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Everything posted by weyes

  1. a nap taken towards the end of the day can easily keep any errands/chores from getting done once one wakes up. there's a kind of languid laziness that can somehow creep up and make one think, "i can do this tomorrow." if possible, it's best to do the errand first, or, best yet, don't nap at night, but just go to bed early . tune in tomorrow.
  2. i'm hitting up ferry corsten and tom stephan at spundae; i hope my visiting, out-of-town brother won't wanna leave early 'cause his back hurts or any of another number of excuses... he always says he wants to go out, then says he doesn't like the music, but tries to disguise that at first by complaining about pain in some body part . and i'm kinda mad at the friend that's going with us ... all around, i'm trying my best to put a positive spin on it all and let the night be as great and fun as it can (it really can) be . p.s. o, and i'd like to hit recovery, too .
  3. do you know of any research done with lsd in psychiatry? sounds interesting - i'm curious to know.
  4. pederasts are not just homosexual men, they're men who fuck little boys in the ass. thought you needed the clarification .
  5. o, and x, don't let lack of people on the board stop you from whoring. just talk to yourself. i do it all the time on the l.a. board. sigh.
  6. i've been having trouble loading pages, too; been getting a lot of "page requested not found." is that what you're talking about?
  7. weyes

    Sarah Silverman

    what has she done lately ?
  8. i ended up going to el cholo, on western between pico and olympic somewhere. three people recommended it to me, so i figured it was the place to go ! it was a really pretty, cozy place, even though it was big. we got a booth right next to fireplace with a toasty fire goin' on . the prices were reasonable and the food was so good ... the place has been there for 80 years or so, and i can see why . i highly recommend it!!!
  9. it can be very hard to deal with pre-existing relationships that you think are having a negative impact on your friends, especially when the people involved in these relationships have been friends with your friend for a much longer time than you have. often, this person that you find hurtful to your friend in some way (mistreats him/her, puts him/her down, etc.) has been in your new friend's life for years and is only still around out of habit; your friend may not realize that dynamics in the relationship have changed and that it's now destructive and unhealthy. in cases like this, suggesting to your friend that he/she re-evaluate what this old "friend" does for him/her may only make your new friend defensive and mad. after all, they may have some great memories together, which, although in the past, may overshadow the present - at least for now. the only thing to do is not harp on it. pointing out that you don't like the way the old "friend" treats him/her a couple of times is ok, because, hey, you care, and that's gonna come out. but mostly, this is something your friend has to learn for his/herself, and will, as the situation can't last the way it is for very long. tune in tomorrow.
  10. which version of "rapture" do you have? i have nine, i think, but the one for which i've been searching since july, 2001 (literally) has been impossible to find, except for on the 'net. and the copy that i did download has a teeny scratch sound in it. i forget what the running time is - i could look up my copy and write that - but it's got the last verse in it; it wasn't cut out, like in most versions ("since we connect behind closed doors..."). anyway, please elaborate !
  11. hmmm. will you send her your picture ? harumph. it's rude to not reciprocate, y'know .
  12. why is he such a what? the only word i can think of that's close to that is "pederast," which, i hope, is not what you mean (it seems irrelevant, so i'm pretty sure that's not what you're getting at)...
  13. my brother came out here to l.a. from nyc, and it rained 2 days while he's been here, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow. it hasn't rained in months and it was so cold last night that i slept in my flannel jammies. this shit only happens when my family and friends visit ; i always say, "come visit in the winter! it's so beautiful!" and then the weather pulls a "rare" on us. so unfair.
  14. weyes

    lol Christina's gut

    once again, a very poor choice of outfit , but she is still a healthy size. she has just finally become a woman and outgrown her girlish skinniness. even those women here who aren't exactly "curvy" know what i mean; when you hit her age (if you have, that is) your figure changes in a few ways - it's only natural. i entered college at age 17 as a 34b and graduated at 21 with a 36d. i miss not fitting into some things, but boobs are nice (i always had an ass ). christina is now 21.
  15. yes, they are both at spundae on saturday . i bought my tix a while ago, as my omniscient friend is a big ferry corsten fan, and my brother who's visiting from out-of-town wanted to go out dancing with me.but i swear, if ferry drops u2's "new year's day," i will lose it ...
  16. when going on a day trip with an out-of-towner (another column on the visitor theme), it's best to be open-minded and adaptable. if something's running late, there's always something else that can be done first instead. a little flexibility and spontaneity can save mostly-planned outings from being stressful . tune in tomorrow.
  17. my bro's gotta be at lax at 1pm, so he won't be able to make it . i really, really wanna try and get there this weekend . is this an all-outdoor event? partial? what should i wear in terms of comfort, temperature-wise? (i'm assuming it's also wear what ya want, yes?)
  18. ooo ooo ooo - lemme know when you find out...
  19. this actually came to me after watching a lakers game and seeing shaq chew like a cow. it reminded me of sue, my grade and junior high shcool gym teacher, who always made us spit out our gum, and i always thought she was on the money with that .
  20. when entertaining and/or hosting guests from out-of-town, it's nice to do a little thinking about what they might like to see, that they can't see at home. one of the greatest parts of traveling is the new things one sees and learns from other cultures and areas of the world . tune in tomorrow.
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