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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i know this forum is for postwhoring, but i still think we should read each other's posts. too often, people's posts prove that they haven't read the previous ones (i.e. someone writing the same joke, giving the same answer to the same question a day later). i think it's disrespectful to post without giving other people the respect of reading what they've written first.
  2. there wasn't anything to which i could respond at the time and this is "the last word." you've got it, so say whatever you want !expect you don't have it, sucka; i do !!! so i'ma gonna say what'sa onna my minda: chocolate!!! and thanks for the offer, reeni, but you're not the kind i'm looking for .
  3. that has not been my experience at all. in all the circles in which i've traveled (good/bad, fun/not, younger/now), women are mostly expected to suck dick, and are lucky if they get guys that go down. the only friend i know who hasn't had this experience actually says that everyone with whom she's ever had sex (and that's a lot of guys) has gone down on her too. all of these guys were latino, and her theory is that latino guys like to eat box . i dunno if there's anything to that ...
  4. weyes

    WHat about VIrgins

    i don't buy what you're saying - not just 'cause sex is a lot more than physical, for me, but because virgins don't know what they're doing. my first time i felt awkward as hell; i don't think my pussy being tight made up for that . the guy didn't give a shit, i can tell you that, but that's another story .
  5. i would definitely live with the person first. some people just can't live together, and it's best to find out if you fit in that category before you commit to a relationship that'll end up being either miserable or broken-up.
  6. weyes

    what makes u cum

    i'd think that, after a while, it becomes a psychosomatic thing. if you have in your mind that you won't be able to come, while someone's going down on you, you'll block yourself from doing it. my mind has kept me from reaching orgasm before. perhaps, if you went into it really believing that it's possible, it could happen .
  7. weyes

    Hair on women

    even i'll concede that that's not as bad as shaving one's arms. i thought only freaky juicehead guys do that .
  8. know your rights. education is one of the doorways to the hall of justice . tune in tomorrow.
  9. especially when going to the gynecologist .
  10. it still creeps me out whenever i read that people i know were born in the 80s or after. it just sounds weird - like it just happened recently. does anyone know what i mean - how some years just sound like they weren't very far ago, even if 20 years have passed? my half-sister was born in '93, and i still can't wrap my mind around this girl who's now ten being the same one as the baby when i was in high school. time's just a bewildering mess. i hope i didn't confuse everyone with this ...
  11. ya coulda made this a poll . but fruit, definitely. which veggies do you like, cody, and how do you cook them, if you do?
  12. i knew that's what they were gonna call me! "unique, trippy, out-there - or something like that.": (seriously, people, it's the "out-there" part with which i thought they'd label me; i'm not trying to go on about uniqueness .)
  13. weyes

    Hair on women

    are there women who actually shave their arms?
  14. 25, and have never shaved it, don't think i ever will. and the hair on my head is thick and curly .
  15. when going to the doctor's office, it can be a good idea to bring your concerns with you on a little scrap of paper as a reminder. chances are, it was a pain in the ass to get the appointment for whatever it is, and leaving without having all your questions answered/issues addressed is a waste of everyone's time and money. and doctors can try to rush people out of their offices, so it's important that you make sure to get everything dealt with. tune in tomorrow.
  16. most people don't do the "learning" or "listening" parts when it comes to religious debates . that's where elementx's desired conflict comes in .
  17. thanks so much for the update, detbasshead!!! it's amazing how the rave act keeps getting rehashed. there are so many better things on which the government should be focusing . what a waste of everyone's time and money; i really don't have to go on about that . (apathy, though, is a bad thing. apathy means a lack of concern .)
  18. i'll refer you to the sticky topic always at the top of the l.a. forum: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874 almost everything about l.a. nightlife is covered in there . and if you have any more specific questions, though almost everything is covered, post them there. lalate can also probably answer them .
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