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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    why i she sooo HOT

    i don't like the longer hair - kinda trashy... but female athletes are dope; it's so great when they get through those tough odds and actually make it !!! she reminds me a little of the lead singer (natalie) of dixie chicks.
  2. it may sound silly, but since i've moved away from home and my 9-year-old half sister and no longer have female roommates, i miss braiding people's hair (besides my own) . one of my roommates in college had me french braid her hair every morning; i miss the sisterhood, both between my actual sister and me and my friends and me :( .
  3. welcome back to insomnia week! going to bed and waking up at the same time every night/day can help one's body establish an inner clock. one easy way to set a time as a limit for yourself is to make yourself go to bed after a particular tv show . tune in tomorrow.
  4. took the words right outta my mouth !!!
  5. yeah, um ... i was wondering about that smiley...i have a broad range of tastes, mostly many different types of house (from vapid and vocal to dark and progressive) and trance (jungle makes me short circuit and d-n-b makes me anxious). i couldn't even begin to go into it all . i generally go to spundae and red, and to the occasional giant event, although giant's decision to make the palace their new home may leave me no choice but to stop attending their nights .
  6. naughtybabe is right; i don't know what kind of ladies you guys have had the misfortune of running across, but there really isn't anything to proper pussy hygiene that's any different from what you guys do. washing up with good ol' soap and water is all that's really required .douching is actually unhealthy; it flushes bacteria and other foreign substances up inside. all of the gynecologists i've ever had have told me not to douche. and magellanmax, you're on the right track; the douche companies just feed on women's insecurities to get their product sold.
  7. weyes

    Bad Ass Dolls lol

    i couldn't get them to play . what do i do after clicking the links to their quotes?
  8. weyes


    i dropped my last name and go by my middle name, which was my grandmother on my mother's side's last name . that makes me the only one in the family living with that name. (there were five kids, including my grandma: 4 women and 1 man. the man had one daughter, so the name didn't get passed on.) i just practically drew you guys a tree .
  9. weyes

    why i she sooo HOT

    thehype, i've wondered for a while who the girl in your sig is. is she a relative, a friend, or someone you think is hot? is she dead or alive? (i'm serious with all these questions - not sarcastic at all .)
  10. one of my best friends in high school started treating me really disrespectfully suddenly at some point in senior year. he was really intrusive, possessive, and always wanted me to tell him all about my past, present, and future without any reciprocation on his part. i asked my very best friend (a girl) why he had started to treat me this way, and she said it was obvious --- that he had fallen for me. it turned out to be true, but his treating me so badly as a result of the feelings of "love" he had for me made it impossible for us to even speak after i confronted him with the problem .
  11. welcome back to insomnia week! all right, here's a technique my brother recommends: tense up your entire body, then slowly relax each muscle, one-at-a-time. do this carefully, so that you're aware of each part of your body. he says this works for him because it makes his body feel more relaxed than when he started, and a little tired, too . tune in tomorrow.
  12. do you, personally, have this book?
  13. i have the cd single; if someone who's more computer-literate could tell me how to e-mail that to you, i will . otherwise, pm me and i could mail you a copy . o, and i think a cd review section would be dope !!!
  14. sure, i won't mind calling it a day! continuing an interaction with someone who has so many issues with spelling and grammar really is quite tiring, and materialism is very unattractive; i don't care to look at it anymore.
  15. don't wanna sound mean or negative, but i think quoth has already overshadowed anything that could possibly be said in the rest of this thread.it seems to me that the first 3 comments very well could've been compliments to butter you up so that he could throw in the "anal" suggestion, seeing as most girls need convincing for that. and the question of whether or not you came seemed more a self-congratulatory statement about how fantastic his dick is. guys who really care if you come care during sex, not after.
  16. two things, marcid, 1) i've found that most gay men have a thing about breasts. i have a co-worker who won't stop talking about mine; he pretty much makes a joke up every day , i.e. "your jugs are so big you get job offers from sparkletts."* and 2) you can't play an april fool's day joke on march 31st, cheater ! * sparkletts bottles water cooler water.
  17. check out my "paul van dyk and adrien brody: separated at birth?" thread: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=154160
  18. that's the weirdest april fool's day gag i've ever heard .
  19. that's not nice, lalate ! ugly people need some partyin' too! where are they supposed to hang out?
  20. welcome back to insomnia week! ok, another old standby. a method to get to sleep that's so successful there's a smiley for it - reading: . short stories work well, chapter books, too. novels can be annoying when they don't have short natural stopping points, but it's all good, really . light reading is the best, not challenging, overly emotional, or scary work that'll be disturbing. then, of course, there's being read to, which is always nice ...
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