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Everything posted by mel-o-d

  1. Once upon a time, there was a guy sunbathing in the nude. He saw a little girl coming toward him, so he covered himself with the newspaper he was reading. The girl came up to him and asked, "What do you have under the newspaper?". "A bird," the guy replied. The girl walked away, and the guy fell asleep. When he woke up, he was in the hospital in tremendous pain. When the police asked him what happened, the guy replied, "I don't know. I was lying on the beach, this little girl asked me about my privates, and the next thing I know is I'm here." The police went back to the beach, found the girl, and asked her, "What did you do to that naked fellow?" After a pause, the girl replied, "To him? Nothing. I was playing with the bird and it spit on me, so I broke its neck, cracked its eggs, and set its nest on fire." Moral of the story...never lie to kids.
  2. This is going to be a great month! turning 23 on the 13th moving into my new apartment Twilo's 6th Anniversary party 2 huge releases: sander's nubreed and seaman's desire life's great!
  3. Anyone been? I'm going there tomorrow night and I have no idea what to expect. Please help!
  4. REALLY? First time I heard it was President Day weekend ... Carl Cox. Been in love ever since.
  5. Please, any day but Friday.
  6. I had a really amazing night on Friday. Started the night off super early w. some girlfriends at a soho bar listening to my this awesome funk band. Hung out at Vejita's place (always the most gracious host ) before making the treck to Twilo, and what do we find, a line halfway down the block. I'd agree that the music was less than what I had hoped for, but you always risk being disappointed anytime you have high expectations. The highlight of the night was definitely Sander ... damn he's beautiful. I thought he did a great job of closing out the place ... no Hide You! Oh, and how nice was that to come out to rays of sunlight? It was great walking back to V's place (my soon-to-be neighbor) with the Hudson on our left, crisp cool air and bright sunshine. Can't wait till it's warm enough to go play in the park!
  7. Sarah - I don't know if I agree with you completely though it does seem like things work out that way. I think all of us are scared of commitment and relationship, but b/c of how society is institutionalized (man's prerogative) it's okay for guys to claim that as an excuse. Ehh ... I say, date older guys (at least 6 years older) if you want something serious.
  8. Sarah, that's seriously the best advice out there. Guys are just weird. For over a week now I've been getting daily updates from a girlfriend about some guys she works with; I met him at a dinner and he asked her for my number. Everyday he's pumping her for information about me, saying he's going to call, asking her why I don't call ... enough already! Don't fret it girl; he can't make up his mind, he doesn't deserve your time.
  9. Dreams changes as you grow. The key is never to stop dreaming. For me, I wanted to be a fashion designer while I was in elementary and middle school. By high school, I realized I wasn't creative or stylish enough and wanted to be the next great editor of a fashion magazine, like Anna Winthrope at Vogue or do what Liz Tiberas did for Harper's Bazaar. I gave up on that dream when I admitted I didn't want to starve in my 20s, wasn't growing pass 5'2", and didn't speak French or Italian. I somehow wound up studying Economics in college and am now in Equity Research on Wall Street. This is a pretty awesome gig for someone right out of school so I think I'll stick around for a while, but I'm thinking ... back for my MBA in a few years (no work and full time student again, hell ya!) and then I want to be a CEO, of what I don't know, but I've noticed I like careers where I'm in total control.
  10. Hey Danielle, do you ever check out the Twilo board? It's all there: http://www.twilo.com/cgi-bin/dboard/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=86
  11. Oh yes ... I remember ... Actually, I went through college w. the motto that I didn't have time for a boyfriend, all I wanted was a monogamous hook-up. Dealing with parents and commitment/long-distance issues, yuck! And of course by senior year, who wants to get involved? That was just last year for me, but all my friends were uniting after being abroad … we were so anti relationships! Seriously, you have 6 weeks left, what are you doing stressing with this girl? All your buddies are going off to do separate things (of my friends, all scattered … Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, Chicago, even Africa, Korea and Sibera) and even the ones that be in the same city as you, you'll never see unless you live together, and even then, good luck working around everyone's work schedule. Anyway, senior year was all about making the most of my time left on-campus with my friends. It was great. I have great memories. Damn I miss school.
  12. It wasn't exclusive. I went with a girlfriend a few months back ... it was okay. They played a mix of pop and hip-hop. There wasn't enough room to dance, it's tiny! And the guys were gross haglers. But if you're looking for a place to chill out, lounge around and look pretty, SPA is as good a place as any.
  13. Think Warren will drop this on Friday? Love where it's placed in Amsterdam, 2.
  14. I'm so sorry Myrlin. He had a very long life, with you all 17 years? He's in puppy heaven.
  15. Where have you been? http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/024844.html
  16. I swear by Danny Howell's nubreed, disc 2. Twenty minutes into it Promises - Greed, Reach Inside - Pillbox, and All Exhale - Luke Slater comes on ... tremendous energy boost and you crank up the speed. Disc 1 is really good for running too; I listen to that when I want to run at the same pace for like an hour or something. Try it!
  17. My favorite season of the year! What more, the fruit vendors are back in Midtown!
  18. What the heck is happening to the vibe? Not just at Twilo last Saturday but here as well and amongst friends? Ehhh ...
  19. Oh yeah ... April 14th is going to be the second day of my 23rd year ... life just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. Thank-you Twilo!
  20. This is great, thanks for posting it up. As a public service reminder, I'll like to point out that there will be a parade running along 5th Avenue tomorrow. If the weather is anything like it is right now, tomorrow is going to be a kickass St. Patty's Day. I may have to skip Sven Vath tonight to make it out during the day. Ehh ... but skip Sven Vath? ... ???
  21. Thanks for the stats Lexxi. Hey petp, I'm just a few blocks from ya. I'm on 51st and 6th. Where is pfloyd?
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