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Everything posted by furnace

  1. Hey Mike...there are alot of good things going on during the weekends. Go to www.maderecords.com and sign up for the mailing list. First, this weekend, we are throwing a party at Vinyl with Lee Burridge and Jimmy Van M. Lee Burridge just put out Global Underground's NuBreed 5. This is the series that has Pappa, Howells, Lawler, and Kleinenberg. Jimmy Van M is the DJ who brought Sasha and Digweed to the United States in the first place, and is an awesome DJ himself. Check out the details by clicking the link below: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65357 And Sasha and Digweed are playing with Jimmy Van M on Thanksgiving Eve. Click the link bellow for details. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=65358
  2. This Saturday November 10th at Vinyl, Made Events presents a WWF special with "Badass Bedrock" JIMMY VAN M dueling it out on the decks with "The Terrible Tyrant" LEE BURRIDGE for a marathon match beginning at 11:00 PM until one of them goes down for the count! Also featured on this event, The Laser beam of Doom will add a new dimension of danger and intrigue! *1st 100 guests receive a free Nov 21 Sasha,Digweed + JVM poster! 18+ with government issued ID $25, doors open at 11 pm VINYL > 6 Hubert St (@ Hudson St, 3 Blocks below Canal St) (212) 343-1379
  3. reprazent...I'll be there. I can't wait to hear them tag team...
  4. including ticket prices and outlets will be posted on the www.maderecords.com site as soon as they are available. Thanks for supporting Made events. We all know how good Jimmy is...and Lee will have more time to work with since it's a Saturday and not a Thursday... Hope to see y'all at Vinyl! What a great warm up for S&D...
  5. Lee Burridge + Jimmy Van M Saturday November 10 @ VINYL 18+ with government issued ID $25, doors open at 11 pm VINYL 6 Hubert St (@ Hudson St, 3 Blocks below Canal St) (212) 343-1379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sasha and John Digweed with Jimmy Van M Cipriani 42nd St Wed, November 21 10pm - 6am 21+ www.cipriani.com www.balancepromote.com www.maderecords.com for advance ticket info ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Celebrate the arrival of 2002 with Danny Howells @ Vinyl New Years Eve, December 31, 2001 www.dannyhowells.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Further details on all events and advanced tickets coming soon. For email updates on future events, please subscribe @ www.maderecords.com For further info, email : fjy@maderecords.com
  6. Dood! I read about that movie/album in Spin a while back...I was in the city but couldn't get online! You shoulda called me! You KNOW I'll be anywhere with Thievery type music...I've been looking for that for so long... Next time you hear of anything Thievery like let me know. I got your message...thanks for callin' about DUMBO...I don't have your new cell # (I have two 718 #'s for you in my phone). Leave me your cell # when you call next time. Oh btw, Friday I was home in NJ. BUT...I did go to Organic Grooves the week before, the last one of the season on the Frying Pan...it was phat as usual... -Den
  7. Wow, lots of new headz! Hope to meet all you guys soon. Come to Howells this Saturday! Good seein the old peeps...Scotty, Al, Meli, Nikki, LilD, TG, Luba, Charlie, Frank, Claud, Urs...Jamms...where were ya? Did Karel come? Sinem? You old peeps gotta introduce me to the new peeps at Howells... -Den
  8. Jamms, grab me if ya see me on your way to the meetup, I may forget. I'll look for you and Scotty in there, haven't met the rest of you yet... -Den
  9. definitely be there... I saw Seaman at Twilo in February...incredible set. One of my best nights at Twilo quite frankly. I don't know what his recent sets have been like, but that set was a nice break from the deep, dark, and dirty progressive house that we all love. His style was progressive but a bit more uplifting. Perhaps a better judge would be his Renaissance album and any live sets you can find on the web. The party is definitely on Saturday. Luis Diaz is playing too...he openned for PVD back in the day. And don't forget, Danny Howells for 10 hours on Oct 13th
  10. Let's not write off Centro Fly just yet. I still feel very strongly that this is the best club in New York. I challange anyone to find any other club with as good a mix of quality music, service, and space. Momadance: you've been posting a long time here, and from what I've read I respect your posts and opinions. However, I must ask that you not be too quick to judge. I admit, the crowd has been slipping a bit (more guido elbow dancing types). But no place is perfect. The wait staff has always been impecable as well. Have you consistently had problems at the door? Perhaps Suzanne was having a rough night, some policy changed, or you were drunker than you think. Last but not least, music is the most important thing. If you like the DJ, go. And for those of you who haven't been to Centro Fly yet, don't change your plans. Try everything once...I even went to Sound Factory and Exit...
