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Everything posted by quanto_magnus

  1. Yeah, that's the same song. It's You Don't Love Me (no, no, no) by dawn penn (written by same) ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  2. and you are...? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  3. You have been forwarned... Questions & Answers Q: What's the difference between love, true love and showing off? A: Spitting, swallowing and gargling. Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist? A: Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from. Q: What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend? A: Wiped his ass. Q: How can you tell if your wife is dead? A: The sex is the same but the dishes pile up. Q: How can you tell if you're at a bulimic bachelor party? A: The cake jumps out of the girl. Q: How do you make 5 pounds of fat look good? A: Put a nipple on it. Q: What's the difference between oral sex and anal sex? A: Oral sex makes your day, anal sex makes your hole weak. Q: How is pubic hair like parsley? A: You push it to the side before you start eating. Q: What do you do when your wife keeps coming out of the kitchen to nag at you? A: Shorten her chain. Q: What do a gynecologist and a pizza delivery boy have in common? A: They can both smell it but can't eat it. Q: How is a woman like a condom? A: Both of them spend more time in your wallet than on your dick. Q: What is the similarity between a woman and Kentucky Fried Chicken? A: By the time you've finished with the breast and thighs, all you have left is a greasy box to pop your bone in. Q: How are twisters (tornadoes) and marriage alike? A: They both begin with a lot of blowing and sucking and in the end you lose your house. Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly? A: Kick his sister in the jaw. Q: What's brown and often found in children's underpants? A: Michael Jackson's hand. Q: Why do women have two sets of lips? A: So they can piss and moan at the same time. Q: What's the difference between a bitch and a whore? A: A whore sleeps with everyone at the party and a bitch sleeps with everyone at the party except you. ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  4. Nice pics! How's things?? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  5. Jah, love mon... That's a great song. Got it on Buyaka. Great CD BTW!! GWAN! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  6. These posts are funny as hell!!! LMAO! "The get across the club while it's packed shoulder to shoulder obstacle course" Based quickest time, and/or most creative route. "How many people can you hug tonight?" For those E-lated folk The "can you maintain your little bit of dance space" - In larger crowds this can end up being a full contact sport. "I can sweat more than you can!" ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  7. Yo E, Happy B-day man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great one! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  8. I know this is really late in the day for this type of responce, but for me it's still only 2:30 or so... My office happens to be my dinning room right now, so that's not so bad.... It's a beautiful day out here too. And of course being home, I have the phatty option fully available.... How's everyone doing BTW?? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  9. Maybe you should try some Head & Shoulders shammpoo.... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  10. Cunnilingus is one of my specialties.... Although again, most of the guys will say this, because, we're supposed to, but I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove going down on a woman, or having her sit on my face! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! I could just go for hours doing that, and have... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  11. That sounds about right.... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  12. Hey there Vampie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you??? I'm here briefly. Looking out over the San Francisco Bay from my office. Been working at home a lot though, since I'm not on project.... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  13. It's a little far for me. Think you can make it any closer??? No? OK, well you guys have blackhaus shot for me!!! I miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  14. I smoked for 6 years, about a pack a day. I just quit cold-turkey...... I'm one of the lucky ones I think. ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  15. Will def check that out!! Yeah, I've heard a lot of music that's got dub influence. And you did make a good point, Mugwump, about the slower Trip Hop music exercising some dub influence. Definitely love smokin' the big doober, or bong and listening to some chill dub. Just more genres to expand my music collection in... Ack!!! it's neverending!!!! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  16. HUGH how r u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi cutie!!!! I'm doing well... Getting settled in to my new place. I bought a couch Monday, so no more sitting on the floor if I want to watch a DVD!!!! Woo Hoo!! How's life back East?? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  17. True... true... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  18. Anyone else here dig Dub music? I have some Dub the is really good. Isreal Vibration is a reggae band (I saw them a few years back, great live show!). They did an entire CD of dub that's really damn good call Dub Vibration. I also have a disc call Dub meltdown. Also very good. What started making me think of this was that I was listening to Save Ferris this morning and they are so all over the map with their music, ska, alternative, cover, and they do one song that's got some heavy Dub roots. Yeah, I know dub isn't going to get someone bounding off the walls, but I think it's great music to listen to when you're in a mellow mood, just like straight up raggae. Any thoughts, suggestions of groups I should listen to? I'm getting my DSL on April 5th, so if Napster isn't shut down by then, I hsould be able to get some more music. WooHoo!!!! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  19. Great flick! The first time I saw it was on the big screen. There used to be a theatre in downtown San Francisco that would show anime and idie's exclusiveley. Too bad the theatre got torn down.... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  20. So with different colours and with different creeds and different people have different needs... ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  21. Me too!!!! Actually it was D&B and Jungle that brought me in. I haven't listened to . Jungle much lately.... Any other suggestions?? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  22. Great flick almost watched it last night. TPS reports? Let me tell you about TPS reports.... "ummmmmm yeeeaaahh.... I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you on this one." - lumberg (or however you spell that lame fucker's name). ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  23. And this is surprizing?????? ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  24. 30 living in San Francisco kinky girls are my preference ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  25. I'd like to , but I just spent a bunch o cake for some new furniture. I have a couch!!! Woohoo!!! ------------------ Hugh email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
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