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Everything posted by joecrack13

  1. bro check out what i did...its not coming up...and how do u do it from ur harddrive...do u just put in the pathname?
  2. avoid NYC parties like the plague...why the hell do u go away if u wanna see the same jackoffs u see here?...just go to discotech or something and save the money on vegas which in my opinion is the most overrated place ive ever been to...if u dont gamble the daytime is terrible...all u can do is sit by the pool...no happy hours no good music or nothin...its better on an off weekend when u can avoid NYC people
  3. which ones??? my companies going bankrupt tomorrow so i need a joband id like to get one in a solid company...any info pleaseeeeee....i can be laid off now i have too many trips coming up...maybe ill send a resume in to the companies u guys work at if anythings appealing
  4. was it crowded?...i wouldnt figure a boat party especially on that piece of crap that hot 97 throws parties on would ever attract a Steve Lawler corwd...im pissed hes not playing at a club cause i said after seeing him in miami that i would never miss him again
  5. which one because im looking to thorw a resume into a few...im already looking at bertelsmann (german based) and Sony and AOL time warner...any info is helpful cause tomorrow i may be laid off
  6. Ur a legend bro...i actually had the opportunity to meet ya a few months ago at discotheque right before the Music Conference and u were mad cool unlike some DJ's...ur sets are always sickkk and u always represent NYC to the fullest...ill be in ibiza for Radio 1 weekend and I already saw that ur a weekly resident at Subliminal at Pacha so ull see me there on Wednesday August 13...cant freakin wait...ill wear somethin to represent NYC since theres hardly any americans on the island...continued success bro and welcome back to the States...maybe see ya out there..by the way ur bday party at Discotheque was nastyyyyyyyy (in a good way)
  7. Ill be there for the second year in a row...Radio 1 weekend Aug 8-16...once uve been there everywhere else is mediocre
  8. What other changes are u talking about cause NYC which was once the capital of dance music and clubbing is wayyyyyyyyy off now...miami is definitely in my opinion the capital of clubbing...they also have party 93 down there which kicks asssssss...we need something like a Radio 1 or Galaxy 105 like the UK has where people from all over the world listen in via the Internet...NYC has 3 of the most world renowned DJ's...if u go to Ibiza the frigin craziest party place in the world 3 names are synonomous with NYC...Danny Tenaglia, Roger Sanchez and Erick Morillo...one of those guys should get a damn radio show and put NY back on the map...KTU plays songs that real dance heads laugh at...one thing that pisses me off more than anything is why the hell is that Oscar G and Ralph Falcon (MURK) song which is called Dark Beat referred to on KTU as Addicted to Drums by Dark Beat...what the F is that all about
  9. I got my share already...i got it solely for a place to crash after neptunes cause going back to brooklyn is a pain in the ass.
  10. E Samba by Junior Jack....if anyones been to Ibiza they know that its terrace music where u would see the crowd jump through the roof on that build-up Also Shake it by Lee Cabrera...it sounds similar to the Junior Jack track
  11. Bro this is classic...just read my signature and ull know that i endorse this message 110%...SF sucks....Jonathan Peters sucks (ask anyone who knows house music) and the cornballs that go there suck (well not all)...but just to put this in perspective...when i was in Miami for WMC when u have the greatest DJs and producers from all over the world...the promoters for SF had the balls to throw an afterhours party....it was the fuckin worst thing i did all week..i didnt know it was actually those people that were throwing it cause if i did i would have left....it was filled with typical LIDS (Long Island Dicks), Jersey Juicebags and the rest of the drug addict trash that goes there every week...not to mention how wack the music was....every god damn song was some wack ass vocal track with the same beat in the back ground....ughhh im getting pissed off about it more now that im writing...im sure some jackass is gonna reply and threaten my life or say that im an ammatuer or something along those lines...please go ahead i would love to read what u all have to say....remember this is just an opinion
  12. Definitely check out Discotech Thursdays with Subliminal...Erick Morillo usually spins every 2 weeks but hes in Europe right now...either way he gets top notch talent there on Thursdays..this week hes got the MYNC project....Friday check out GBH (Great British House) at Centro Fly...Pete Tong did the Essential Mix live from there in January....its my favortie club in NYC...heres the line up for May and June...if u like Danny Krivit ull like some of the Friday lineups May 9 H-Foundation (Hippie and Halo) May 16 GBH 5 year Anniversary - Open Bar 10pm-11pm w/ Benji Candelario, Jon Cutler, Joeski and Onionz, Liquid Todd, Jeannie Hopper, Holmar Filippson, and Thomas D. May 23 Miguel Migs May 30 Gabor and special guest June 6 Laurent Garnier June 13 Dimitri from Paris
