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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by lexxxi

  1. I am in the same boat as blueangel...wasn't there but it looks like all your efforts were a great success Mikey!!!! I wish I could have been there to tell you in person!!! Kudos to you MIKEY....you deserve it!!!! HUGZ
  2. I keep trying to come up with choices and I can't seem to choose.....THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY OF YOU INCREDIBLE HOTTIES OUT THERE!!! BUTBUTBUT!!!!! My NON-Famous picks are: -def Glowgirl (there is just something fantastic about this girlie) -this little vixen I met once one nite at TURBO in Toronto (almost had her) My Famous picks are (due to my surfing habits): -Kobe Tai -Jenna Jameson
  3. Hey Kiddies....wish PORN and I could have been there to enjoy everyones company and the all festivities. To all of those I have met or not, everyone looks FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!! It looked like a huge turnout....awesome job Mikey!!!
  4. OOOppppsssss!!!! How could I forget South Park..... SSSSWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!
  5. I never replied to them. And, I agree with regards to putting personal stuff about the things we like in our sex life, that's why I stopped. But still...it was to nasty for my tastes!!! Ah well!!! Shit happens!!!
  6. I am not a big cartoon buff (exception = The Simpsons), but if the mood strikes,I like: -Johnny Bravo -shows like Beast Wars -PowerPuff Girls (never seen it but the toys are so cute) -Family Guy
  7. I am hoping PORN and I will be living and working in NYC enjoying the Fat of the Land (Prodigy).
  8. One other thing.... I agree that ppl. who bring spice and comedy to the board is great. If someone can get me stirred...all the power to them. My one complaint of in-your-face attacks is PMs I rec'd from ppl. I don't even know, telling me basically and bluntly how they would f*** me (imagine illegal acts of violence against women) plus other very gross shit that I won't go into. I don't mind opions and attacks on me. Hell, tell me where to go, tell me I'm a piece of shit....but DO NOT threaten me with violence like that!!! That's it!!!
  9. OOOOOoooooppppppppppsssssssss!!!!!! I didn't see the other post!!!!
  10. My friend sent this to me and he received it from someone else. We don't know where it came from....maybe you do?!?!?!?! "Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pac Man had affected us as kids, now we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, bumping into people, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." --unknown Best quote I have seen in a long time!!
  11. I know, like my other post...but I am curious about what ppl. look for! What kind of food, drinks, location, building, decor, glassware, silverware, dishes, what kind of clientel, etc. Oh yes...I am bored today!!!!
  12. Almost forgot.... What kind of decor and what kind of structural set up?
  13. Would you have theme nites, what kind of music, what kind of crowd would you like to attract, what age group, what kind of drinks, what kind of dress code, where would it be, etc.
  14. Primo age is 25!!! Initial schooling complete (contemplating the next steps), legal everywhere for everything, life stresses are in full swing (luv the stresses of life...because they are mine), fully developed and coming into oneself (physically, metally and sexually), parents at arms length (just enough to luv them) and around that age was the first time I ever really felt comfy and not awkward.
  15. Hey Guys! I am not about to say I know anything about anything when it comes to the board because I am still new here. I just have some points: I agree...I would luv to see more topics about the scene, DJing, etc. I find the posts that inform me of what clubs are like, the DJs involved and that general info is great because I am still learning about the scene. I find all of this stuff quite fascinating (esp. how DJs do their stuff). I use this information to pick the clubs I want to go to and the DJs that I want to hear live. Furthermore, all this info allows PORN and I to plan our trips to NYC easily (of course with all of ROBY's help as well). I will admit that I participate in the bantering back and forth on useless topics with people I have met or not met on this board (yes PMs, AIM, email or phones would make more sense). The majority of my reasoning is this board is one of the few venues I have to talk or read about everyone...being a Canadian I don't get to meet up every weekend with everyone (yes...PMs, AIM, email or phones would make more sense). I agree the bantering can get out of hand. I enjoy reading it...as long as it doesn't get nasty or become direct attacks on people (and I have had some unwarranted and quite nasty personal attacks on myself just like others...RE: the sex board...some of you have pointed out that I don't post anymore, there are reasons why!!!!). I agree we all have our opinions and that's awesome because THAT is what makes this board work well. There can be a fine line between OPINIONS & PERSONAL ATTACKS. We as board members have to take things with a grain of salt and remember EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions and we have to try not to take everything sssooo personally all the time. I agree...these imposters can be nasty. I have not been posting on the board as much because of them. I read their shit sometimes and some of us feed into their antics...stop feeding them and they will go get food elsewhere. I do have sympathy for those of you they have attacked, really I do but, (UN-FUCKING-FORTUNATELY) they do have a right to be a board member until someone states otherwise. I know that sounds horrible to say (esp. because some of the personal attacks have been completely repulsive) but...am I wrong?!?!?! I agree that we are here to have fun and enjoy each others thoughts and stuff. So, giddy up!!! That's my incoherent 2 cents...well, maybe 1 cent!!!
  16. NOTHING beats porn.....or in my case PORN!!! It's the best stuff (as a few of you know with with my surfing habits!!!).
  17. Since everyone seemed interested in my last thread regarding DJ Apotheosis, I thought I would start a thread for all of us to learn on regarding the stylings of The DJ. For the DJs out there that don't mind sharing (you don't have to if you don't want to)...what are your preferences??? Please teach our hungry minds!!!
  18. All the guys I have met so far are sickly sweet like honey and cute like teddy bears and adorable like puppies and huggable like..........well just huggable!!!! I miss all of you so much...
  19. AAAAWWWWWW Myrlin you are so sweet and adorable. I just want to wrap my arms around you so tight, you are just so damn cute. How did you ever get to be sssssssssooooooooo nice!!!! I could just lap you up, you are so cute!!! Too bad I am a taken woman!!!! What do I get for that?!?!?!?!?!
  20. South Park Fight Club Boogie Nights Trainspotting Go Casino Pulp Fiction Wall Street Matrix Run Lola Run Time Bandits Labriynth Babe Planet of the Apes Magnolia 'pretty type pornography' That's all I can think of right now!!
  21. This will be a boring response!!! I would have to say LEFT! REASONING --- I am Right handed and I have mastered the use of my Right hand over the years, thus RIGHT would be the conservative and comfortable choice that really does not thrill me. Thus, if I choose LEFT then I am choosing the road less travelled. With LEFT I get to experience all kinds of new things that I never thought I could or would do. It would be all new....and we all luv new stuff, right?!?!?!?! Make sense or is it all non-sensical babble?!?!?!?!
  22. YES YES OOOOOOHHHHHHHH YES!!!! I have done a few and they are great. I have done 3somes and 4somes. Done them in hotel rooms, my home, other people's homes. It's fun to play around and watch your partner play around in a somewhat controlled environment. Ok...thinking about it is making me very very horny (I know guys --- I'm always horny. Can't help it, I got PORN)!!!!
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