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Everything posted by maximman

  1. thanx for the info man... it was VERY useful...
  2. i'm know it's kinda down to the wire... but could someone hook me up with some information about the party @ the armory? i'll be driving down from NY and I wanna know what i'm getting myself into.. Are there Pre-Paid tickets? just any info would be great.. THANX IN ADVANCE!
  3. hey was that you spinning @ Filter 14 last week? Downstairs? Good Stuff man! too bad it was so empty but it gave us all more room to dance... maybe i will stop by Blue for a drink tonite (too bad everyone looks at you like you're crazy if you start dancing in there though). Ah well... few shots and i won't CARE who's looking @ me how... haha... GL man, i hope the crowd there can appreciate your music... I'll say wassup to you if i make it there tonite. (if not, i'll be the "crazy" guy dancing by his table). ~PeAcE~
  4. woo hoo, another convert! i don't want to step on any toes by starting this exit thing again... just glad that you were introduced to DT... it's cool that you can still have fun @ Exit. I go there once in a while too... just to hang out with some friends... but like you said, it's not for the music.
  5. man you ARE ugly... and that guy licking you ain't too great either... haha i'm j/k... sassa and i actually got into a very minor tiff a little while ago... she handled herself very well... everyone makes an off-color comment every once in a while... like loch said, very intelligently i might add... you don't have to agree with her, but like it or not... she's got the right.
  6. maximman

    Shave Me!

    urgh~ did u just say that you shave yourself down there too? do u tell your friends before or after they shave that the razor in their hand has been on your nutz? hahah
  7. funny u should say that... i just got it earlier tonite... i've tried a bunch out... but seriously a baby COULD operate it... THANX for the advice from everyone else though! it was really appreciated! :)
  8. does anyone know which would be the easiest program to use to split a large mp3 file into seperate tracks if i had the tracklisting and the times? thanx a lot!
  9. wow... sounds incredible... very classy of your guys! i hope everyone appreciates this!
  10. that picture with like 10 of the dressed like strawberry shortcake or something is SO wrong... is the guy on the left in the huge PINK pants a guy? so wrong... so, so wrong...
  11. hahah... omg, what a RANDOM statement... too early... brain not fully function yet... i laugh
  12. hey GET out! i was there that weekend too! i hit up DT(they charged us $60 to hear him!!! i'd have KILLED someone if i didn't have those line passes), and a little bit of Gatecrasher the next day, both @ C2K... it was sweet... I passed on Drais only cuz i heard the stories about it... that it's just a PITA to get in there... so i went to GLOs for the afterparty for Pimp-n-Hoe... it was so dead... kinda disappointed... had a GREAT talk with the bathroom attendent... haha, nice guy... RECOMMENDATION: go to glos the first nite you're partying... make friends with the bathroom attendent... he'll hook you up NiCe! (line passes, maybe comps, all the info on the hot parties that weekend)... someone said this before too... but the most knowledgeable people are the bathroom attendents... MARK MY WORDS...
  13. haha... JoHn! i FINALLY FOUND YOU!!! omg! dude! you remember me? DAVE... we met @ Twilo on Tenaglia and Cox nite! you used to spin @ The Melody Bar!!! I was going to go visit you but the damn hospital bought it and closed it down man! HOLY CRAP! i was wondering what happened to you! i had heard that you got yourself a job @ limelight... SwEEt!! I'll stop by and definitely see you this time man! ~PeaCe~
  14. just exactly WHAT part of the body am i looking at? i'm confused:confused:
  15. i know that this is WAY off topic... but does anyone know a site where i can go where it'll list the stance on these two candidates on different issues of public policy? I know this is kinda late, but i need to finish a paper for my public policy class... i need help AsaP!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! THANX!
  16. I know this is kinda old, but does anyone know where i can find a tracklist for Emerson from when he was @ Centro Fly a while back? can't remember what the date was... but as far as i know, he only spun there once recently.... i would be oh-so-greatful...i've been searching, with no luck... please HeLp!!!
  17. when i saw DT in Vegas... people all over the place had stix, and glowy things and one guy even did strings... holy, if you could've seen the VULCAN DEATH BEAM that he was giving... i felt like if i stepped in the way between them i would've melted on the spot... i think he respects the fact that other clubs have different policies and that he's a GUEST DJ, so he's not so pretentious as to say, "I won't spin there if this, that, this, that, this doesn't happen" *coughcoughjuniorcoughcough* the only thing he requires is that the speakers are working properly.... he's a class act... Tenaglia that is.
  18. holy crap... i think that you COULD actually start your own business.... that has to be one of the MOST professional looking posts i've ever seen... just think of it... a site, where parents can go, type in what their kids just said and get a definition in layman's terms.... you could start www.cracktionary.com i'm telling you... it would work!!! ah, allow me to break out the cracked-out-kandyraver-bonics-translational-dictionary: Begin translation. Tilly, are you asking me, 'Why are you posting this stuff?' because I posted my picture, or because I posted about the type of drugs that I do? If your question is why I posted my picture, it is because the hard-up pedophiles of CP wanted it and asked me to post it. If your question is why I posted about doing drugs, well, doesn't everybody do drugs? [Translation editor's note: this is suggestive of a rhetorical question; no response is required. Speaker assumes she knows the answer, as can be seen in the next sentence...] Well, if you don't do drugs, you can just eat me! [Translation editor's note: Our team of translators here (who are all former cracked-out-kandyraver-kids themselves, with 30 years of cracked-out experience between them) are all baffled here as to what the speaker means. Without a clear and definitive translation, we offer the following possibilities: Well, if you don't do drugs, you must be a carniverous cannibal, so you can just eat me! [Translation editor's note: this also does not make too much sense. Why would someone offer herself to be eaten by another human being?! If this is the case, we can infer that kandyraverkids also belong to a cannibalistic cult that performs sacrificial rituals] Well, if you don't do drugs, you can perform cunnilingus on me/muff dive on me/lick my rug/tickle my beaver/give me oral sex. [Translation editor's note: This suggests that kandyraverkids enjoy oral sex and quite possibly are bisexual or gay. Also note the exclamation point at the end of the sentence. This suggests an eager need to have such an act be performed immediately; kandyraver kids are also nymphomaniacs. Well, if you don't do drugs, well...I don't give a rat's ass what you do or don't do. [Translation editor's note: And quite frankly, we don't give a rat's ass what the speaker really means. End translation.
  19. well the thing with exit is that they finally realized that the Asian community is a large part of the clubbers that are there... they cut deals with a lot of the Asian "gang leaders" and stuff... cuz if "the leader" ( ) say no more go... then 30% of the people disappear from that club... money's GREEN, no matter what color the person who hands it to you is... takes a little while for some "businesses" to realize that....
  20. it looks funny but you KNOW that it's one of those movies where all the great parts are gonna be in the commercials... the less you see of the movie on TV, the more you'll enjoy it in the theatre... it definitely looks funny though
  21. is that YOUR official opinion?
  22. limelights not closed as far as i know... twilo closed cuz their caberet license didn't get renewed... (that's the offical statement)... unofficially, they closed just cuz Giuliani was bored and wanted to do something... also cuz middle class white kids were dying b/c they were doing drugs they had no place doing.... politics...
  23. haha... you'll have to change your name to cokespot or yayspot :laugh:
  24. :laugh: :laugh: All my Korean friends were getting phone calls from EVERYONE about that... hahaha they said they wanted to go themselves away... All i can say is, i'm glad i'm not a Korean person in Arizona right now...
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