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Everything posted by weyes

  1. calling a sick friend to check in on him or her is a nice thing to do; s/he may not call you because s/he doesn't have the energy, but would love to hear from you. tune in tomorrow.
  2. one thing i really miss about new york . ya just can't drink the tap water out here. buying water gets expensive, it's inconvenient, and i don't like bottled water as much. nyc water tastes the best!
  3. weyes


    i used to love that show - pure comedy. she had such a good fake american accent, and she always had this sort of annoyed tone in her voice, even when she was happy . and she kicked everybody's asses without breaking too much of a sweat. but most of all, she was a tall girl w/ bangs, and i love those - partly because that's what i am, and partly because that's who i usually am for halloween ('cause it's easy) . so i'm gonna put up my pic of me as her back in the day, even though i've put it up before (sorry for those who've seen it ). yay for xena!!!
  4. weyes

    Sex in a pool

    of course having sex in a pool does not keep you from getting pregnant. and what do you mean by "i can't use birth control"? does that just mean that it confuses you?
  5. thanks, all ! more input is always welcomed, if you have any. but magellan, having a cell will really be helpful for me. being from the east coast, it's not often that i get to talk to my family, 'cause we're not home at the same times. that doesn't mean, however, that we don't have breaks during the day when we could talk. and when i get lost, it'd be nice to have. when i'm meeting people in crowded places and can't find them for the life of me (it's happened a couple of times), it'd be useful to have a phone instead of finding a pay phone that doesn't work anyway... i've been lucky to be near strangers that were kind enough to let me use their phones, and this has happened more than once! and i am worried that i'll break down on the freeway by myself and have no way to get help (especially in the fast lane). of course, many years ago, no one had cell phones, and we all survived. but they can be a convenience - you just have to work at it.
  6. ok, yeah - let's decide on the place. but are you insinuating that getting to know us all would put you to sleep ? i'm hurt .seriously, i hate loud places where you have to ask people to repeat themselves all the time. and i have hearing issues, as well. i'm sorry i don't know of many places and can't come up with a better one, but i'm sure someone can think of something that's fun but that doesn't require that we shout or repeat ourselves. p.s. sorry for anyone i forgot to mention; it's totally not personal ! the ol' brain is not what it used to be!!!
  7. don't even get me started on new york v. l.a.;we've seen that topic too many times and i, personally will go on too long about it . i'm from new york originally and i live here, so you figure it out ! but, as i say to everyone, spundae, spundae, spundae!!! if you want a bigger club with a vibe that is unmatched, anywhere, that's your place . good djs, too, though avalon has been pulling in better ones, lately . i don't like avalon, so that's a shame. but check out spundae: www.spundae.com
  8. driving without glasses on when one is supposed to is dangerous not only because it impairs one's vision, but also because it can cause sleepiness. tune in tomorrow.
  9. i vote strongly against a loud place - i believe lava lounge is more of a loud bar-type place. how's 'bout if we go someplace that's hip and fun but where we can actually meet each other and hear each other talk? someplace where we could get a nibble to eat if we want. and where they'll let us hang around for a while . also, a place that'll let anotherway in legally would make us breathe a little easier . also, i'll pm those people you mentioned when we have a date, time and place set, as well as some others: sim01 alex90028 sandiegino
  10. when did you get your name back? i e-mailed DaVe about it for the third time about 2 weeks ago (but through cp e-mail for the first time instead of through pms), but he never got back to me. did you meet him in miami and persuade him to get on it then ? congrats, anyway, and i'm sorry i couldn't have been more effective .
  11. sometimes AIMing just won't cut it; listening to a friend's voice can do someone a lot of good . tune in tomorrow.
  12. aww - thanks .i'm just feeling so stressed, with the move and all this uncertainty... the job i have now is in santa monica, which is a long ways from orange (and that's beside the fact that i don't wanna work where i do anymore ). my soon-to-be roommate keeps telling me i should ask for a transfer to a store down by orange, but i don't want to do that if i'm gonna get hired by his company, and i feel like asking for a transfer would jinx that somehow ... too much is up in the air; i'm not good in situations like this .
  13. why don't you shove it up your ass ? thanks, gloria steinem
  14. we've had threads on that, but very few people know about that subject; even those in the medical profession. it's hardly been studied. it's a shame; it should be talked about in the open.
  15. thanks, deepfunk .
  16. went to the gyno today and was slathered with k-y before my exam . i hate that goop . i'm SO glad i don't need any lube during sex !!!
  17. there isn't a time and a place for everything. tune in tomorrow.
  18. weyes

    memeber me.

    ok, this needs its own thread .but blue has a serious point about peeps showing up and knowing how to recognize each other!!! last time, alex said he was there, but the rest of us never found him, and i got so insanely lost that i pretty much missed the meetup (sorry again, you guys !). i felt soooooo bad . plus, weho is the worst neighborhood if you ever want to find a place to park. i'll start us our own thread, but someone has to choose a location BEFORE we pick a date, because picking a date at the last minute is a recipe for disaster. link to follow...
  19. thanks. yeah, i should - i'm not sure whom to... two people interviewed me at the same time, but i got the feeling that hr peeps are doing the hiring at the end. i really dunno ... i guess i should go to one of the interviewers... which do you think is better, call or e-mail?
  20. happy birthday, darrell; hope you and sugar have a good one !!!!!!!
  21. if you don't wanna tell her the truth: that you're scared of getting her pregnant without using condoms - even if she were on the pill - you have to give another good reason. i think it's weird for a girl to be the one who wants to have sex without condoms before the guy wants to, but maybe i'm just cynical... i absolutely don't mean to imply that she wants to get pregnant just to pull you in.but you have to tell her something. maybe that birth control pills need to be taken at the same time of day every day and that she can't skip them, so you know they're not foolproof - something like that... i dunno - think of something better, if you want, but something.
  22. what'chu talkin' bout, foo'? no girl can resist "the swan..." mmmmmmm... me likes 'em young...
  23. ah, yes. i won't go into details, 'cause he's not worth it, but someone's been trying to start drama on our forum while everyone's been in miami. i suppose it may be shocking to some that we are drama-free over here .
  24. weyes

    Wmc ?

    i wanna see a "back from miami" thread; i missed you guys !!!
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