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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. No bitching allowed around me Sorry Rob but no whining or bitching or complaining for my ears I'll just kick ya in the ass or find someone to give you a couple of bumps to shut you up LMAO!
  2. Depends on how much you do I'm smarter now so I won't get carried away LMAO.. And no one-for-you-one-for-me deals anymore HAHAH..
  3. What are you talking about? They are all 45 min mixes LMAOOOO.. I'll make sure you stay for all of the 45 minutes of Jonathan looping Without You HAHAHAH.. That song drives me nuts.. You're the one that I looooooove and I can't go on without you - repeat 10000001 times LMAO... Gotta love it! *puke*
  4. Oh yeah.... That's definitely my biggest problem and it hurts ME more than other ppl.. Drives me insane at times and I have to consciously make an effort not to think about something.. I dont' know what's harder, being like this or being WITH someone like this..
  5. Oooh, definitely go another weekend I wanna see Rob rippin it to Jonathan's beats LMAO...
  6. Ooooh shit LOL.. I won't even be there Going to DC this weekend.. Ugh I'd love to see Rob at SF LMAOOOO.. Getting his ass whooped by juiceheads HHAAHHAHA.. It'll probably be a very dead night there after last week's marathon.. But have a great time and remember, NO BASHING LOL
  7. Hi girlie I'm slacking as always... Can't force myself to actually concentrate on work LOL... I'll give ya a call in a lil bit..
  8. Hmm... really tough choice! ugliest guy vs. a hot girl...... DUH!
  9. Crystal! I hate being fucked up in a club coz you can't dance.. I need something to keep me awake and full of energy
  10. I got a couple of faves right now.. JV - Sade - Pearls - such a great remix Tiesto's Innocente
  11. He doesn't seem like the type to "advertise" himself.. I think that's why he didn't mention his new website.. And I'm so curious to know who his favorite DJ is
  12. Haha.. Did you find the house or did it get up and leave to another city? You lil alcoholic
  13. Oh god.. I need a drink.. Or 2.. Or 3 And it's only Tuesday guys....... Who's drinking those evil LIT's with me LMAO?
  14. IT"S NOT ONLY STACKERS.. Any medicine does NOT mix well with alcohol.. Especially advil.. One drink and a pill of Advil and you're sick as hell.. Same with most other drugs..
  15. That's really horrible but alcohol does NOT mix with ANYTHING well (except weed which doesn't really count as a drug since you can't OD on it).. But seriously, alcohol is the worst thing. I remember taking an advil early in the day and then going out for drinks and almost falling on the floor. I couldn't see straight and my head was spinning so bad.. So I'm not surprised this happened with stackers.. Alcohol is bad with all drugs including regular medicine... I just hope people know about it!
  16. Luckaaaaaa!!! Hey girlie.. I just read your e-mail but I'll reply tonight from home coz I don't wanna start writing a long one from work.. Too much shit here The SF dreams are too funny and I'll send you my phone # again just in case LOL!!!!!!!!! I sooooo wish you were there on Sunday though.. Next year you HAVE to come here for one of these huge parties because you HAVE to be on the stage dancing LOL.. I miss that Wanna hear something funny? Jonathan must've played I wonder at lest 3-4 times throughout the night.. Not the full song but parts of it.. Everyone was so sick of it but I LOVED it And he played THE LUNATIC with a huge piece of the original!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want Lucie back in NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss ya girlie and I'll write you a long one really soon Give my best to Mike and take care of yourself ok? I'll make sure to dance my butt off for both of you and I have the cdr now so I'll try to make you a couple of cds if I get some new music *kissezzzzzz*
  17. I think when it comes to college applications, they should NOT even ask for your ethnicity/gender.. It's not fair to admit ppl based on the quotas.. It's degrading to them also IMO because I wouldn't want to be given something just because I'm a girl.. I want to get it (a job, into college or whatever) based on my intelligence and skills.. Affirmative action IMO FORCES colleges and companies discriminate based on gender/race.. Isn't that what this law was trying to restrict?
  18. Yeah it's usually 30.. Sometimes 25, events are 35 or 40..
  19. Hehe.. I caught a part of it He's such a cool guy, gotta love him.. And it was funny when his Mom was there for his bday He was almost crying when he came out on the stage and everyone was singing happy birthday to him.. Love the guy! I liked the interview too, they didn't ask any uncomfortable or asshole questions.. I so wanted to call and thank him for Sunday coz I will never forget that party.
  20. Hey girlie!!! I'm sorry to say it but you missed a great night! But I danced enough for the both of us Got there at 8 or so and stayed till closing!!!!!! Amazing night!!!!!!! For all SF heads a great reminder of why we all love SF
  21. Why do you even care? You don't go there so why post all this negative bullshit? As for the post, I had a SICK time!!!!! The best night I ever had at SF and it made me love it even more than I already did JP rocks!!!!!!! Stayed till closing too!!!!!! INSANITY I TELL YA
  22. Smokeeeeeeee!!!! Hi sweetie! Great seeing ya as always Clevelander was probably the best day for me in Miami.. I danced my butt off Those LIT's were great! You were so wasted too but I think everyone was LOL.. We'll see how our drunk faces come out on those pics when I develop them! And btw, Lola you too, you missed a CRAZY night at SF this weekend.. I'm sure you'll hear from other people that it was just simply amazing.. I can't even describe it to you how incredible it was... Wish you were there guys!
  23. If you're a regular SF head, you missed one of the best nights EVER.. At least for the time that I've been going.. He played all the best shit ever, pulled out every single goddamn song that ppl love and rocked it until 8:30!!!!!! I think he managed to make everyone happy (at least the people that I was hanging out with).. Played everything I could possibly want to hear and then some!!!! I won't post a list but think of all the great songs that were HUGE at SF for the last few years and trust me, he played it LOL.. I danced my ass off and couldn't walk when he finally closed.. An incredible night that I doubt I will ever forget!!!!!! Huge hugz to Kerry and Marty for closing with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How sick was it????????
  24. Kerry I hope you're kidding about bouncers not kicking us out... I think everyone was relieved as much as they didn't wanna leave.. Coz that was a MARATHON and I cannot imagine dancing for even 1 more hour... I'm surprised I can walk today And we sure as hell didn't stop smiling all night!!!!!!!!!!!! God I can't spell for shit today... [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 04-02-2001).]
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