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Everything posted by furnace

  1. I have background in tech...I understand the tech, even though I'm not a hardcore programmer. I'm more of a marketing/sales/bizdev person. I know, I know, everyone and their brother wants to be bizdev. I guess I get along with and can talk to techies, but I also get along with and talk biz to management too. I hope that can be useful. PLEEEAAASSSEE PM me if you are hiring or know people who are... Thanks! ------------------
  2. Just go laid off...comapany closing. 2nd time in 6 months! And I'm supposed to go to Amsterdam tommorrow... How am I gonna pay rent? More later... ------------------
  3. I have to share this office with the "art director" of my company. Oi vai! She's a great girl, and I would lover her as a friend...BUT I have to work with her. She is soooo high on herself. Everything she designs has some kind of artistic reasoning that just CAN'T be compromised. We are a business. We have to do what works. And she doesn't understand that. She also happens to be Miss Chinatown and has modeled, etc. so she is ALWAYS right... So many times I've been ready just to pick her up and throw her across the room... ------------------
  4. 1) Hey, I know how it feels when friends back out last minute. But now, I have new friends that are just as hardcore. 2) Have you come to meetups? Do you know alot of us? Because right now, I know enough board people that on any given weekend night, I don't need to come out with my usual crew. I can go to Twilo, Exit, Sound Factory, Limelight, etc., and most likely there will be somebody I know and can chill with for the night. This is one of the coolest things about this board, IMHO... I know I haven't met you yet, so come to a Twilo meetup sometime, or a drinks/dinner thing. I'm almost always at Twilo, as are Myrlin, Shadowchaser, Scottyskribz, Trippintrance, Ezdreamer, etc. etc. You get the picture... -Dennis ------------------
  5. Hey Mel...gotcha. I woulda loved to dance. But then again, I woulda looked pretty pathetic next to you and your ballroom partners. I guess it would have been cool to watch. I have some friends in NB...if you give me some notice, I'll bring a small group for a whole night... -D ------------------
  6. Oi! Hay you MID-towners...this is a DOWN-town meetup! Just kiddin' Y'all are welcome to come down (even Jammy). Who are we to be miserly with our coolness? BTW, there've been way more MID-town meetups...Olive Garden, Fridays, Otis, etc. We've only had one, but I would call it a success. Thanks again Casey! Hmm...now, does Union Square count as DOWN-town or MID-town? Well, you can always take the 4 to Fulton or Wall, only like 5 min. Lunch or drinks/dinner, no matter. BUT...if it is drinks/dinner, we should pick an emptier spot...so we can actually hear each other etc. etc. and not have to wait forever for tables and service... How do you feel about that? Mr. Anthony...is Divine Bar always packed? -D ------------------
  7. Little Odessa was definitely "...two snaps up...in a circle!" (see if you can spot that one!) But seriously, it was a really really good movie. I don't know too much about the Russian experience here, but I imagine it includes the hardships of the immigrant experience, which I know well. I must agree with nycetouch that Tim Roth is an incredible actor. He really helped carry the movie and took me into that environment. I almost felt Russian while watching! Z- How ya doin'? I've seen you out more often now, but we never get a chance to chat for some reason...I guess clubs were made more for dancing...hehe...I got some long emails from Lucie...lemme know if ya need some updates... And yes, watch this movie. Really really good. -D ------------------
  8. Andy: Working 4 blocks away from the office? What do you mean? HAY KAT!...looks like you gotcher self a snow day! You should go sledding with the kids that got outta skewl. Have snowball fights. Uh oh, now I'm reminiscing. Where's Lextacy? She's a good reminiscer. I loooved listening for school closings on the radio. Am I getting old, or does checking for them on the web take a bit of the magic out of it? Well, here goes, for old times sake... COWABUNGA!!! ------------------
  9. Hey Boa_boy...did you get my PM or email before? Please check again. Thanks. ------------------
  10. Twilo is cool for a couple reasons. 1) They get the best DJ's from around the world 2) They have the best sound system from around the world Even though it's my favorite club, I must admit it's not perfect either. Twilo is NOT COOL because 1) Sometimes the bouncers can be the meanest and rudest around 2) They have been known to pick on Asians www.twilo.com Twilo is on 27th St. between 10th and 11th Avenues Entrance is normally $25. When big acts like Paul Van Dyk, Sasha and Digweed come, it's $35. Drinks are $7 Water is $5 Next Twilo date: Danny Howells Sat. March 17th!!! ------------------
  11. My vote would be to pump Gatecrasher music through the other rooms in the club...like the hip hop room, for example. Any chance of that Andy? ------------------
