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Everything posted by furnace

  1. Hey Justin...good seeing you, albeit for 1 minute, at Howells/Junior... I think Monster wants your resume in plain text, so if you cut and paste from Word, it won't work right. I will be getting to Monster later, I haven't updated my stuff in a long time there. And I just got unemployed...so I will know ALOT by the end of the week... Also, NYNMA.org has alot of jobs on it... -Dennis ------------------
  2. Exactly Mikey... I totally understand Frank, Charlie, and Claudio's points. But I think this is where our tastes diverge. I think we will also see more filtering when we here Nick and Sander this weekend... Certain people will prefer Nick and certain people will prefer Sander. IMHO, Nick is more mainstream and Sander is more progressive...like Howells. Sander's set in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago was very much like Howells this weekend. In fact, I knew Sander was going to build for a while, so I popped over to the other room where Nick was spinning for an hour or so. Not bad at all, but when I went back to Sander (and Lee Burridge), it was really the next step. Perhaps the best way to say it is that Nick is the dj of Christmas present...Sander is dj of Christmas future... btw, Mikey, your track is bangin'. Just the type of dark stuff I like...now I just gotta get it into a format where I can play it on my stereo instead of my crappy computer speakers... ------------------
  3. Hey Oo... No, I wasn't talkin' about "G". I am talking about the ****ian mafia. I've noticed groups of them hanging around, look for people like me who are just dancing in their own space to mess with. I was dancing with at the top of the back steps minding my own businss when the three apes with track suits came up and said "Dees eez preevaat area...you go now!" and pushed me all the way to the side by the far bar. jewel44317 saw me at that spot before they pushed me out.. And they bump you on the dancefloor and don't say sorry and give you dirtly looks. They stick out like a sore thumb, with their Euro track suits, standing there and not dancing. Don't worry, if you haven't noticed...in fact, don't look for them. They will just ruin the good time you are having there. One of these days, I will join you at Vinyl... -D ------------------
  4. Oo...you are a Sat. night regular. Have you noticed any transformation of the crowd that some of us have noticed. It's not a major overt thing...yet. Very subltle. It's still mostly gay, and the gay guys are cool. It's the other "element" that I'm referring to. Oh well, just wondering. Thanx. ------------------
  5. Hehehe... What did A and R think of the movie Traffic? Did they ever get that catering problem fixed? ------------------
  6. IMHO, you should use all of them. In the past, I have used: Hotjobs Monster Headhunter.net Careerbuilder.com Careerfinder.com But the best results have been achieved when a headhunter got to know me, and set me up for interviews they thought I would be appropriate for. If you need some good headhunters, besides boa_boy, send me a PM. I'm looking now too now, so I'm talking to my headhunters every day. Good luck! ------------------
  7. 1) Danny Howells' Set There is no wrong opinion. Here's mine: In general terms, this set was not as "baggin'" as in January. It was definitely a slower build, and the peaks/climaxes were not as high. He picked it up more towards the end, but compared to his last set, and the last 2 Lawler sets, it was not as fast or hard. HOWEVER...do I want to go to Twilo and be taken on the same journey every time? I enjoyed what Howells did this time very much. Like Pooh said, evil dark sounds, trippy vocals, and most importantly, CHUNKY ASS BASSLINES perforated through the night. That's the direction music is gong, IMHO. 2) Saturday Crowd/Vibe...Mafia at Twilo? I agree with all those who said there has been a change. Back in the day (well ok, just a few months ago), Sat. nights were great, both before and after 6am/Junior. Yesterday, I was walking in, and it hit me...for some reason, it seemed like the Sound Factory crowd was INVADING Twilo. I shouldn't be making generalizations, but you know what I mean. The people who bump you and don't say sorry. Also, I noticed, especially getting closer to Junior time, a certain mafia element started appearing. I won't mention any names of mafias, but you know who I mean (or will know soon enough when they rudely push you away from a spot you were dancing in and say it's theirs). You can't miss'em...sketchy Euro apes in track suits. I really hope they don't start invading pre-6am Sat. and Fridays... 3) Junior after Howells Sometimes, Junior makes me stay, sometimes he drives me away. This time, he made me stay. Some really nice non-vocal non-cheese tribal stuff fit nicely after Howells. I stayed there 2 extra hours, 1 of which after I had gotten my jacket. Great music, but wow, for some reason, it didn't seem like the regular crowd. The gay guys were there, but again, so were the mafia types. Oh well, we'll see what happens. ------------------
  8. I'll be there...to both. Glug glug smoke a bud... ------------------
  9. I'll definitely be there... SANDER KLEINENBERG WILL OWN ALL OF YOU. Interested to see what Pascal sounds like...heard good things. I hope that Nick guy is warming up, cuz I don't want to be dissapointed after Sander... What is the order, any idea? ------------------
  10. Hey Lex, Andy, Melissa, Joe... I saw Darren open/close for Oakenfold last Thanxgiving...he was really good. MUCH better than Oakenfold... How much is Centro-Fly on Thursday? Meeting up beforehand at all? -D ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-19-2001).]