  11. Guess what? That's my birthday! And Sat is Andy's (Aztec) birthday, and Sun is Taj's (Crowned) birthday! It'll be a triple celebration! And it will also be the 1 year anniversary of my first meetup! Kat, make sure we got a PB & J sandwich with candles for you know who! LOL -Den
  12. Guess what? That's my birthday! And Sat is Andy's (Aztec) birthday, and Sun is Taj's (Crowned) birthday! It'll be a triple celebration! And it will also be the 1 year anniversary of my first meetup! Kat, make sure we got a PB & J sandwich with candles for you know who! LOL -Den
  13. I put the details in the promoters forum... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59025 Danny Howells has really outdone himself each time he's been to NYC...and this should be no exception. Dave Seaman returns after a long absence. I haven't heard him since his residency at Twilo. His Renaissance: Desire album was sublime... -D
  14. Yuhwoo posted this on the ezdreamer board... a friend forwarded me this today: The Red Cross is looking for volunteers today (as soon as possible) and tomorrow (either 8-5 or 8-8 shift) to give them computer support. Anyone with word processing skills who is available during those times should call either (718) 923-5754 or (718) 802-9273. They are desperate right now for help in this area. The work is done in Brooklyn. Also, they need drivers tonight and tomorrow night (4-10) who are familiar with both Manhattan and Brooklyn to drive back and forth to food banks. You would be driving a Red Cross vehicle. Please call either of the numbers listed above if you are able to help or know someone who can.
  15. hate Giuliani's views and positions (on nightlife, art, etc.), I must admit he is a MUCH better leader than GW Bush. Crobra: you are right...it is definitely scary how Giuliani was told to stop responding in order to make Bush look better. What is our government coming, to...censoring mayors...of the same political party even? Dayam! But the fact remains, Bush was busy running to Louisiana and Nebraska while Giuliani was at ground zero...
  16. of the technicalities of the agreement and war in 1965, the population in Kashmir, if I'm not mistaken, is mostly Muslim and identifies more with Pakistan. Perhaps a UN Plebicite followed by an referendum would be in order. Let the people have their say...
  17. I think the next thing to catch on here will be what I call Cheeze House You know, Ian Van Dahl - Castles In The Sky type stuff. Theyr'e already playing it on the radio, which is good and bad. It's good that electronic music of any type is making it to the radio. Unfortunately, it's the cheezy type indicating that that is what is most popular. Then again, commercially viable and quality normally don't come together (few exceptions - Radiohead, Depeche Mode, Cure, Rage Against The Machine, etc. come to mind) Otherwise, I'm not sure how quickly 2-step will catch on. It does have an advantage, with its roots in hip hop. And it comes with a built in lifestyle/glam image, which doesn't hurt. We'll see...but for me, underground baby... (except when I go to Centro hehe)
  18. Notice the date on the article...way before the WTC tragedy. And we're wondering how these assholes had money for flight school in Florida... (Thanx to Kageki for finding this) ARTICLE US CA: Column: Bush's Faustian Deal With The Taliban Pubdate: Tue, 22 May 2001 Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Copyright: 2001 Los Angeles Times Contact: letters@latimes.com Website: http://www.latimes.com/ Author: Robert Scheer Note: Robert Scheer Is a Syndicated Columnist. BUSH'S FAUSTIAN DEAL WITH THE TALIBAN Enslave your girls and women, harbor anti-U.S. terrorists, destroy every vestige of civilization in your homeland, and the Bush administration will embrace you. All that matters is that you line up as an ally in the drug war, the only international cause that this nation still takes seriously. That's the message sent with the recent gift of $43 million to the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan, the most virulent anti-American violators of human rights in the world today. The gift, announced last Thursday by Secretary of State Colin Powell, in addition to other recent aid, makes the U.S. the main sponsor of the Taliban and rewards that "rogue regime" for declaring that opium growing is against the will of God. So, too, by the Taliban's estimation, are