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Everything posted by furnace

  1. A certain dishonest person sold me his tix for tonight, then RENEGGED. So now, I am left ticketless, hung out to dry. So if anybody knows anybody with just 1 extra ticket, PLEASE tell them that your friend really wants to go. Please PM me or msg me on AIM: thefurnace17 Thanks so much! -Dennis ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  2. They bring in so many great guests...almost (and I said almost) forget how well the residents hold it down. This is good though...no switching, they'll be able to put together a long, Twilo-like set... Awwww shit...it's gonna git funky... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  3. Yo...ditto here... Whether I'm driving, running, biking...I modify to the speed of the beat. That's why I never run to music. But I always drive to music...and if groovin beat or a kick ass track drops, so does my lead foot... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  4. Not to beat a dead horse, but it's definitely 18+... Bring anyone who you think will appreciate the music...that's what this party is all about... -Den ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  5. Hey LittleD! Finally I got to put the real name with the board name! Great dancing with ya last night. After that set, please tell me you won't bash the bottle on Pooh! We need him...this kid is gonna get BIG! Oh, and happy belated welcome back to the Northside... -Dennis (crazy asian) ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  6. Hay! You...you...you better watch it! Or something. Ok ok, ya got me. You may have won this battle, but I will win the war! Hmm...Marshmellow...how would you like to be TOASTED? hehe... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  7. *bumpity bump* ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  8. Shoot, who'da thunk it would be hard to find a place around MSG... But all the guides have "midtown" being 40 something to 60 something. Any suggestions? Anyone? ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  9. Hey peeps...if you emailed me before, that email wasn't working correctly. The correct email is: twinstarlist@excite.com Thanx! ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  10. Whoops! Hey guys, I added the date...it's this Friday, June 29. I've never actually been up to the top of the World Trade Center before either... -D ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  11. Hey...where are ya peeps? Marcella! Stop by! Nikki! Jilly! Y'all come down now, ya hear? ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  12. Most New Yorkers claim never to have been to the Statue of Liberty, top of the Empire State Building, or top of the World Trade Center. Well, maybe it's time to cross one off that list? Come party with me @ Utopia. Ean Sugarman and DJ Nicolae provide the tunes, with percussion by bb and the voice of Carlton Smith. It's at the Windows on the World (World Trade Center, 107th floor, tower 1) Friday June 29th $15 Doors open at 9pm No jeans or sneakers Tell them you are on "Emmi's list" Email twinstarlist@excite.com for list or if you have any questions. See ya there! ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..." [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-26-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-28-2001).]
  13. Silly Staceychase... You partied like a rockstar. What time did you get home Sunday morning? My weekend was medium, then good, then bad, then super. So at least it ended well... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  14. Props to all those who made it out on a Sunday night... But I think we can all agree it was well worth it! Timo Maas did not disappoint. You could tell from the very first track Afrika that he dropped it was going to be a special night. The crowd, more hardcore than any I've EVER seen at Centro, was literally shaking the floorboards. And that was for Terry Casey (great set, nice experimental breaks in the beginning) before Timo started. So you can imagine the vibe when music for the Maases started blaring. My favorite part of the night was when DT was partying on the dancefloor, and the crowd began shouting Vinyl! Vinyl! and Twilo! Twilo! at the same time. Did you all have as much fun as I? I'll will leave you guys to the musical critique...I'm a bad trainspotter anyways. I did actually like the way he played many different styles. Dirty at times, epic at times, breaky at times, but mostly progressive. Leon Alexander did a good job of keeping us bouncing till close... For those of you who know her, what a great send off for Gloria eh? Oh, and I happened to be shouting Twilo. Anyone else? ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  15. Hey everyone... For those of you interested in going to Timo Maas at Centro Fly tonight... You can say you're on Emmi's list at the door for reduced. Hope to see you there! -Dennis ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  16. This should be off da hook... