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Everything posted by furnace

  1. I would say that both he and Lawler are BETTER than S&D... ------------------
  2. Al what were you testing? ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-21-2001).]
  3. I guess I don't have to say how Howells has taken over... I guess I don't have to say how he tore the place up... I guess I don't have to say how he's probably the best DJ in the world... So I'll just say, he was a really cool guy to hang out with. A bunch of us went over after his set was done and talked with him for a while. He was really down to earth and loved talking about his set. Good seeing all the headz agian...we were all over the place. Couldn't walk 5 feet without running into someone I knew. Chris - clutch with the blow pops. Does Howells have official residency? When is he coming back? wocka woo! ------------------
  4. Wocka wocka wocka wooo! This could be the best night of music at Twilo yet... Brace yourselves! I should be there at 1...but if I'm not, I know all y'all anyways, so I'm sure we'll *bump* into each other... Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ------------------
  5. check your PM's... ------------------
  6. Hey, y'all comin' to lunch at Chevy's? 1pm. Ask for Casey, Dennis, or Danielle's table. -Dennis ------------------
  7. I'm there too...that makes 3...it's early...peeps will reply. Hey Brett, how's RI? Coming down for Sat? You should... ------------------
  8. Cool...lets do it. I suggest we do what Crommy says (wink wink!). I've eaten at other Chevy's...sorta like Friday's, but Mexican. Just a matter of what time? I'm voting for 1pm at Chevy's. But I'm flex. Who's got unflex lunch? Let's see we got: Blueangel Breann Exodust Bunami Crommy me Hugh=Quanto-Magus? 6...that's a good number. Y'all keep bumpin' this, ya'hear? Oh, and btw, who's gonna to tequila shots with me!?!? Bwahahahaha.... ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-19-2001).]
  9. Glowgirl is right! Regardless of what the rankings are, and who is a better dj, S&D play her once a month and PVD only once every OTHER month. S&D get more press, and since they play more, more people come, and then go home and spread the word. There are definitely more people at S&D _just_to_be_at_S&D than for PVD. Ben: I must disagree, my friend. As I said above, it is MUCH more packed at S&D than PVD. And, in my opinion, PVD is better anyways. Weyes and Smokey: If you are more of a raver at heart, I recommend the "off" nights, where the fair-weather clubbers aren't there (you know, the ones with greased short hair, tight shirts/no shirts, gold neclaces, drinking beer and causing fights). For example: This Sat: Danny Howells. Pappa last weekend, and Lawler the week before. And Nick Warren coming up. Timo Maas, Richie Hawtin, Carl Cox/Danny Teneglia, etc. Lawler has a bi-monthly residency also, you should DEFINITELY check it out next time. Hope this helps! ------------------
  10. Grappling is more important practically speaking. In real life situations, punching/kicking wouldn't last very long. In 99% of all fights, it will become apparent very quickly who will be dominant. The weaker fighter would not stick around to punch/kick like in the movies...he/she would run (if he/she had a brain). However, *if* the weaker person is trapped, he/she can level the playing field with skill. This is not as good as running, but basic techniques combined w/speed can foil the biggest of attackers. The 1% of time when fighters are evenly matched...that's what you see in the movies. Hope that helps, ------------------
  11. Bowowowyipeeyoyippeyay... Hey Diego...sorry I didn't make it Sat to Groove...but I sent my friend Ooana...I think you met her? I think she said that you guys headed to Pappa together... Will DEFINITELY be there Sat...you see my cru's posts above too... Actually, I will prolly see you Wed at FUN as well... Dee - hope you get better, haven't seen ya since FUN way back. Didn't get a chance to order the lights, but thanx for the info...I will do so as soon as I remember hehe...see you at Twilo... Oo - be sure to bring your hair on Sat. ------------------
  12. Hey! You left out my award! "Best At Not Being The Best At Anything" goes too....Furny! <pats self on back> AwshucksgeethanksIdidn'tthinkIwuzgoingtowinsoIdidn'tbringaspeechsoI'dliketothankmyagentmyfamilymyfriends.... ------------------
  13. Rachel! Had a great time Sat. at SF. The song at 4am that he fucked up was a the mix of Sarah McLaghlin's Silence. He REALLY train wrecked it. His set didn't get good until about 6am. Does anybody know who was playing the other little room down down stairs? It trapped me for about an hour...they were playing like soul/disco house. Anybody know if Mike was ok? He looked sick when I saw him. -Den ------------------
  14. Saturday night definitely turned out to be better than expected... Although I didn't have quite the marathon night. Started at Limelight, many heads were there: filthy_slag, ezdreamer, shadowchaser, deana_11, majestic_melodie, trippintrance, carabee, jilly, joeydollaz, aztec, miss_kittie, melichacha, myrlin, ooana (for a bit)...more? Got to SF at 4ish, and Lucie/Mike were already on stage doing their thang... BUT! Didn't see Jammy, Nikki, Monique! Where/when you guys! Mario: I had earplugs...it was loud with them on! Still, not as _good_ as Phazon... ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-15-2001).]
