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Everything posted by lexxxi

  1. Since NYE I have only been out once for a drug free club event (had maybe 4 drinks all nite and was out for maybe 4 hours). My weekends have been spent in chillin', catching up on flicks and my Wine Spectators. I feel pretty damn good. After the almost every nite in December I was out, I needed this break!!! Getting ready for PVD in Toronto on Feb. 10!!
  2. Maynard Wine Gums --- to die for. I eat about a pound a month........mmmmmmm I should go get some right now!!!
  3. Jules Winnfield: Fuck, nigger, what did you do to his towel? Vincent Vega: I was dryin' my hands. Jules Winnfield: You're supposed to wash 'em first. Vincent Vega: You watched me wash 'em. Jules Winnfield: I watched you get 'em wet. Vincent Vega: I washed 'em. This shit's hard to get off. Maybe if I had Lava or something, I coulda done a better job. Jules Winnfield: I used the same fuckin' soap you did and when I got finished, the towel didn't look like no god-damn Maxi-Pad!!
  4. You crazy frozen champagne chickie!!! Try to have a good week!!!
  5. I have only been a few times.....but it is def. a great club!!!
  6. I will try anything once but I am a fan of most Dutch, Japanese, French, German and Keith's (that's a Canadian beer).
  7. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.
  8. Just a barbell with a crystal in it in my Jelly Belly Button!!!
  9. Yes.....your weekend was a little crazy my friend. Loved the fact that as I was enjoying my morning coffee on Saturday morning, you and the crew were still going strong.......oh how I miss that!!! TeeHeeHee!!! I hope you are good to go for the week after all of that!!!
  10. .....To be a good little kiddie and take a few weeks off of my late nite mischievous behaviour. I decided to give my body a break!!! I would just like to say that this is not very easy. Other than a few hours out (a couple of drinks and home before 4am) the weekend before last to see Clive Henry from Peace Division, I have done nothing since NYE!!! I am craving a late night crazy binge!!! But, I am going to try and be good until PVD is in Toronto on Feb. 10!!! Are any of you attempting the same thing??? What do you think my chance of survival are???
  11. I know exactly where you are coming from. The way I try to look at it all (and due to reality's cruelty I am not always successful in every attempt) is to accept reality for what it is and use it to my advantage. We have to try to keep our minds open to the fact that there is nothing we can do about reality....it's just there! So, instead of reality having complete control of us....we have to try and maintain a level of control over reality!!! Did that make any sense at all??? I could be too tired!!!
  12. It ain't no ballpark either. Look maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but touchin' his lady's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her holyiest of holies, ain't the same ballpark, ain't the same league, ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Foot massages don't mean shit.
  13. Watched this movie for the millionth time recently. This is one of my favorite quotes from that movie: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
  14. Yo NKF...so it's your B-Day?!?!?! What do you want us to do about it?!?!?! Anyway, baby boy, here's to you and here's to me...ah fuck it all...here's to you on your special day...PERV BOY!!! Luv ya with lots of hugz and kizzez!!!
  15. Timo Maas has been my saviour for most of the day. As I write, I am still listening. The other day as PORN and I left our builing this guy was in his car playing Dooms Night. I turned to look at PORN....we both noded at each other. Then we turned to look at the guy and gave him a nod. The acceptance of this tune was awesome.....cheesy but awesome!!!
  16. Chinese!!! More to choose from!!! But, I am a huge fan of asian foods!!! MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm chinese food!!!
  17. That sucks large dirty you know what!!! I could understand to an extent not giving a raise OR even a bonus if times are tough. But, damnit, that is crazy. Time to step off, tell them they are asses and go somewhere where your skills will be appreciated!
  18. Yo...Ichi...I will just get it out of JDogg to use against you for selfish reasons in the future. So, before I start to prepare my blackmail strategies, you might as well give it up!!! As for me......I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
  19. My body...my decision!!! I don't care how immoral it is to some people!!! My body...my decision!!! I know it's cold to be so blunt about this but too many people think they have the right to tell others what to do in this situaion and that is not right. Ok...I'm done!!!
  20. Hey Magical Man....PORN is always telling me to take PVD to the gym....says it's his fave.
  21. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! I am listening to Danny right now!!! I was suppose to see him when he was in Toronto late last year but we ended up sick that weekend.....boo hoo hoo!!!
  22. I can't choose one so: Basenji British Bulldog Catahoulla (Bull Mastiff and Red Wolf hybrid) Ibizan Hound Saluki Rhodesian Ridgeback Pharaoh Hound Bernese Mountain Dog Pug French Bulldog Rottweiler Weimaraner Whippet I know I know!!! Too many!!! That's why I don't have one because I can't choose!!!
  23. I have a pretty good one..... A guy I was seeing my first year of University slept with all but one of my female friends. Needless to say, I only have that one female friend left out of all of my female friends from school.
  24. I changed my CD an hour ago to Nick Warren. Luv the Nick Warren. I will have to log in that date on my calendar.
  25. Yo.....that's LEXXXI with a Triple X!!! HEEHEEHEE!!!
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