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  17. Even though I had a bum night car and car stereo wise (for those who don't know, my brand new stereo was stolen from my car), the night of music was FAAAANTASTIC. As always the resident Plant DJ's openned solidly, starting with great house with classic vocals. As the time edged toward 2am, things became more progressive. Slam came on and continued the transition, starting their more progressive tracks around 3. Their set was not dark and spacey, but more tribal. More Teneglia, less Digweed. The crowd was lovin' it. I think the Centro crowd is getting better, they anticipate bombs and go nuts when the DJ's toy with builds. Their sound was clean in the progressive manner, but maintained classic house soul through well placed hooks and vocals. And of course, Marcus and Dominque, the Plant residents, closed with some great progressive tunes, tracks that Satoshi, Howells, and Digweed might be spinning. Not to forget, Dimitri from Paris was downstairs in Pinky, and he was amazing. I'm not sure I was a fan of the half hour of hip hop he played though...didn't seem to fit into the Riviera vibe that comes from French house. He definitely ended well though...I thought I was on a cigarette boat in Monaco by then. The models hanging out certainly enhanced that I'm sure... -Furn ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  18. Tanya! Remember what I said to you at Hugh's going away party? When we were upstairs in the bedroom/loft? You listened! ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  19. Yo Ben! You back from Europe already? I thought you were gonna be there all summer. Yeah, it seems BPM is getting higher. However, I think that trance BPM is faster than progressive...just listen to any of the NuBreeders, Tenaglia, or Digweed. Slow and spacey. In fact, that's what Myrlin, Ezdreamer, and Shadowchaser complain about the NuBreeders' sets...too slow, never picked up, never climaxed. I for one, like the slower BPM. You in Detroit now? -Den ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  20. C, J, S, I know how you feel. My grandparents are going through some difficult times too and they are overseas where the medical treatment is not as good, and my family is seperated from them. At least they are getting the best treatment possible in the world. I am praying for all of them. -D ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  21. Casey! I think I can be there...I fly off to Hawaii the very next day...if it's not a morning flight I'll be there. Nice new sig, Cachster...good seeing you again at Al's...remember...send me the date...I'm Obsessed! (haw haw haw) Seriously, though, I got a buddy in NB that I wanna take there... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..." [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-12-2001).]
  22. Everyone's familiar with the concept of karma, right? Do good shit, and good shit will happen to you in return. Well, sorry to break the news (to those who don't already know), that's not how it works. No such thing as karma. Just luck. For example: recently, I've been helping some people out BIG time, and bad things happen as a result. Been driving my friends (many of you!) home after clubbing alot, since I have a car and it sames them 10-20 buck cab ride. But last week, my car gets towed on Tues. for $200, and then gets broken into on Sat. and brand new car stereo stolen (along with my favorite cd and favorite hat!). Now I have to deal with police reports, insurnace companies, and getting it fixed... To top it all off, I got pulled over by the cops after dropping Boa_boy home last night after watching the game at mine! Now I have to deal with MORE police, tickets, etc. MORAL OF THE STORY: make sure you're getting something in return for your next good deed...chalking it up to "good karma" will probably come back to bite you in the ass. Anyone else experience this kinda thing? G'luck to all y'all. ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..." [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-11-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 06-11-2001).]
  23. Sweeeeet...was it one that we heard pre-Sander that rainy night? ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  24. You KNOW I'm there... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
  25. Sacriledge! To think...I went mainly to see MJ Cole... Boy was I wrong! MJ Cole was ok...found out 2step-garage, while fun sometimes, ain't that great... But upstairs with Roger...amazing! Haven't heard good house like that in...well...a long time. Lots of good soulful stuff. Ok ok, he dropped Hide U, and some other songs we hear everywhere. But apart from that, his set was really good, mixing was not bad either. Had a GREAT time. FrankiePeP: It's all about the fatigue mini-skirts... Momadance...didn't see you? Saw Az-tec, Shyster76, nefpratiti, and some other friends. kitty19, doublestacked, littled, did you guys go? didn't see you... ------------------ "Much respect...to the dreamers..."
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