  15. Personally, I can vouch four Az-tec and Myrlin...they're solid in my book. *bump* ------------------
  16. Hey SarahKim...scroll up! Nah just kiddin'. Anyways, 'twas me who posted Hoboken Reporter. N E ways, Sarah is sorta right. However, in Weehawken, the buses don't run 24/7 like the PATH. Then again, when you come back at 7, 8, 9, 10am from clubbing, you'll probably be in a cab anyways...paying $20 plus tool (IF you are lucky and a good haggler) I vote for Hell's Kitchen or East Village. Brooklyn, even. Cabs back to Brooklyn are only like 12 or 15, at most 20. Lemme know if u got questions. SarahKim: Wanna meet up in Hoboken some time? (hehe, here's the part where you guess if I'm being fecisious...) ------------------
  17. Happy Birthday Chris! Hope the seas of finance are smoother than they were for Graham, John, Mike, Terry, Terry, and Eric! -Dennis ------------------
  18. Keshiki... Regular person...that's why I like it better. It would be even better if they had a club in the background or the model was dancing, etc. ------------------
  19. That little pop up window is a bit annoying...I closed it...at least it doesnt' come back... ------------------
  20. The inexpensive places in Hoboken are far from the PATH. Overall, prices in Hoboken are pretty high. If you get roomies, you can probably get a place close to the PATH...mebbe a 3bdrm for 2400. If you want a 1bdrm close to PATH, you will pay. ------------------
  21. You should def check out Hoboken b4 living there. It is nice neighborhood, but personally, I am already more than annoyed with having to pay 25 bucks for a cabride home after clubbing. Unless you want to sit in the PATH station at 4,5,6, or 7 am and wait over an hour for a friggin' train. It sux sooooooo much in the summer...it is soooooo hot in those PATH stations... Rob...where do you go to school? I guess if you are going to school in NJ, then it is worth it. I work in Manhattan, all my friends live in Manhattan, so...when my lease is up, I'm outtie. I have a 3 bdrm, btw, lease is up in July, so if 3 y'all want it, lemme know. Y'all should live together...at least you'll agree on the music... ALSO... Do NOT use a real estate agent... try www.hobokenreporter.com and use Classifieds PM me if you have any questions. ------------------ [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-11-2001).] [This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-11-2001).]
  22. Freddie: So the ears are cut off for cosmetic reasons? Hmmm...I didn't know that. Is this as bad as neutering, or worse? ------------------
  23. Hey Chasey... Thank you for taking our opinion! That is huge, that you guys even considered the opinion of "the clubbing elite" Seriously though, that shows you guys ARE actually about the content and not just trying to get circulation for circulation's sake. As far as the new cover, it definitely is an improvement. I agree with Oo that it should give the vibe of a clubbing environment...and this pic does so more than the last. So, I guess I'm happy. Maybe (don't shoot me!) a person w/the colored glasses peeps wear clubbing, glo stix, or those little photon lights? -Furny ------------------
  24. Well, we know what Andy likes...LOL Hey, you can get pretty creative with those ingredients...ever watch 9 1/2 weeks? ------------------
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