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Everything posted by lexxxi

  1. I think it will bring everything that PORN and I have wished for!!! Plus the Riches and Bitches he mentioned above!!!
  2. OMG...ROBY and Dawgy...I just realized that I posted as PORN istead of Lexxxi....my blond roots seem to be growing in again.....or maybe it is this rock star lifestyle killing too many brain cells!!! So don't worry...those kisses were not from PORN....mmmmmmm, I wonder if PORN has seen this yet!!!
  3. I gots me all kinds of kisses....it was me and 6 men for NYE!!! Yah me!!! Best one was from PORN...actually he just kept kissing me all nite!!!
  4. I have it at home. I will post it later....unless Ichi beats me to it. I will tell you this....it's mostly Timo's work!!! Not much of it is him remixing other DJ's stuff!!! IMO...This guy is borderline musical genius!!! OOOOOHHHHHHHHH just thinking about it makes me "Crave To Crank It".....
  5. You have just made the start to my new year so happy. I have decided that it is a New Years Resolution for me (even though I don't believe in them) to see Timo Maas live. I don't think I will be completely satisfied until I get to see him.......and soon!!!!
  6. AAAAAAAWWWWWWWW Ooana, I am so jealous!!! It was like world war III to get me out of bed this morning....I can't believe I made it through this day....alive!!!
  7. I have been sitting here dreaming of getting home, getting into my PJs, wrapping up in my duvee and just drifting into my nite time coma!!! I am still tired and still shredding after all the events in the past 3 weeks!!! Now, I am def. taking a break!!!
  8. I rented it last nite too and I completely enjoyed the flick! Found it entertaining, non-Hollywood and it portrayed how some of us feel before, during and after drug use. HOFF (crazy kid that was caught by his mother whacking off and yelled at his family at the dinner table) was a great character. I have met people just like him.
  9. I have never been to a club or club party in Canada and seen people wearing white gloves.....and we even have a smaller version of an EXIT (called The Guvernment) that is filled with the big muscle type. I am Canadian so I frequent the clubs in the Toronto are. I would have to say it has to do with poppers and black lights....give people that trippy essence!!!
  10. Oh yah!!! I have seen that one a few times and I watched it again <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years Eve</a> . It's pretty funny.....Homer addicted to pain killers!!!!
  11. Hey Ichi!!! That disc is FAN-FUCKING-TABULOUS!!! PORN and I actually bitch about who is taking the disc to the gym, work, etc. I think I may just have to buy a second one so I can have it in my possession at all times!!!
  12. Remember kiddies...it's 01/01/01!!! Do something extremely monumental today because you will not see 01/01/01 until Jan. 01 3001!!!
  13. Awesome nite....very tired....still can't see quite straight!!!!
  14. lexxxi

    Dating (funny)

    A CANADIAN WOMAN: First date: She pretends like you aren't even there. Second date: She lets you kiss her goodnite on the cheek. Third date: She asks you about your sexual fantasy Fourth date: She brings some girlfriends over to your place for some fun. Fifth date: What fifth date. HeHeHeHe!!!! Only some of us!!!
  15. HeHeHeHe!!!! This sounds like our convo last nite!!! Parents are the funniest thing....but imagine....some of us will be parents too (not me...shiot NO)!!
  16. That is the cutest thang!!!! My mom calls it: EEEEEE-Stacey!!!!
  17. Tax loss selling in Canada today so I am up to my ass in trading. This is the first break I have had since 7:30am....had to piss like a race horse (eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww)! Until 4pm I am mindless!!!!
  18. OOOHHHHH!!!!! Under the blankets with PORN sounds ppppuuurrrrrrfffeeecccctttttt!!!!
  19. I agree with you to an extent (because I have heard his solo stuff on CD), but IMO when S&D are together Digweed does have a trance-essence feel to his music (not necessarily including from 6am on when he takes a baseball bat to your head and slams you hard for the rest of the nite to the point that you don't even know if you are coming or going...as does Sasha). 2 more of my cents!!!
  20. Everything is subject to opinion thus you are not the only one that thinks that S&D are boring. I have talked to many people who don't care for the whole Trance thang!!! Me, on the other hand, LUV S&D!!! I have for many years. I am more inclined towards Trance music.!!!
  21. It was a little too obvious!!! It would be AWESOME to have one, but I am the type that would never actually share with the board my involvement in a sex fest!!! BUT BUT BUT...it would be ooooooohhhhhhhh so much fun to have happen!!!! Just imagine.....
  22. ***SMACK*** right in the ASS to wish you the Happiest of Birthdays!!! Hope you have a FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC day tomorrow!!!
  23. Since PORN and I can't make it to S&D and celebrate the holidays with all of you (BooHooHoo)....I want to take this opportunity to WISH ALL OF YOU HAPPY HOLIDAYS. MAY ALL YOUR FUNKY WISHES AND DREAMS COME TRUE!!! I wish I could be there to give all of you Holiday Hugz...so here is a virtual one: <===HUGZ===>
  24. I have this CD as a staple on my desk at work and in my walkman for the gym....this CD is one of the greatest motivators. People watch me like I am crazy as I bob my head up and down to the beat!!!!
  25. I saw Underworld almost 4 years ago in Toronto at a New Years Eve Rave (first time I ever did E). FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!! Kind of like Sasha's Expander --- there is a little bit of Born Slippy everywhere!!!!
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