  11. I saw Warren and Kleinenberg last Friday with Vejita in Amsterdam. I must say, though Warren was pretty good, Sander Kleinenberg confirmed my suspiscions that he is the world's best DJ. I also got a nice introduction to Lee Burridge, who Sander split time with and then tag-teamed with at the end. Lee Burridge was definitely pretty good too... So for me, it's more like I'm going to see Sander Kleinenberg...and hopefully Nick Warren won't be TOO commercial... ------------------
  12. Hey Lexxxi...if I'm not mistaken, I think Roby told me that you are from the Hamilton/St.Cathrine's/Toronto area? Question: My brother went up to Toronto last weekend, and he told me that the Industry was closed down, empty. Is that true? That was like my favorite place a couple years ago... What are the best places now? I also liked System Soundbar, Tonic, Fluid, and Plastique (depending on my mood)... -Furny ------------------
  13. Thievery Corporation Bob Sinclair Lex Baxter DJ Cam The Karminsky Experience Inc Jazzanova Rockers Hi-Fi Up, Bustle & Out Basement Jaxx Smith & Mighty John Beltran DJ Rodriguez Christoph Isermann Ian Pooley Ven Van Hees DJ Paco de la Cruz Boozoo Bajou Pimp Rekker Fila Brazillia Soulstice People Under The Stairs John Howard King Kooba I'll be impressed if any of you know any of these guys. Clue: most of them play funky Latin dub groove... ------------------
  14. Aaah...I think I remember this place. Didn't some of us hit it the night of the Apple meetup dinner? I liked the place, as I recall. Will probably see you there. -D ------------------
  15. 12...I only took 3...can you make some doubles? That would be great! Ok Bar B...ya covered the who...what about the where and the when? I think a visit would be appropriate for us B's. Boa B...as for getting lower...judging by her grin, I think Cuban B was pretty happy about how low you got on her...we'll have to reference those last couple pics to see for sure... ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-16-2001).]
  16. Hey Cath...here's the long and short of it: Couple weeks ago at Digweed's GU019 release party, some dude asked my friend and I to dance in a movie. After being excited, some people told me to check it out to make sure it was on the up and up. So I made some calls and yes it was. Unfortunately, the shooting was scheduled for when I was away in Amsterdam last week, so I was going to have to miss it, so I asked EZDreamer to go in my stead. In the meantime, I convinced the movie people to let me bring more than people...I posted this a while ago (Feb 20something). It turns out, cuz of the snow (or hype of snow) and flight delays, the shooting was moved to last night, and I got back from Amsterdam Wed night...woohoo! Back to the movie: It is a low-budget/no-budget movie (1-5 million)...EZDreamer knows more about this stuff. It is being shot and produced by Guardian Entertainment, and distributed by Trimark Pictures / Lionsgate Films. It is called "Out of the Darkness" and will be in theaters in August. It is also a landmark movie, since it is the first movie to be shot completely in High Definition 35 mm. Again, EZDreamer probably knows more about this. Basically, this is sorta like HDTV, but for 35 mm. George Lucas is filming part of Episode 2 in this stuff. So, definitely, I'll post more details as soon as I find out. Hopefully we'll make the credits. ------------------
  17. Oi vai, I can't believe I forgot! Brandie will totally be the one on screen. They did like 3 circles around her while the actors from the movie were massaging her while she acted like she was really messed up. Nice meeting those I haven't met yet. EZ...thanx for the tunes on the way back...you are our savior! Chach: Good call on the hippityhop/dancehall. Good to see there are at least some hip hop headz on this board. And I think we have a contest on our hands...Boa vs. theCHACH...who can jump higher? Perhaps we should have a "jump the Furnace" contest...round one...DING! Lextacy: I'm blonde today too (blonde asian?) What was the ice cream about? Exodust: What's the deal with Bar B? Where, when, how, and most importantly, who? You know, now that we're stars and all, we can't be seen with just ANYBODY... Myrlin: Sometimes, respect is unspoken. You can see it in the eyes. Grandaddy! Did anybody get a pic of us dancing, while the scene was going on? ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 03-16-2001).]
