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Everything posted by mel-o-d

  1. order: clubs/dancing, favors, music I had my New Order, DM, Adam Ant collection but I was really going to clubs to dance and meet guys. Then in my last year of college, the European kids started a proto-culture club and began spinning electronic music at all the parties, and the Asian kids supplied the party favors. At that point, going out was about dancing and sharing the high with friends. I didn't really get into the music/DJ until really recently. And now, going out is all about the music and dancing ... need to bring back some of that social butterfly in me though but all in good time. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  2. I was surfing the web and check out what I found: http://www.hrgiger.com/limelight/ Is this the *goth* room that I've heard about? I don't remember the sky bar looking like this ... ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  3. this deserves a *bump*
  4. I haven't been following this show at all, just caught snippets here and there while most of my buddies are hooked. The preview for the final episode made it look like they were all breaking up, and being the person that I am, I finally tuned it. It was great! I was definitely misty, esp w. the 2nd couple (6 months later, they're still together). I hate to think that a reality TV show impressed me so much, but the 3 couples they had were great. all the moral critics, I guess this goes to show that if two people are meant to be together, they will be. Love will find a way ... ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  5. He's alive! Hey Jesse Get this, I'm bringing a whole horde of people (so far all ladies too) and possibly a crew of ML bankers ... LOL. Oh yeah, and I didn't forget I need to swing by to pick up my ID. Can't wait! Can someone confirm the cost? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  6. I think I've finally succeeded in getting some college friends to go clubbing w. me ... now all I have to do is get them out of the hip hop room. Guys, I'm bringing up to 9 ladies with me. Blueangel - please check PM, got more names for the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> . Thanks! ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  7. Those are my exact same picks. Then again, I have only been going to Twilo since July '00. Oh, and I'm really looking forward to Sven Vath and Nick Warren in March. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  8. to sell in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Ohio and Texas. How sad. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  9. This sounds like a great idea. Haven't gotten my calendar yet but I think I'm in. Who do I contact? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  10. Anyone read the Rolling Stones' article on DMB? Interesting article. They say this is the best DMB album yet, can't wait to get my own copy. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  11. I'm always looking for more radio stations to listen to while at work. Thanks for the heads-up. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  12. Lychi Martini @ Decibels is the best, my absolute favorite drink. Had one once at a Korean restaurant w. soju ... horrible. Apple Martini is good too. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  13. Guy Ornadel and Scott Bond are also going to be there. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  14. There's so many ... Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin, Beauty & the Beast, Lion King ... I have little sisters. I sing-along to all the Disney movies. The more recent ones though have been very disappointing. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  15. I have a huge collection of Beanie Babies. Started the summer of '96 with Garcia, Lefty and Righty. Was buying them on and off for a while and then friends were buying them for me all the time. Haven't added anything to my collection in a long time, but I still love them. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  16. Shadowchaser, glad to read your review. I actually didn't get to Twilo till almost 6 AM and I was disappointed with Mr Digweed. It was nice and dark, but really hard to dance to. Closed out the place too. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  17. This is something I've been thinking a lot about lately and what I've concluded is there's not single purpose to life. We each have to find something to hold on to, this something that gives us the will to live and better our lives. For me, I think the purpose of my life is to strive to become the person that I've always wanted to be - this imagine of who I am. Along the way, I hope to live a full life with my family ... not just people from my past but also the people I choose to have in my life in the present and hope to have in the future. I think life presents you with different challenges and dilemas that shape and mold the person you become, and as adults we take on the responsibility of nurture ourselves and molding the person, the life that we want to have. Just my opinion... ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  18. you might as well get something out of it. otherwise, what else are ex's good for?
  19. Ohhh ... I think names are so cool. Mine tells me how and for how long people have known me. My name's Samantha and everyone called me Sammy when I was a little kid. I hated it. It took years to get people to call me Sam. While in college, some buddies decided to start calling me Sammy again. Don't know where they came up with that, but I always introduce myself as Sam and professionally go by Samantha. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  20. Hey, Congrats! Too bad you won't be midtown for lunch anymore though. It was nice meeting you today. Congrats again! [This message has been edited by mel-o-d (edited 02-22-2001).]
  21. This is a topic I know well. All my life I have always had trouble getting to school on time. Somehow I wound up w. a job that begins at 7:30 AM. I am late for work at least once a week. On Tuesday I got a stern talking to from my horrible boss ... that night I went out and bought a new alarm clock. It has only been 2 days but I've been getting here on time. Oh, I've also been told to put my alarm clock far out of reach from my bed. Supposedly getting out of bed to turn it off helps. Didn't work for me though, especially on those cold mornings when I would just pounce back into my nice warm bed. Good luck!
  22. Okay, so I just PM Mario my work number. I guess he'll give me a call and we'll come meet mysteriousss before heading over to Connolly. Heh heh heh ... I am totally sneaking out of work for an hour lunch today, have only did that once before. Usually I grab something and eat it at my desk. My MD would kill me if he knew.
  23. Yeah it's the PW building. It's also the Will&Grace building. Wasn't it pretty during the holidays? Wait, what's Connolly's like? Um, this is my first ClubNYC meetup. Is this going to be a long sitdown lunch? What should I expect?
  24. No I'm in the 1285 building, but we must be across the street from each other. 1:00 is good, but where? I'm so clueless as to places to eat around here ... tend to go to that Chinese place on 52nd b/t 5th and 6th, or get stuff from the concourse.
  25. Ohhh ... my MD is out marketing today. I think that means I can sneak off to lunch! I'm at 51st St. and 6th Avenue. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
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