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Everything posted by mel-o-d

  1. Oh I love flowers! An ex-boyfriend used to bring me flowers all the time for no particular reasons. Roses are a must ... we have a rose garden at my parents house and our family is a little like "American Beauty" in that there's always fresh cut roses in the house. As for my favorite flower though ... have to say, tulips. I'm partial to bulbs and I find them non-tainted. Tulips are a good everyday flower that doesn't mean too much. ------------------ "Life is made of moments ... it would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live ... to love the journey, not the destination."
  2. Don't you guys know, popular media tells us we look cooler/sexier if we don't smile. Think, Esther of the DKNY ads, her unturned lips are famous and she has gorgeous Mark Vanderloo. One of my dearest friends walk around w. a scrowl on her face, but that's just her *normal* expression. I used to be like that, but no more. At clubs I usually have the biggest grin on my face, especially when I'm sober. Now the challenge is, how to go about in NYC with a positive disposition without looking like a fool? You can't really grin while you're on the subways you know. ------------------ "Life is made of moments ... it would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live ... to love the journey, not the destination."
  3. Speaking of Pappa, anyone planning on seeing him @ Twilo this Saturday? I already have other plans, but I hope NYC comes out and support the man.
  4. mel-o-d

    Your First Time...????

    OMG, I used to love that song. That girl has the most beautiful voice.
  5. That's my mom's b-day. I'm an Aries too. Why the ? ------------------ "Life is made of moments ... it would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live ... to love the journey, not the destination."
  6. Hey thanks for responding. I'm glad to hear that you guys don't think the scene will develop like hiphop has, it's just sad really b/c I still love dancing to hiphop, just not at a club. I've come to realize that the lack of aggression is one thing I really like about the techno scene. It's so nice to be able to chat with people and just let nature takes its course. Thanks again! ------------------ "Life is made of moments ... it would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as theones most of us lead now, that won't happen. We have to teach ourselves how to live, really live ... to love the journey, not the destination.
  7. Well, I just found out another friend of mine is seriously dating an older guy. Now 4 of my good girl friends are dating guys 6-15 years older. What I've noticed about these 4 friends is ... they all want to be in serious relationships. Maybe that's the difference? I for one absolutely do not want to be in a relationship and the thought of dating someone 6 years older flat out scares me.
  8. oh man, I don't think I'm ready for this yet.
  9. Okay, so I have always been a hiphop/r&b fan and especially loved to dance to it. Caught a bit of MTV Ultra Sound on 2 hits wonder last night, and it reminded me of how much I liked hiphop about 10 years ago ... Tone Loc, Young MC, Bell Biv Devoe, Marky Mark's Good Vibration (hanging head in shame - my first CD). Point being, even with gangster rap being predominant, there were still good beats coming out of hiphop and it was fun to go to clubs/parties and dance. Even last year, I was bumping away to Jay-Z and Sisqo's thong song. This past Saturday night though, it was all I could do to stay in the hiphop room at Limelight for an hour. Hiphop/r&b have always been very raw and sexual (actually, one thing that I really liked about it), but I have never felt more objectified than I did on Saturday night. Chorus such as "Rub on your titties of you like hiphop" is why I haven't listened to hiphop in a really long time. Maybe it's because I have no desire to hook-up at clubs or outgrown grinding with total strangers, but seriously the vibe was disgusting. I learned at Exit that a water bottle tucked between the small of your back and your pants is great for keeping the pokers away, but what the hell, do people don't think we mean it when we pull away. Why the need to start talking trash? Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. I guess my question is, is there any fear that the electronic scene is going to develop like hiphop/r&b has? We talk so much about the scene changing and the music going mainstream, and I think it's safe to say, there's no stopping that from happening, I mean, just look at how different Saturday night was from the first Gatecrasher party. It was great to see so many people come out for the music and to dance, but the night was definitely missing the friendliness that I'm used to from the first 2 Gatecrasher parties. I'd especially like to hear from folks who've been listening to electronic music for a longer time, how has the scene/vibe changed as the music has gotten deeper and darker?
  10. Happy belated Ben! I'm definitely interested in dog walking this Sunday but my lazy ass still hasn't made it to my P.O. Box to pick up my calendar yet. You gotta hook me up with the contact person. Need to get something off my chest about Limelight/hiphop, but will definitely send you an email soon.
  11. can't we keep these reviews together on one thread?
  12. I used to be like this, not even in terms of calling prospective b/f but even with just being able to pick up a phone and call a friend. I think it was from years of fighting over the phone w. my dear dad, but I always talked myself out of calling friends ... I don't have a specific reason to call them, they might be busy, we might run out of things to talk about, etc, etc. Now though, if I want to talk to someone, I just call and my cell phone is one of most treasured toys.
