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Everything posted by weyes

  1. yes - it's very important to know who and what is worthy of one's trust.
  2. this thread has all the necessary links within it: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=127619 have fun !
  3. never seen or heard of mutsus, gmc. do they grow in the u.s.? and i don't know yours, either, spragga . and danamdkny, i've found that the red and yellow delicious are more likely to be mushy than others. too bad, 'cause they're the ones that are so sweet. i used to like them, but got so sick of mealy apples that i switched. my pick is fuji . (in film, too !)
  4. i am always myself, but i don't write about the sadness.
  5. weyes

    What turns you on?

    things that turn me on, some necessary, some not: sincerity intelligent creative talent wit/cleverness intelligence openness knowledge of self good dancer (doesn't everyone on cp think so ?) when he bites my lip during kissing meow... good arms square shoulders ability to sing (it's so rare these days !)
  6. weyes

    Pop Quiz...

    once again, this is one of those internet tests where most of the possible choices for answers didn't fit. and i know this one's results are off 'cause the one sign that i really know about is leo, 'cause i i have a history of very close relationships with them and then terrible falling outs. leos and i don't mix. i'm also not the "fast and passionate type" who can't commit; i'm all about commitment and love and all that good stuff. i hereby deem this test caca ! but here are my results, anyway. ---------------------------------- You scored 41.7% Fire You scored 25% Air You scored 16.7% Earth You scored 16.7% Water
  7. so, dennis quaid came into the store at which i work, and the same co-worker who helped anna nicole smith happened to be nearest to him, to help him out. i've thought he was fine ever since "great balls of fire," which was a good time ago and i saw in the theater, so that would mean i was pretty damn young and that's been a long time that i've been thinking he was fine . anycrap, this kid with whom i work didn't recognize him, and carded him when he was buying his minolta dimage x with a credit card. first of all, it's unreal that juan (my co-worker) doesn't recognize these people. after quaid left, juan realized who he was and remarked upon how good "the rookie" was, but i would've enjoyed discussing that crappy camera with him more than juan did. and he's aged well :aright: . but secondly, celebs spend $ like it's nothing, and that means commission and sometimes bonuses on special cameras, especially the shitty ones that famous people always insist on buying. if people come in without a clue of what to buy, i recommend the cameras i like best, and those don't have bonuses, 'cause they have enough merit to sell themselves more than the bonused ones. but dennis quaid was shorter than i thought he'd be. (i was wearing boots, so i was taller, but i guess that would've made him about my height.) it seems almost every celebrity is shorter than i would've figured, except anna nicole .
  8. believe, even as an adult, that there is a difference between trust and naivete. tune in tomorrow.
  9. it is definitely 21 and over. sorry, sassa .
  10. weyes

    where's gmc?

    fuck that noise; go to ucla !!!
  11. alice in wonderland, by far . it's the only disney movie in which the female lead has not needed a man either to save her or to complete her (or both). not only was alice brave and independent, but she was inquisitive, too, and was a better role model for kids than all the helpless losers like snow white and cinderella. and besides all that, alice in wonderland is just a dope story. i love lewis carroll in general, but i think that disney did a good job with this tale (some of through the looking glass is in there, too). the characters in the movie have good character development, and are different and more interesting than the usual types of disney standbys. i love the tea party - very well-done . people have said for a long time that alice in wonderland was based on drug-induced experiences/feelings. i dunno, but if you purposely think about the movie as a journey on some psychedelic, a lot of it seems to reference that kind of an experience metaphorically. that's my pick :aright: !
  12. just curious, 'cause my roommate bought a granny smith the other day, then freaked out 'cause it was tart. i told him that that's how granny smiths are, but he said that apples shouldn't be tart . leads me to wonder, what's everyone's fave? and if it's not one of my choices, please write in .
  13. everyone just "be"s at a different pace. don't be afraid to go yours . tune in tomorrow. * waxing philosphical today .
  14. you're narcing up the wrong tree! narc, narc, narc, aaaawoooooo!!!
  15. o - i was just abbreviating "east coast boogiemen." sorry !
  16. uh-oh... you're gonna try the s'mores ? who was it who wrote a manifesto on the horrors of the s'mores tarts, again? careful, my son .
  17. i've never had cola stain anything. in my experience, it comes right out. but, as you said, you should try to get it right away. but here are two laundry miracles, people: #1) zout (not shout). a pre-treater that seriously attacks almost anything, even set-in stains . it comes in a white bottle. and just this week, something navy ran onto two of my white t-shirts (they were screenprinted, that's why i cared so much. one was my mom's from the 80s). i went straight to the drugstore and bought rit's dye remover (rit is the company that also makes fabric dye), and heated it up on the stove while my stained shirts were still wet from the wash. the box recommended that one cook the shirts for 10 to 30 mins., but i stirred them in there for about a minute, maybe less, and the dye was gone ! not only that, but my screenprint was unharmed. unfortunately, it removes all dye, so it would wreck your colored shirts, should something run on those. but it was a wonderful save, the other night.
  18. weyes

    where's gmc?

    rock on to the first, and i hear you on that last statement .
  19. yeah, not during straight-out sex, but otherwise, yes. or, what exactly do you mean by that? how far apart do they have to be? by myself i can get them hella close together , but a guy has yet to do them nearly that close together. (i suppose it doesn't matter, though, since the answer is yes ...)
  20. i have a friend who was deaf till he was 3 'cause of water in his ears. he's just fine now!
  21. the mach 3 has a pivot head, right? lots of razors have pivot heads these days, which makes me wonder if i should switch (for shaving my legs), but it always seemed to me that that would be more dangerous around the knees . and thanks, irenegade, for not having a double-standard .
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