  12. OOohhh....NOW you tell me... Don't worry about it Meli, you probably have better things to do with your time than stand around all day Sunday while they do take after take after take... It would be fun, but I'm not gonna be there either. So then, how good could it possibly be? You didn't see the post the first time around? I'll be sure to bring stuff like this to your attention next time -D ------------------
  13. Check your PM's... I sent you guys something a couple weeks ago...any thoughts? Please let me know... thanx... ------------------
  14. Meli...you were AMAZING! Your voice is really really good. Too bad you didn't have more room to shake it or a partner to dance with. That would've been cool. Maybe next time you should pick someone out of the crowd and swing'em around. Or, get a cordless mic and walk around the crowd... All y'all should go to her next gig. ------------------
  15. Just do a search containing the word "shopping" or "clothes". When you "hop to New York", at the top, you will see a small nav bar with "search" on the end. Good luck. ------------------
  16. Hey Hugh! All this snow talk is just TV channels wanting ratings...scare tactics to keep us glued to the sets. What kind of bike do you have? My roomate has a Ducati Monster, one of my friends has a Honda 990, and another has an Honda 8**. Do you ride into SF, or all over? -Dennis ------------------
  17. Ok everybody, here is the update... 1) ezdreamer is taking over the reigns of organizing everyone since I will be out of town. 2) The following is the list of people who responded to my original post in the order received. You will get FIRST CHANCE TO COMMIT to going on Sunday, March 11. The movie peeps agreed to let us take 8-10 people. 2-26 5:20 jammy 2-26 5:47 shadowchaser 2-26 5:52 lextacy 2-26 6:00 scottyskribz57 2-26 6:06 sariman 2-26 6:43 a691vcc 2-26 6:46 Tyco 2-26 7:00 saigray 2-26 7:06 freaky2girl 2-26 7:09 ravahstar 2-26 7:29 djstripe 2-26 7:50 deanna11 2-26 8:14 flying high 2-27 2:59 am noiseboy 2-27 11:33 am midiman *NOTE*:If you are not on above list, you are encouraged to reply, since we don't know how many of the originals will COMMIT. Here is the original post: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/023361.html 3) To COMMIT, send ezdreamer a Private Message as soon as possible with your REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER. DO NOT Instant Message him. The PM will serve as a record of what time you contacted him. ezdreamer will contact you to notify you of acceptance, and will post a when we are full. Thanks and good luck! This will be an incredible amount of fun. I wish I could do it! Make sure someone brings a camera! -Dennis ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).]
  18. Sorry about the triple post, it crashed. Ignore this one. ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).]
  19. Sorry about the triple post, it crashed. Ignore this one. ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-05-2001).]
  20. Actually, we did have a meetup for lunch at the Lemongrass Grill accross the WTC at Liberty St. Blue angel organized it, and I think around 14 people showed up. It was definitely a success. We'll do it again soon I'm sure...maybe next week after the weather calms down... ------------------
  21. Stoopid weather reports...they just want to scare you into thinking that it's gonna be bad so you watch...so they get ratings. This will be the last time I expect bad weather to effect work. I was soooo ready not to come in. But when I woke up, the roads were clear and I knew the rest of my office was gonna be in... ------------------
  22. Hey Arthur...thanks for SO RUDELY forgetting me... But that's ok. This is my official shout out to ya... -Den ------------------
  23. I must say, for a non-Tiesto fan, his music at Gatecrasher was really really good! The transition between Scott Bond and Tiesto was a bit sketchy, and Tiesto's first half hour or so was what I expected...happy happy trance trance. However, as the clock ticked past 3:30, Tiesto began picking some very good tracks... Which transitioned into deeper darker tracks. There was one song that definitely had the pulse of techno... All in all, I am glad I went and stuck it out until 5:30... My only complaint was how pact it was. Last Gatecrasher there was much more room to dance...the heat and cramped quarters was definitely a bit fustrating. However, the spectacular light show saved the moment. I loved it when the lasers would bounce off at all angles and create spiderwebs all over the place. Did anyone see the guy stringing with a sparkler? That was cool... Gatecrasher definitely lived up to its reputation...I'm actually looking forward to downloading the live set if available... Cheers! And it was good seeing everybody who made it to the meetup...esp. Exodust -Dennis ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-04-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-04-2001).]
  24. Ima bring one of those slide things... I hope they have sprinklers! ------------------
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