  13. Got to Limelight @ midnight and was shocked by the line. An hour long line for Limelight? After miserable coat check, my girls and I spent an hour being molested in the hiphop room. Look for another thread about this, but chorus like "Rub on your titties if you like hiphop" is why I don't anymore. Swung by the meetup at 2, said hello to some folks, but the whole silence of the place had me yearning for the main event and I was off. We were dancing in the main room from about 2-4:30 and it was great. Who was spinning before Tiesto? My 3 hiphop loving girl friends are shall we say, converted? My friend called yesterday asking for CD references! LOL As for Tiesto, not a big fan to begin with and still am not impressed. Nice as it was to see so many people show up for him, I did not like the vibe at all. Guys at Limelight tend to be more aggressive than the other clubs I frequent. I mean, it was good in that people were there for the music and to dance/have a good time, but people weren't friendly. I really miss the first 2 Gatecrasher parties. Oh yeah, the lasers were awesome. Gatecrasher really nows how to work with space. That alone made the night totally worth it, but better than DT/CC@Twilo, no way.
  14. Danielle - I'm surprised to hear you need a break from Hide You ... ha-ha ... thought I was the only one. It was nice of Three to drop it so early though, still can't believe Digweed closed with it the week before. It's a crowd favorite and it definitely got us pumped. This definitely went down as one of the top 5 nights I've ever had in Twilo. The vibe was perfect. The music was banging. Everyone was so friendly and I met some really cool peeps. Even got an omlet and some OJ on my way home. Can we keep Lawler secret for just a little bit longer?
  15. OMG, I'm in picture 6 ... heh heh heh Thanks for putting the pictures up Renaud.
  16. Where is everyone's review of last night? As if a ringing phone wasn't enough at 11AM, my roommates been making so much noise this morning ... I need more rest before Tiesto tonight! As for my review of Mr. Lawler ... I was in heaven from the time Three dropped "I'll Hide You" to about 6:00. Great selection and incredible vibe. Cross between DT and Digweed? ... I can see that. Lots of hard banging vocal tracks, just the way I like it. "House Music Makes Me Happy" Had a great night and I'm so glad to finally meet some of you folks. Oh, and how cute was Mr. Lawler's closing? The last 2 track was great and I especially loved how he got us so pumped at the very end.
  17. The last 20 minutes were incredible. My night truly began when he dropped "I'll Hide You." Talk about kicking it up a notch for Mr. Lawler. ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  18. A friend of mine is dating a man 15 years older than her, she only just turned 21. To her age is nothing more than a #. She's madly in love w. him ... not only does he give her what she wants from the relationship (commitment, breaks, etc) but best sex ever.
  19. This is a great line. I love how kids are so honest and open.
  20. That's just the thing though ... most of us know when a relationship should end, but how many of us are strong enough to actually end it? I guess this show just proved that even with all these *temptations* human beings are suckers for the comforts and security of what is familiar. Regardless, each couple looked like they were happy to be reunited and for that, I am happy for them.
  21. Hey Jesse, what weekend is it again?
  22. As it should. Someone mentioned that we create ideals of what life is about to give us comfort, purpose and direction. And as we age, our perception about what the point of life is changes based on our experiences and desires. I guess because most of us are in our 20s, we're focused on ourselves right now ... success in work, being loved/getting laid, questioning ideas that we were taught, etc. Maybe this is why there is no greater meaning in life ... we spend the greater part of our prime being so self-serving. It is only in our later years - when we succeed in leaving something on earth that will surpass us whether through family or work - that life has a greater purpose. The circle of life ... a cross between creation and ancestor worship. I guess we can look at this negatively: the only absolute certainty in life is death and therefore life is meaningless. Or we can just make the most of the here-and-now. Make yourself happy, make others happy ... live life and rejoice. Thank god it's Friday! ------------------ Work like you don't need the money, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance like nobody is watching.
  23. An ex-fuck buddy told me he could get a hard-on just from bumps on the road. He also never lasted more than 3 minutes either.
  24. Skimmed part of it and this caught my eye: Evolutionary psychology's main contribution to the understanding of jealousy is showing how, and why, it differs by sex. Of course, both men and women get plenty jealous. And both are susceptible to both basic kinds of jealousy: jealousy over sheerly sexual infidelity and jealousy over emotional infidelity—over a mate's falling in love with someone else. Still, as a rule, the thought of a mate's having extracurricular sex is especially abhorrent to men. Women, meanwhile, get more stressed out by the prospect of emotional betrayal. The author didn't agree but I do. Anyone have any thoughts?
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