probably a dumb question but does anyone know the name of this song? i always hear it on 92.7, i just cant get it out of my head "im on the outside, im looking in I can see through you, see your true colors cus inside your ugly, ugly like me I can see through you, see the true you." i think i might have butchered the lyrics a little... ------------------
  6. ok then what do u call doing moves with glowsticks? glowsticking? i would rather say raving, it sounds better, yea i know the word rave describes the whole scene but i also like to say rave to describe glowsticking. So when i say "damn look at that girl she really knows how to rave" it makes sense. ------------------
  7. bhahahaha!!! oh yea thats it right there, what hottie!! jk, divalicious i mean girls who can do moves with glowsticks ------------------
  8. oh god what a turn on! there was this girl i saw raving at limelight tiesto night she was off the hook! short asian girl with green glowsticks, i know that probably narrows it down to about 100 girls but this girl was amazing...i was in love. ------------------
  9. forget the decongestant all u need is a good boinkin from an energizer bunny and u'll keep going and going.... ------------------
  10. today is actually the day biggie died not his bday..... ------------------
  11. i need to get a new plan for my cell, i had MCI for a year and the reception sucked in my house, and my calls always got cut off, i had nights and weekends and 200 mins a month for $30, anyone know a better deal i can get? ------------------
  12. i'd like to volunteer myself for this position i can boink like a bunny too but with energizer power! ------------------
  13. TIESTO!! TIESTO!! TIESTO!![\b] definitely the best nite i had at limelight, was a bitch gettin in though, but i expected that, funny story....got there at 12 saw the line from across the street and was like "damn" then some bummy lookin black guy with a big garbage bag standing in front of us is like "if u hit me off i can hook u guys up" and we're like "oh thanks but we're gonna try to find someone on line" so this guy is like "aight u gonna be sorry, just watch me" this bummy guy walks straight up to the front of the line gives the bouncer a pound and walks right in...man did we feel stupid, an hour later when we get inside we see him selling glowsticks, i was there till 7 or whenever it was that it closed, i personally like the Dido mix of "stan" it had the hip hop feel to it but it was cool put a smile on my face. towards the end i saw some amazing glowsticking, madd props to the asian kids who were raving at the end, and to the girl that was with them with the green sticks, i think i love u, a great nite all in all...... ------------------
  14. anyone know what time tiesto is coming on? ------------------
  15. i wanna hit this up sat but i want to be sure tiesto is gonna be there, i remember hearing he was supposed to be at webster hall early feb but that never happened...anyone know the details on this, what time he;s gonna spin and all that? anyone headin out there sat? ------------------
  16. i was wondering why u wanted that name, nightcrawler is my favorite x-men character, thats why i picked it. its funny that u got that matrix stuff in ur sig line cus i always talk about that as being like e, anyone that knows me would think u were me if they saw that. its cool, i beat u to the name and u beat me to that sig line. ------------------
  17. i try to escape the present, live in the past, its so much easier when u know whats gonna happen... ------------------
  18. was it just me or did it sound like people werent feelin eminem while he was preforming, i could of sworn someone kept yelling "shutup!" anyone else hear this? wutever, he was robbed of the album of the year award, who the hell were these guys that got that in the end? im sure the reason they won has nutin to do with the fact that they're getting inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame next month. I didnt think elton john sounded that great, Dido would have been 10 thousands times better, but i guess they had to be political. yea he did give the middle finger at the end, wut else would u expect from eminem preforming for a room full of industry execs, pop stars, and the media. ------------------
  19. so knightcrawler why is ur name knightcrawler? ------------------
  20. what are some of the reoccuring dreams u have? i kept having this one where im runnin away from something and im looking at the ground the whole time then all of a sudden the ground disappears because i just ran straight off a cliff and now im fallin into a city far away. ------------------
  21. "enjoy the silence" depeche mode....first song i ever learned the words for, then 10 years later i really learned the words and realized they were "very unnecessary, they can only do harm."... ------------------
  22. philipino girls grrr...... ------------------
  23. yea i wouldnt recommend these, there are a few batches goin around, i took one that was totally clean cut, nice size, and completely white with pikachu design and it was good real good, then at sf once i took one that was also totally clean cut with the pikachu but it had little yellow dots on them, those were definitely not e, it felt good for a bit then i started freakin out, the lights made my eyes have some serious tremors to the point where i couldnt look at any light (i was sittin in the bathroom for 20mins tryin to calm down) then it was just crap from then on, havent dropped since, been scared of that happening. we'll see what happens this friday. ------------------
  24. HAHAAA LMAO!!great topic! my answer would be no to the first and YES to the second! what about u GLowdancer? wanna fuck anyone here? ------------------ [img]http://www.ramakrishna.org/images/om_th.jpg [This message has been edited by nightcrawler (edited 02-12-2001).]
  25. test ------------------ [This message has been edited by nightcrawler (edited 02-11-2001).]
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