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Everything posted by mel-o-d

  1. Hey guys, so I'm signed up for the Publicolor project this Saturday 2/17 and we need more volunteers! From about 9 - 3, I'm going to be painting with the kids of P.S. 265 a.k.a. Dr. Susan S. McKemy Secondary School for the Arts. It'll be messy, fun, and you get to treat a kid to lunch for a measly $5. I'm going the distance on Saturday (so I can sleep all day Sunday before DT/Cox) and this is just a great way to start the day. Let me know if you want the contact info! ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  2. Track selection. To continue the Nick Warren example, Amsterdam disk 1 is mixed smoothly but disk 2 has amazing tracks. I prefer disk 2. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  3. If this was taking place anywhere but Twilo, there would be a lot of fighting for these spots. As it is, I'm sure people would be jumping off onto the dance floor before too long. One thing about this night that worries me, there's tons of people flying in for the weekend for this event. Should we expect crowds like S&D nights? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  4. *clap* *clap* *clap* There's a project on Saturday 2/17 from 9:30-3:00 titled, Publicolor. "Buddy with a student member of the Publicolor Paint Club, a non-profit organization that uses student and adult volunteers to paint the walls of schools and community center in inner-city neighborhoods. Use the power of color to transform spaces and get to know some great kids at the same time!" I know it's early, but I'm hoping it'll exaust me and I'll crash Saturday afternoon/evening. Wake up at 11 PM or so, and repeat on Sunday, waking up rested just in time to head to Twilo. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  5. Ooana ... 20 hours straight? Are you serious? I am sleeping all day Sunday. I read somewhere that DT regularly spins 10 hours when he plays in Miami. The second and third tracks in GU18-London (disc 2) were regulars when he spinned at the old Sound Factory back in '97. Anyone want to bet if he plays those tracks for old times sake? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  6. I've been on a hiatus since Howells, 6-hour exam that Thursday, 6 hour painting with kids that Saturday and no work on Monday ... I'm busting loose Sunday night. I will be the other person besides Ooana there when the doors open at 11 and (I pray) I will be there till DT drops the last track. Needless to say, I'm fuckin' looking forward to this night. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  7. Silly me ... didn't realize you meant Feb. 9th. LOL - Mel
  8. Myrlin - you just bought 2 of my favorite CDs ... Sasha's Ibiza and Howells' Nubreed ... Lawler's Nubreed is great too, lots of fun but not something I can listen to daily. Howells' Nubreed though ... that's in heavy rotation. Disk 2 is my workout anthem - nothing keeps me going on the threadmill like this. ENJOY! - Mel
  9. forcing myself to fall out of love - Mel
  10. He-he-he ... Slow down Danielle ... you remind me of this girl @ orientation that asked if there's rules against doing more than one activity per day. It's awesome you're so excited though, I'm really glad this ClubNYC charity thing is kicking off. Still waiting for my darn calendar. I usually get it via email but nothing yet. I'm hoping there's something interesting on Feb 18th ... maybe that God's Love We Deliver food kitchen thing again, that was fun ... I want to give a little something back to NYC that day for bringing DT & Cox together at Twilo that night. - Mel
  11. June is oh so far away ... but I'll go with whichever ... - Mel
  12. Hey! I'm psyched you guys went to the orientation. Still waiting for my Feb. calendar from them, but anyone up for an end of February activity? - Mel
  13. I think both Jet Li and Bruce Lee studied at Shaolin Temple so their skills are probably pretty comparable. Personally though, I'd have to go with Jet Li. I LOVE his "Once Upon a Time in Little China" series. Wong Feihong ~ another favorite, and then all those other movies like the Chinese version of Bodyguard. What I like best about Jet Li (and hollywood hasn't really showcased this yet) is his blend of acting ability and martial arts skills. I think he's a great comic actor, even better than Jackie Chang. Hopefully we'll see more of him b/f he gets too old ... isn't he almost 40 now? - Mel
  14. Damn! Twilo better has someone else just as fabulous in town b/c I was hoping to celebrate my birthday there ... ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  15. my signature! ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  16. "Say Goodbye" from DMB Crash: So here we are tonight You and me together The storm outside, the fire is bright And in your eyes I see What's on my mind You've got me wild Turned around inside And then desire, see, is creeping Up heavy inside here And know you feel the same way I do now Now let's make this an evening Lovers for a night, lovers for tonight Stay here with me, love, tonight Just for an evening When we make Our passion pictures You and me twist up Secret creatures And we'll stay here Tomorrow go back to being friends and my theme song (aka Ally McBeal) for the moment is the second track in U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind: You've got to get yourself together You've got stuck in a moment and now you can't get out of it Don't say that later will be better now you're stuck in a moment And you can't get out of it And if the night runs over And if the day won't last And if your way should falter Along the stony pass It's just a moment This time will pass
  17. "Ever After" "Once Upon a Time in China" series staring Jet Li. "To Live"
  18. When I mentioned to my parents about going to Amsterdam a few weeks back, my dad warned me of drug trafficking and being careful with my bags at the airport. LOL... No mention or question of usage. As with most things in life, my parents' moto is they don't worry if they don't know, so they never ask and I never volunteer. Things have just always been like this, keep all the separate components my life apart ... family, school, work, friends ... why disappoint anyone you care about? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  19. did everyone see the CNN headlines: Ravens pound Giants 34-7 Laughed my head off ... an old friend used to tell me about when he pound some girl ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  20. OMG, I really want to try that ... and a steamroom ... I'm obsessed with steamrooms. As for me ... behind a giant pine tree next to the front entrance of the art building at my old college. The grass was wet and people kept walking by, but oh what a night. btw, shouldn't this be moved to the sex board Dave? ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  21. Jesse, I think April is out. The 13th is Good Friday and most of us should have that day off, but I don't know how people feel about traveling back for Easter Sunday? And Spring Party Weekend is either the 20th or the 27th ... I'm not exactly sure which yet. As far as May goes, the 13th is Mother's Day. And June 17th is Father's Day. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  22. OMG, is that it? I was wondering why it's been so packed after work. Duh ... ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  23. Vejita, #1 is the only real complicated issue, all the other ones just takes planning ... are we ever going to find a weekend where there's not some great party to stay in Manhattan for? Seriously though ... I would love to get away. I'm in! And I'll help plan too. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
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