  18. C'mon...club parking lot was fun...plenty of room to string right? The guy with the spikey hair is Keoki's fiance. They are getting married in 2 weeks in Vermont. Keoki was definitely a pretty nice non stuck up person for a superstar dj. He totally was groovin with us and Deanna11 (like they said) on the dance floor and was hanging out after it was all over. I hear alot of people say he is not like he used to be...well, I guess people's style evolve and change, and it doesn't always go in line with popular tastes, so more credit to him for doing what he likes. BTW, he seemed completely sober...I've heard all the things about him, that he plays fucked up, that he's late and doesn't show up, but he was on point last night. JOOP! ------------------
  19. A bunch of us heard and met him last night in upstate New York. We were dancers in the rave scene of a movie, and the footage will also be used for his video. He came down to dance with us, and was all in all a pretty cool guy. In that situation, with a not so good sound system, and limited time to play (with stops and starts due to different takes and such) he played a pretty good mix. I was pleasently surprised, since going in I had absolutely no idea what he sounded like. He started with some commercial trance, but got a deeper and darker later. It was like progressive house with higher bpm. Definitely not enough time to form a solid opinion, but a I did get an introduction and thought it was pretty good. We'll see when his new album comes out. Peace. ------------------
  20. ...for making the trek upstate. I think we created the perfect vibe, and Keoki did not disappoint. After all, it's tough to create any kind of set in an hour or so, especially when we are spoiled with long Twilo sets. Not only was Guardian happy with the vibe we created, they loved the way we tore up the dancefloor. I have a feeling that Scotty and Deanna11 will get some good screen time. Cheers again to EZDreamer for collecting the details for me while I was away...SO lucky that it was rescheduled for after I got back! I will email all y'all with the dilly on the wrap party and down the road if there is a premier. In the meantime...let's get those pics scanned in! BTW, Scotty...I know you were happy and all...but did I see you making friends with the locals on 17? You know...the ones that drive white cars with lights on top... Until next time...(I'm savin' the list of all y'all...) Wahoo! -Dennis ------------------
  21. If you need a ride up to the set tonight, PM me ASAP. I have a couple spots in my car. Make sure you give me your TELEPHONE NUMBER so I can call you and make arrangements. I will be leaving Manhattan/North Jersey around 4:30. -Dennis ------------------
  22. Back from Amsterdam...wow what a trip... But to the topic at hand... I'm definitely in, NYC or Philly. I saw DM in Philly twice when I was a kid. Jilly: how's Nashville? Didn't 4 years in N'Orleans prep you a bit? -D ------------------
  23. Hey everyone! I hope you're holding down New York in our absence, since we are definitely doing so over here in Amsterdam. As I am sure you will be reading from my compatriots posts as well, we saw an incredible set by Sander Kleinenberg VS. Lee Burridge. Sander lived up to every expectation we could have had musically, and was even more friendly personally. Lee Burridge continuted the build Sander started well, until they finished it off tag teaming the rest of the night. Now THERE is a live set I would LOVE to get my hands on... Not to be overshadowed, Nick Warren played a nice set the crowd enjoyed very much. It was much more mainstream, but he kept the party hopping and kept me in that room for a couple of hours. Needless to say the rest of Amsterdam is amazing. For those who have been, you know how good it can be. To those who haven't, you best be gettin' your arse over here soon. I CAN'T wait till Sander on Phazon...will probably challenge Howells and Lawler for supreme DJ of the moment... More from the front later... ------------------
  24. NoNoNoNoNooooo..... Sander Rewls! Sander Rewls! ------------------
  25. Hey Meli... What about New Brunswick Sound Machine... ------------------
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