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Everything posted by allishara

  1. Ooooh GREAT!.. Now you tell me! Psssh.. some best friend you are! Nigga.. dont you know?.. Ima Ghetto Supasta!.. niga best recognize ma steelo dont ask.. I -myself- dont even know what the hell i wrote hehe.. im funny ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  2. a Puerto Rican chanting "white power".. well.. you dont see that every day! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  3. "Darkhorse"?..... .... Ehh.. thats different ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  4. i know.. aint i coooooooooooooooooooool !!!! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  5. Drop Dead Fred.... definetly ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  6. RITE!!.. i thought i was the only one thinkin that!... ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  7. this is all bullshit and a total waste of a post... if i wanted to watch Unsolved Mysteries i wouldve put the damn TV on... ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  8. im with you babe.. i DID have one.. up until sunday nite.. i called it off with the guy that i had been seeing for about 4 months.. it was a casual thing.. but i stopped it before it got too serious that lil pig lived all the way near the mutha effen Hamptons on Long Ass Island.. and with the bridges prices going up and all.. psssh.. niga got tooo expensive.. started burnin a hole in my pocket.. ya dig?.. alright ghetto mode stops here i still get upset if i think about it too much... Ehhhhh.. NEXT! ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  9. is the whole bad typing actually part of your act?.. cause its starting to get ridiculous ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  10. SCORPIO ------------------ Are those your eyeballs?......because i found them in my cleavage
  11. Some of you may enjoy these...... ARIES (March 21-April 19). Love can happen by accident; you may get someone else's mail mistakenly, or take someone's parking place, and it's instant attraction! Adjust your financial plan to include new goals. Children need a diet geared to aid concentration. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Money from a secret source could save the day. Phone calls and others forms of reaching out are worthwhile, though you may not see immediate results. Believe in the goodness of humanity. People are unexpectedly kind. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What seems like a drastic step to others may be just the thing for you, except in matters of finance. Set spending limits, and be sure to abide by them. Your new air of self-confidence attracts admirers by the score. Keep it up! CANCER (June 22-July 22). You have a rather emotional reaction to seemingly innocuous news -- jealousy teaches you what you really want out of life. Check backgrounds and credentials thoroughly before entrusting your heart or money to a stranger. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Prevent a faux pas by doing research before meetings -- even social ones! It is essential to distinguish the time investments that will bring returns from those that won't. The stars favor mental work, ingenuity and resourcefulness. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Strong opinions make you sexy to a secret admirer. Just be prepared to back up your arguments. Friendships require you to be as diplomatic as possible -- white lies will come back to haunt you. Singles meet new prospects at the store. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If confusing options are not worth researching or studying, follow a friend's recommendation instead. An employer is impressed by your dedication, but that is no reason to put work before everything else! Strive for balance. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). An uphill climb is worth the effort. Family members sometimes take your time for granted, but they will be reminded of how dear you are to them when you are no longer at their beck and call. Let them adjust to the change gradually. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). If you have the sneaking suspicion that you can improve your life, you are right. Extricate yourself from a useless romantic tangle. Cut unhealthy foods from your diet -- you could be allergic to toxic people, as well! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Be intrigued by others, and others will find you intriguing. A change of pace at the office stimulates you to do your most creative work. Make a financial contribution to a worthy cause for even more luck. Diet and exercise are favored. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You have a winning pitch and could be the top sales person, especially if you make an effort to extend your reach and broaden your aim. Emotional appeals are more effective than cold, hard facts. Get into a healthier lunch routine. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Financial experts are not right all the time, so make use of additional sources of information. A potential sweetheart doesn't care how much money you make, so don't bring it up. Tonight is a good time to put new rules into effect. ------------------ you know you love me..
  12. are YOU Fabio? ------------------ you know you love me..
  13. i think maybe you should get him a gift certificate to a good shrink cause that is one sick man... just my opinion... carry on..... ------------------ you know you love me..
  14. Ya know, im not gonna sit here and rag on you like everyone else about your poor writing skills.. I think you got the picture already.. BUT what I AM going to rag on you about is those monstrous smiley faces you add at the end of each post... RELAX pal..... put the mouse down...... and walk away from the Smilies Legend....... good boy.... ------------------ you know you love me..
  15. Thats what i was thinking!!! But Not as weird as me...right alli... No JavaLavaDingDong.. no one can top your coat! ------------------ you know you love me..
  16. this is getting wierd ------------------ you know you love me..
  17. but yet you took the time out to edit that bitch, eh? retard ------------------ you know you love me..
  18. ohh yes... hes cute aint he?.. bad breath.. but HOT! ------------------ you know you love me..
  19. Ooooh.. hes cute! ------------------ you know you love me..
  20. GOOD LUCK!!! there no doubt the fun will be there...but all the JOHNNIES IN ON THE HOUSE GO TO TEMPS....I cant take that mess everyweekend..IT NOT ME..So what are you going to DO when that happens..your stuck going .... I dont BRo where do you go...Iam so use to BELMAR at least you can go to BAR A..its doesnt compare to (ALL THE FUN at TEMPS)but fuck it!! IT peaceful... THE BEST PART OF EVERYNIGHT IS WHEN EVERYONE COMES BACK ROCKED..I LOVE IT..it like everyone's in GRAMMER SCHOOL again.. talk BELMAR to me there might be a chance!!! Cigs you hate temps bro...YOUR REALY FAR FROM A JOHNNY..YOU live in HOBOKEN...What the the FUCK!!!iam getting closer and closer to becoming a FULL JOHNNY BOY...and for SURE theres no WAY i could hit deal with that scene everyweekend....... SURE SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me ------------------ you know you love me..
  21. Hey girl!.. guess who got a shore house!.. Yep!.. im going to Email you now with the story... ------------------ you know you love me..
  22. im outta here.. THANK GOD everyone please be careful driving.. ------------------ you know you love me..
  23. ------------------ you know you love me..
  24. are we on a 10 day delay here?... your kidding, rite?.. Lets recap shall we? So it started out as me, Sin, and Bump aka MY BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE blowin up the keyboards at work talkin shit on eachother.. but you may not remember us doing that cause.. you.. oh wait a sec!.. you HAD to of remembered since you quoted all of us in your other post!...aww.. you must be a fan!..... and yet you wrote that we should actually have our own board since the "your ugly" and "im italian and cool" comments are "pathetic".. well my friend, WELCOME.. sit back in your computer chair and relax.. you just initiated your own stupid ass into this... i wish i could create such moving comments that you spew out onto this screen.. calling someone a "clever K head" mixed with really bad sarcasim is PURE GENIUS.. im jealous.. i'll admit it!.. im insanely jealous!... ode to be like you-UltraViolet80.. how i wish wait a sec.. who ever said they were italian and cool? can i be irish and awesome? [This message has been edited by allishara (edited 02-04-2001).]
  25. at this one rave party i went to there was some oriental girl that did her nails with a different color on each nail...it looks really cool if every other nail is black and the others you use baby pink and purple.. i figure ill just wear my addidas shell top sneaks with the fat red laces... they go with absolutely EVERYTHING i own! ------------------ you know you love me..
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