  13. anything to shorten an MP3 thats over 80 minutes...I have alot of live sets i want to burn...i need one thats compatible with Windows NT, 2000 or XP...the one on tranceaddict.com wont work with it
  14. I never can log on...anyone else having that problem or am i doing something wrong
  15. What programs does everyone use...i started with napster which was awesome, the i went to kazza which sucks...they DL quick but their selection is terrible...now i use WinMX whose selection is great but DL time is the worsssstttt....theres a live set that im still waiting from the summer to get...its retarded..u can search 1 minute and get 1 result and then u hit search again and 50 results will come up...ill never understand that so someone with insight as to how that happens...also to the people who think im stealing music...i only DL live sets from Radio shows like the Essential Mix or Kiss 100 or from particular events...also if someone can recommend a program to use that has the selection of WinMX or better and something that u dont have to wait in queue for 6 months id appreciate that as well....ive heard about IMesh and Soulseek...someone let me know
  16. first off, im pissed not for the fact that its on a Wednesday because after i saw Mr Lawler in Miami at Nerve me and my boy agreed we wouldnt miss him when he came to NY no matter what day it was on even though work the next morning would be herendous...the thing that really pisses me off is that its on a boat not to mention the paddlewheel queen of them all...the damn this is held together by duct tape....all them hot 97 niggas throw their parties on there which should give u an idea of what kinda boat ur dealing with....plus id probably yak from the motion sickness from the east river...but let me say one thing...his set was absolutely insaneeeeee at nerve during the WMC...i was planning that whole night to go to see Deep Dish and Danny Howells at Space but when i heard it was $100 i said the hell with that...instead i went to Nerve because it was the only thing i could think of...it was 6 in the morning and i was very disappointed and actually only stayed there til 7 in the morning cause thats when it closed...but in that one hour i heard one of the sickest sets ive ever heard...hes been my favorite DJ for the past year....i also which places other than Arc would book this guy so i can fuckin drink although like i said i would even go there to see him like i did last may.
  17. heres the bottom line...last year i went for the first time and if u think americans know how to party well ur mistaken big time...the europeans will outdo us at every turn...now i have so much god damn details that i cant write it all...all i can tell ya is that i was there for Radio 1 weekend last year which was the last week of july into the first week of august...we just missed peak season which is actually a good thing because if it was anymore crowded down there it wouldnt have been as good...this year im actually going for peak season from august 8-16 which is the Radio1 weekend again....let me just say 1 thing...there is a magical vibe about Ibiza that cant be topped...Miami WMC is unreal but there is just something about Ibiza that is better...as far as where to stay, Im staying in Playa d'en Bossa as well as the person who replied before me...i stayed there last year at some "family" hotel...which didnt matter cause i was barely there...but its probably the best place to stay...ur in walking distance to Space and Bora Bora which is the best day spot...also its cheaper there than it is in San Antonio and Ibiza Town...as far as the best clubs...well ill just say that my best clubbing day i ever had was on Sunday at We Love Sundays at Space in the day and then Judgement Sundays later that night...Ive never done a drug before in my life and I partied with the crackheads as late as they did just on pure excitement...boy did I pay for it the next day though...i almost fainted in Manumission from dehydration...u can avoid Manumission also...its way overrated...Im gonna stop here cause Im gettin a hardon just thinkin about Ibiza...maybe ill post again
  18. Anyone know of any live broadcast during the week of WMC beside Radio 1 of course...specifically if u can tune in on the internet...id like to hear anything from monday through thursday while i sit in my office (im leaving thursday straight from work to get over there)
  19. whats the dress code gonna be like during the WMC specifically for Underwater night?
  20. I know crobar...u cant even get in there without jeans just is there anywhere else because with the amount of walking and dancing with the factor of drunkness adding to it, shoes will just be a pain in the ass.
  21. centro fly all the way on Friday...Thursdays are great there too but if u like uplifting...Subliminal (Erick Morillos record label) throws a weekly party every thursday at Discotech on west 19th and 5th avenue...definitely check that out....GBH (great british house) is the party on Fridays at Centro Fly...always great, international, big name DJ's...if u remember about a month ago Mr Tong did the essential selection and essential mix live from Centro Fly on Radio1....unbelievable night...its definitely picked up the slack for the best goddamn club that got shut down (Twilo)
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