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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sorry for the lack of the column yesterday; my comp couldn't connect to the internet ! but here's today's installment: even when there is technical evidence to support otherwise, some people are set in sticking to certain beliefs. as long as they aren't hurting anyone, there is no harm in their believing anything they want. tune in tomorrow.
  2. weyes


    tequiza, are you a photographer by trade? if so, d'ya know of any photo-related work around these parts ? sorry i'm not at red to meet you tonight; i haven't been to red in a bit. do give us a review, though, 'cause dj irene is always spirited and i hear that dj rap is a hottie. i want a full report !
  3. 3 weeks to get a new cell phone??? that's ridiculous ! can't your carrier give you some kind of loaner before they give you the phone you really deserve/want? that's way too long to be without a phone.and i hear you on the gas, phobik . i hope the powers that be speed up the research on making the more energy-efficient cars more affordable. did you know shortystar has a hybrid?
  4. that is the scariest looking pussy i've ever seen .
  5. well, it turned out that the issues with my most bothersome tooth are too complicated for a dentist . i've been referred to an endodontist . nothing was accomplished yesterday. i have many visits ahead of me. but poccnr, i brush my teeth twice a day and floss nightly! it's a combo of bad genes and having teeth that are too close together .
  6. last year i hit my limit of what my insurance would pay for dental work, so they said i had to wait till 2004 till i could finish getting all the work done that i needed. that was november, and then i needed 2 fillings and 3 crowns. the tooth on which they had done a root canal a month earlier was also bothering me. now it's mid-april, and, while eating, i spend my time dodging various teeth while eating to avoid sharp pangs of pain in a number of teeth due to cold, sweets, or just pressure. owowowowow!!! tomorrow i'm going to a new dentist - one who actually comes recommended by someone i know, finally!!! i don't know what they're gonna want to do first; where does one start in a mouth like mine ? i really want to feel better, so i am glad to go, but the process of crowns involves having temporary ones for a while, and that's a sucky time. the last temporary crown i had fell out twice, once being on good friday, so i had to wait 3 days before it could get put back in (dentist with no ethics wouldn't answer his pager). i spent that long weekend eating oatmeal and lukewarm baby food. i floss, peeps, i really do; what have a done to deserve this ? let's just hope my nightmare of the other night where i had to have 2 teeth pulled doesn't come true. i should be grateful for that . wish me luck! does anyone else have such bad teeth or any interesting tooth stories?
  7. one shouldn't feel guilty for putting anyone out when being someone's guest; most times the host has just as much fun hosting as the guest does visiting. tune in tomorrow.
  8. i wish the peeps on the telenovelas were happier; they seem to spend most of their time crying, the poor dears .
  9. i have no idea who this chick is or what show she has, but she looked WAY better before those absolutely grotesque boobs landed on her. they're huge and misplaced. very sad.
  10. i wish i could say i've tasted a guy who's as fuckin' yummy as i am .
  11. watching a movie or tv show in a language one doesn't know can help one get back in tune with universal truths and feelings; so much is communicated through gestures, sounds, looks, and silences, that it's possible to know exactly what people are saying. tune in tomorrow.
  12. i don't know what any of that meant, but it sounded happy, so roll with it !
  13. i had started going out with one guy in college who had slept with a few girls i knew; when i found out, it grossed me out enough to break it off before it got off to much of a start.
  14. weyes


    i've never come during penetration, nor at the same time as a partner in any other way .
  15. tanning, to me, is a sign of ingorance and laziness. we all know now that prolonged exposure to the sun puts one at a high risk of cancer, so i don't understand why people continue to purposely put themselves in this position. and it's such a waste of time. tanning also ages people faster, and who wants to look older? so if people are faking this look, they're faking an attitude i don't respect, even though it's obviously not as bad for their health. it is, however, different if people spend a lot of time outside, wear sunscreen, and happen to tan while they're going about their daily lives. it's also true that some sun is healthy and necessary. it's really just a common sense thing. i know i'll catch flak for this one, but everyone has his/her own feelings on this. and i wouldn't not date someone because he liked to get tan on principle, but it is unlikely that i would find him attractive.
  16. we all run out of inspiration/have dry spells from time to time. they pass . tune in tomorrow.
  17. neither of those works . i've even fallen asleep while singing!
  18. i fall asleep when i'm driving sometimes - especially in slow traffic. i recently moved and my drive home is on the parking lot known as the 55 n. the only thing i can do to keep awake when driving is snack, but if i do that every day i'll end up gaining some serious pounds . do any of you have any tips on how to stay awake when driving?
  19. there is only so much control one has over what kind of people one attracts. yes, the kind of energy a person puts out has an effect on what kind of energy one will reap, but there are some people so negative, destructive, and useless for whom there can be no accounting . tune in tomorrow.
  20. where do you go to school?
  21. one shouldn't stick anything in one's ears, especially if they're oozing or dripping and hurting (teresa!) !!! ears are very delicate and should be treated as such. seek medical attention if things seem out of whack! tune in tomorrow.
  22. he did the roger rabbit for me, but when i asked him to do the running man, he ran around in a circle . and i can't get him to sit on the floor. what's so hard about that? ask him to shake a tailfeather, though; that's really cute . you guys crack me up !!!
  23. pictures say, AND MASK, a thousand words. tune in tomorrow.
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