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Everything posted by mel-o-d

  1. Wow. Talk about fate and destiny all roll into one. I'm really happy for you guys. I don't know if it's just me, but knowing there are people out there so happy makes me happier too.
  2. Ummm ... Cold War ended b/c the people wanted to end it. Like hell Reagan ended Communism. It still exists today. We have no power to end Communism in other parts of the world, only the citizens of those countries can do it. I don't really care who "invented" the internet and co., can we really say any one person or group is responsible for our economic prosperity? Point is, our government authorized the spending of a lot of money and it paid off. Thank god. As for our military technology ... let's not forget we invested a lot of money into that ... $800 billion PFloyd40? ... I don't know ... defense is a business like everything else in this world ... why not sell it if other people that are willing to pay for it? At least then we'll be "threatened" again and then we can spend billions more on defense like the Republicans want! If we want to keep building the morale of our military so that they can win wars, let's make sure other countries can wage a war against us first. And if some of our domestically owned defense companies can profit from it, why not? "Contract for America" ... was there ever a bigger ploy? Republicans have the best slogans ... "Right to Life" ... "Partial Birth Abortion" ... and all that other shit Bush use in verbatim. And why do the Republicans have the best slogans? ... because they lack substance. They must make up for their incompetence somehow ... and what's better than fluff and "fuzzy math" to target the opposition. How many times did Newt and his contract for America close down the government? I give Clinton credit for sticking to his creed. If the Republican congress have done so much for us the last few years, why do their majority keep slipping? In just this election year alone, they've lost at least 3 senate seats, 1 house seats and 1 governorship. The team is losing, what more, they're falling apart. That's why it's so important that Bush wins. Clinton may have his issues ... poor Hiliary for having to acknowledge to the whole world that her husband cheated on her; but really, with the exception of our "moral police," the world doesn't care. Clinton legacy is not only that he has presided over the greatest economic expansion in the history of the world, he has strengthened his party. And another thing ... we are not a democracy! The Electoral College proves that we are not a democracy. If Bush win (and how cocky of him to already start putting together an administration) knowing Al Gore has more popular votes, all I want to know is, how does George W. Bush and the Republican party define democracy?
  3. NO I didn't vote b/c 1) I knew Gore had NY and 2) didn't want to run up to my polling station. I would have made the trip up though for sure if I thought the election was based entirely on popular votes.
  4. Hakata on 48th Street b/t Broadway and 8th Ave. The noodles are really good and filling.
  5. Whoops. Should have known better than to trust my pro-Bush friend. I think what he meant was that Clinton won with less than 50% of total popular vote because of the Perot factor.
  6. OMG Jesse, I'm so down for that. Next weekend though.
  7. Does everyone remember that Clinton won in '92 with less popular votes than Bush?
  8. Does anyone listen to a DJ Michael? My kickboxing instructor uses his stuff for our class and it's perfect for keeping my energy level up. Supposedly he plays a lot of East Coast raves. Anyone familiar with his work?
  9. I don't mean to be a party-pooper, but why are we so obsessed with love/relationships here? Talking about it won't help us find love or figure out what's wrong in our respective relationships. Dave - maybe we need a relationships board?
  10. I cover oil and all I have to say is, oilmen are really creepy. Bush is just a retard … HBS for you. As for Cheney … HAL is not a great company. The only reason it's okay is because of all his military connections, but I guess that's why CEO's are worth so much. It pisses me off that some people actually think he'll do a good job running Congress.
  11. gonzojournilist - these pictures are great but what's up with the oil one?
  12. This topic may already exist but I'm too busy @ work today to sort through the pages ... what does everyone know about mixing e and acid?
  13. mel-o-d


    catholic schoolgirl ... why am I thinking britney spears and her first video? yuck! did anyone see her on the cover of ELLE? and she says they're not implants. I'm doing the pigtails thing for halloween myself, but not with the schoolgirl twist. that's just overdone.
  14. It was a month before my 20th birthday. The night was perfect ... we talked for hours about our families and dreams before we actually did anything. It was horribly messy and it hurt like hell too.
  15. ... when you pass up S&D b/c the other person can't make it. Really though, you know you're in love when you start to let yourself think it, that even a wholly independent and somewhat burned soul have found their soulmate.
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