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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    midget christina

    that pic is disturbing .
  2. yeah, i'm about 6 hours from sf . would you be able to get down here? what brings you out west? i don't remember on what day of the week it is that spundae throws its party in sf, but you should check it out at www.spundae.com . i also don't know who'll be there . but spundae rules ! keep us posted; it'd be great to see you again !!!
  3. weyes

    i love you

    you may know more about me than i think you do, or have just fallen in love with my fabulous smileys . who am i to say that you do or do not love me? i don't know you well enough to say that you're using the word in a cavalier fashion .
  4. i like that idea . one woman recently shot black and white by mistake and threw a fit when she picked up her pictures. "omigod!!! can't you just push a button and make them color???" <--- with all the allowances for name-changing around here lately, i don't think DaVe'd mind transferring that precious post count .
  5. black cats get such a bad rap, poor things . i think everyone's just jealous 'cause they're too sexy for their fur.
  6. weyes

    i love you

    hearing that has never made me frown, and i'm not scared of it at all. i am very much into open communication, and i don't want anyone in my life to feel afraid of telling me anything, and loving me is included. i would also like to think that i can tell anyone in my life that i love him/her without it being misunderstood or frightening. it seems to me that, if i say that and it scares the other person, something is wrong with the relationship. the only time it can be misconstrued is when i love my male friends in a non-romantic way and they interpret it otherwise, but i don't think that's happened. right now i love a guy in my life very much, but thinking of doing anything romantic/sexual with him is a yucky thought, to say the least (no offense) ! he's gay anyway, so i'm not afraid of things ever getting confused between us. that makes it all very wonderfully comfortable. i do, however, hate when people just throw the word, "love" out casually. it means a great deal to me, and i only say it to people i really do love. i don't love all of my friends, i don't even love everyone in my family. for me, it's a very strong bond. when people cheapen the word, it really gets to me .
  7. :rofl: :rofl: seriously, guys, this is too damn funny !!!
  8. literally speaking, there is more than one way to get somewhere, and there's no "right" way or "wrong" way; each one serves a different purpose. it's good to know more than one way to every destination, just in case something unexpected blocks off your route. tune in tomorrow .
  9. sure ! (people write some crazy shit here ... i guess i'm included in those people, so i shouldn't talk...)
  10. are you saying that this is served in restaurants and whatnot, and not just practiced at home ? a key part of poutine, though, is that the gravy is already a part of it, so it's more "a bowl of mushy fries" than "fries that one puts gravy on." it's almost as though fries are just an equally-important ingredient and not the main attraction (where's the shrugging smiley when ya need him?).
  11. my mom, back in nyc, never (and i really mean never) goes to the car wash; she figures it rains enough to make it unnecessary .
  12. i'm too damn lazy to get my car washed .
  13. i've gained some weight . today an old lady came into my store and said, "i forgot my glasses and can't see well enough... could you please put my film in my camera for me?" i was putting the film in the camera when she squinted at me and said, "are you going to have a baby?" 'k, guess i've gotta do something about the belly i've gotten, but i do not look pregnant, little old lady who forgot her glasses. how rude !!! i wish i could afford to go on the "club diet," if ya know what i mean .
  14. mozzarella, huh? i don't think i've ever seen that done. and honey mustard doesn't sound good to me, mystify . also, if she can't eat fries w/out it, she must miss out on fries a lot of the time! in quebec there's something called poutine: french fries covered in brown gravy and melted swiss . the fries get mushy and yummy . when i was last there, i made sure to have it every day, and it wasn't hard, 'cause it was everywhere. hey, no one mentioned chili fries!
  15. everyone should have some cathartic outlet - a (usually artistic, but not necessarily) way to rid themselves of bad feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, etc. whether it's by writing, dancing, gardening, or whatever, everyone needs a way, and a healthy one, to send these feelings outta town . tune in tomorrow.
  16. as long as you don't get paid in "danny money" .
  17. my exercise plan mostly consists of pacing back and forth all day (on my feet for eight hours) and jibba-jabbering. i've got callouses on my feet, but my lips are ripped !
  18. i think it's ridiculous that abc is trying to make us think that they went into this endeavor with an open mind. they had him pegged as an evil child-molestor before they'd even said a word to him. i was disturbed more by what the interviewer said (i didn't care to catch his name ) than by what michael did. it's not fair for the interviewer to say that the nanny should've taken the kids to the zoo without michael just because michael's famous; that's outrageous. any man should be allowed to take his children out for an outing; michael jackson is not a villain because he wants to be there when his children grow up and have fun with them. i turned on the show expecting to just hear michael deny that he had plastic surgery, which i think is a crock. but what i found was a witch hunt with which, frankly, i don't think we need to be wasting our time. he can lead his life, and we should go on living ours.
  19. nick warren is gonna be out here at spundae on saturday . i listened to paul johnson's live at ibiza and snippets of the new "party" station, 103.1.
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