most human activities, but it's the ban on drugs that catches this administration's attention. Never mind that Osama bin Laden still operates the leading anti-American terror operation from his base in Afghanistan, from which, among other crimes, he launched two bloody attacks on American embassies in Africa in 1998. Sadly, the Bush administration is cozying up to the Taliban regime at a time when the United Nations, at U.S. insistence, imposes sanctions on Afghanistan because the Kabul government will not turn over Bin Laden. The war on drugs has become our own fanatics' obsession and easily trumps all other concerns. How else could we come to reward the Taliban, who has subjected the female half of the Afghan population to a continual reign of terror in a country once considered enlightened in its treatment of women. At no point in modern history have women and girls been more systematically abused than in Afghanistan where, in the name of madness masquerading as Islam, the government in Kabul obliterates their fundamental human rights. Women may not appear in public without being covered from head to toe with the oppressive shroud called the burkha , and they may not leave the house without being accompanied by a male family member. They've not been permitted to attend school or be treated by male doctors, yet women have been banned from practicing medicine or any profession for that matter. The lot of males is better if they blindly accept the laws of an extreme religious theocracy that prescribes strict rules governing all behavior, from a ban on shaving to what crops may be grown. It is this last power that has captured the enthusiasm of the Bush White House. The Taliban fanatics, economically and diplomatically isolated, are at the breaking point, and so, in return for a pittance of legitimacy and cash from the Bush administration, they have been willing to appear to reverse themselves on the growing of opium. That a totalitarian country can effectively crack down on its farmers is not surprising. But it is grotesque for a U.S. official, James P. Callahan, director of the State Department's Asian anti-drug program, to describe the Taliban's special methods in the language of representative democracy: "The Taliban used a system of consensus-building," Callahan said after a visit with the Taliban, adding that the Taliban justified the ban on drugs "in very religious terms." Of course, Callahan also reported, those who didn't obey the theocratic edict would be sent to prison. In a country where those who break minor rules are simply beaten on the spot by religious police and others are stoned to death, it's understandable that the government's "religious" argument might be compelling. Even if it means, as Callahan concedes, that most of the farmers who grew the poppies will now confront starvation. That's because the Afghan economy has been ruined by the religious extremism of the Taliban, making the attraction of opium as a previously tolerated quick cash crop overwhelming. For that reason, the opium ban will not last unless the U.S. is willing to pour far larger amounts of money into underwriting the Afghan economy. As the Drug Enforcement Administration's Steven Casteel admitted, "The bad side of the ban is that it's bringing their country--or certain regions of their country--to economic ruin." Nor did he hold out much hope for Afghan farmers growing other crops such as wheat, which require a vast infrastructure to supply water and fertilizer that no longer exists in that devastated country. There's little doubt that the Taliban will turn once again to the easily taxed cash crop of opium in order to stay in power. The Taliban may suddenly be the dream regime of our own war drug war zealots, but in the end this alliance will prove a costly failure. Our long sad history of signing up dictators in the war on drugs demonstrates the futility of building a foreign policy on a domestic obsession.
  19. old old old house track..."I can't get no sleep..." Forgot who by...
  20. Good seeing and catching up at Filter 14 the other day... I wish you Godspeed and a safe return... Say a prayer for Casey (Blueangel)... -Dennis
  21. Thanx Az-tec...I will be calling you this afternoon... Mugz! I wish you could come today...I thought you were coming on Sunday though! We'll chat...see you on AIM... -D
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